
iSchool Capstone


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Activist and Artist: Planning & Envisioning Selma Waldman Collection

Our project was twofold. First, we finished processing the Selma Waldman collection for the Special Collections Department at Seattle Public Library. Waldman was a local artist and political activist who left her extensive paperwork, marginalia, and correspondence to the library. The majority of the collection had been processed previously, but we still needed to finish the last few boxes and cross-reference our findings with the preliminary finding aid. Next, we designed an exhibit for SPL to use in the future. Using SmartDraw we came up with a design to showcase Waldman’s art and activism for the public.
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We set out to address the problem of forgetfulness the stress that comes with it. We built a hub that connects with smart home devices. It learns from your interactions and notifies you with actionable reminders. If you leave a light on and we predict that it should we off, we will send you a notification and let your turn the light off from your phone. Our project makes a difference because it allows people to go about their lives without the constant worry that they forgot to do something.
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AspenCat Cleanup

The Colorado Library Consortium (CLiC) is an organization that supports libraries statewide. CLiC’s AspenCat Union Catalog allows over 100 small and rural libraries to share resources. Small libraries often cannot devote lots of time to work on their catalogs and only twelve CLiC staff serve all of Colorado. That’s where I came in. At time of submission, I had examined over 600 brief and duplicate catalog records—over 400 of which I resolved by merging and/or overlaying. After supporting CLiC staff at cataloging trainings, on May 15 I traveled to Rocky Ford, CO to assist in a hands-on staff training.
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Audio Archiving for Music Producer, Randall Dunn

This ambitious project involved cataloging, organizing, and enriching metadata for the content of dozens of hard drives spanning the nineteen-year career of esteemed record producer, and musician, Randall Dunn. Additionally, a digital preservation plan was developed and updated according to OAIS standards as a means of making formal recommendations for further preservation actions.
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Ava is a chatbot designed to facilitate and continually improve Avanade’s online customer service. Avanade has partnered with the iSchool to develop a solution that will align with their new marketing platform. Avanade‘s vision of the future revolves around artificial intelligence, and Ava is a step in that direction. With the dawn of AI on the horizon, integrating new ways for humans to interact, experience, and use technology are becoming the norm. Artificial intelligence is real, it’s driving business results, and will be a first-class citizen in the enterprise by 2020.
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Best Intentions

Our research aims to model changes in students’ intended major, specifically whether a student plans on majoring in a STEM field or not. We use a Dynamic Naïve Bayesian Network as a model, which is created using transcript records from the UW Coursector Project. Our initial modeling captures which field a student will graduate in and whether or not a student will switch from a STEM field to a non-STEM field as well as when that switch will occur. Our project hopes to help decrease the over 50% attrition rate from STEM programs in the US.
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Beverly Pepper Studio Archive: Arrangement, Collections Management and Access

In her 60+ year career creating monumental public sculpture, American artist Beverly Pepper has generated thousands of production documents, negatives, photographs, films, videos, ephemera, catalogs and books. At 94, she is still making art but her studio in Todi, Italy lacks a digital collections management system to assist with cataloging and access. After assessing her studio collection, creating controlled vocabularies and test installing the CollectiveAccess CMS, this project presents the The Beverly Pepper Foundation with software evaluations, budgets and and metadata guidelines to begin the much needed and long overdue process of arranging the studio archive.
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BlockBusters: Combining the Dark Web and Bitcoin

The Dark Web and Bitcoin are both digital systems that the average person has little understanding of. Yet both of these platforms have very real impacts on the world and can affect people without their knowledge. The Dark Web is a new digital black market that uses Bitcoin as its primary currency. Both of these are considered anonymous, yet they can be combined. Similar features could then be used, matching Bitcoin and Dark web users. Our team cleaned and parsed the two data sets, combining them in one location and exploring the information they contain to start the deanonymization process.
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Trauma isn't linear. For trauma survivors, processing and organizing memories can be difficult. Sharing them even more so. Yet it can be deeply therapeutic. Bloom is a storytelling platform for trauma survivors. Bloom empowers users to create anonymous accounts, build stories through text and images that can be easily rearranged, and see stories from other survivors. By providing a safe place for survivors to share their experiences, we hope to help with the healing process. We collaborated with API Chaya, a Seattle nonprofit that serves survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
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Book Lust: Readers’ Advisory Toolkit

We created a toolkit based on Nancy Pearl’s four doorways approach to Readers’ Advisory, that may be used by any public library interested in creating or enhancing their RA program. Pearl’s approach is based on her own unique understanding of what appeals to readers, which helps library staff and patrons discover a wider array of books to select from. The Book Lust Readers’ Advisory Toolkit includes staff training, display materials, programming, a social media plan, and host website. All elements were implemented at the Kitsap Regional Library system and the Coeur d'Alene Public Library.