Research Areas

The UW iSchool conducts meaningful and rigorous research examining the relationships between people, information and technology. Our research efforts are highly interdisciplinary, allowing us to respond to significant, real-world challenges and make a difference in the lives of individuals and communities. Ongoing work focuses in the following areas:
Data Science
Identifying, analyzing, visualizing and securing data to advance responsible data-driven decision making, innovation, policy, and social good. Fields of study include: machine learning; visualization; social networks; data curation; open data.
Digital Youth
Understanding, supporting and enhancing the interactions of youth with digital information and technology. Fields of study include: digital media and learning; STEM learning; child-computer interaction; information literacy.
Health and Well-Being
Finding, using and managing information to promote public health. Fields of study include: health informatics; Native health; assistive technology.
Human-Computer Interaction
Making technology easier to use and content more accessible. Fields of study include: user experience; design theory and methods; technology for social good.
Indigenous Knowledge
Studying the intersection of information, technology, and Native communities. Fields of study include: material culture; cultural heritage; museum studies.
Information and Society
Promoting digital inclusion and empowering people through access to information and its ethical use. Fields of study include: information policy; ethics; diversity and inclusion; critical information studies; technology and social change; information and communication technology for development.
Learning Sciences
Developing independent and smarter users and producers of information. Fields of study include: informal learning; digital literacy; museum studies.
Library and Information Science
Developing systems and services for the collection, organization, preservation, access, and use of information, and promotion of information literacy through instruction and expertise. Fields of study include: future of libraries; youth services; information literacy; data services; metadata.
Sociotechnical Information Systems
Leveraging information assets and systems to meet the strategic goals of organizations and needs of users. Fields of study include: information systems; design theory and methods; computer supported cooperative work; social media; gaming.