
iSchool Capstone


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In Seattle, many youth and young adults experiencing unstable housing rely on their case managers to help them through periods of adversity. However, the lack of a centralized platform for collaboration hinders this process for both sides. Milestone empowers youth and young adults to navigate the path toward stability by providing a single point of contact and cooperation with their case managers. By integrating messaging and the creation of goal plans into a single platform, youth and young adults can work with their case managers to achieve success, one milestone at a time.
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Mimo - An Ambient Voice Assistant Crafted for Older Adults

The population of older adults in America is increasing faster than ever, and over 90% of them are choosing to live alone. Getting older and living alone contribute to creating significant health and technical barriers. Mimo adds an ambient personal assistant to their lives that they can always talk to. Mimo creates an environment of companionship and empowers people to do more with their voice, like understanding their health, being informed about their schedule, and harnessing key skills to enrich their life. Created with love using a RaspberryPi, Amazon Alexa, and a display that enhances your voice first experience.
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MISO: A Database for the Musical Instruments of the Seattle Opera

MISO (Musical Instruments of the Seattle Opera) is a Microsoft Access database designed to track the Seattle Operaā€™s instrument collection. Before MISO, instruments were tracked using several spreadsheets that were inconsistent and difficult to update. The Seattle Opera realized it needed a better system when a cimbasso went missing. After a frantic search, it was discovered that the cimbasso was never missing - it had been in the Seattle Operaā€™s library all along. With MISO, all relevant instrument information, including location, current user and technical specifications are all combined into one location, ensuring that no instrument is lost.
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Mito, derived from Latin for ā€œgiving with easeā€, provides a social platform that lets users purchase products online to send to each other without exchanging physical addresses. Our solution offers a seamless process for buying goods for recipients while protecting usersā€™ address information at all cost. A transaction on Mito no longer requires users to share their private address with one another.
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Mobile Makerspace for CES

With the need for teachers to focus on the common core there isnā€™t enough time in the day to plan multiple lessons to put these concepts into a real world context. In order to provide educator support I conducted teacher surveys to identify areas of STEAM curriculum where they need support. As a result Iā€™ve created a Mobile Makerspace for Coupeville Elementary School. This Mobile Makerspace includes 30-45 minute STEAM lessons and all the materials needed to turn any classroom into a makerspace. This Mobile Makerspace not only supports the teachers but most importantly, it benefits the students.
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Multilingual Video Game Genre Taxonomy

This project is a multilingual taxonomy (currently English, German, and Japanese) of video game genres, including gameplay and narrative genres. It consists of a multilingual equivalency table, hierarchical schedules, and alphabetical schedules. The purpose of the taxonomy is to create an international standard for describing video game genres. This document aids in the indexing and searching of video game records designed with the Video Game Metadata Schema by providing a robust multilingual controlled vocabulary. This project was sponsored by the iSchool's GAMER Group and created with data from Germany's Computerspielemuseum and Japan's Ritsumeikan University Center for Game Studies.
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Muse Museum

My project is a business proposal for a non-profit childrenā€™s center named the Muse Museum. This museum would combine the skills of childrenā€™s museums, libraries, and art galleries in a whimsical and fun way. I would want this place to be interactive for children to explore literacy and art, make a mess, and begin to understand the true power of their emotions and of storytelling. Another key component of this project is to address the adverse effects of trauma, by having classes for parents and guardians on subjects like parenting best practices and mindfulness.
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High costs and unreliable infrastructure in Ghana make accessing the internet challenging for its citizens. Our team has re-designed the front-end user interface and information architecture for Asanka, an offline content management system (CMS) that allows educators to store and share information. To improve the user experience, our team has modified the existing architecture to build a teacher-centric CMS. Our redesigned interface allows teachers and administrators to better organize and access content for education. By placing the teacher at the center of Asanka we hope to further inspire the use of technology in classrooms in Ghana.
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Farmers markets often have produce at the end of the day that cannot be sold, either due to visual imperfections or overproduction, which contributes to food waste. Volunteers from non-profit organizations rescue food from farmers markets, but this process is inconsistent due to ineffective communication between volunteers and vendors. NextBite is a mobile application that streamlines the donation process by allowing vendors to create donation listings to inform volunteers about the availability of surplus food. Volunteers can then rescue and redistribute these donations to non-profit organizations in the Seattle area.
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Nuts and Bolts of Scholarly Publishing Workshop Series

Although most scholars must ā€˜publish or perish,ā€™ graduate students and junior faculty members often receive minimal guidance on the publication process beyond ad hoc support from advisors. To provide a formal channel through which researchers can gain confidence in approaching scholarly publishing, we developed a workshop series to provide guidance around publication of an article in an academic journal. Two complementary workshops, one focused on journal selection and the other on publishing agreements, introduce open access and authorsā€™ rights concepts while addressing common concerns and offering practical advice for navigating the publishing process from start to finish.