
iSchool Capstone


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Grade Band Resource Consortium for Library Instruction

Librarians surveyed in multiple districts in the Greater Seattle Area use a myriad of standards, lessons, and resources to ensure student readiness. Alignment, resource organization, and lesson sharing is important for equity across districts and ideally across the nation. Benchmark standards for library and information skills help ensure students’ lifelong success. We have created a tool within the LMS, Schoology, called Grounded In Standards Based Teaching. GIST houses an alignment guide of ISTE, AASL, and CCSS and grade band lessons. This tool addresses inequity in library programs while fostering cross-curricular collaboration across the state, focusing on Seattle Public Schools.
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Gradient: Crowdsourced Street Parking Finder

Finding parking in busy cities is stressful. Out of a sample of drivers in Seattle, 83% stated that they prefer public street parking to paid garages or lots, citing the significantly lower cost-per-hour and proximity to their intended destination. However, repeatedly circling an area for parking creates anxiety, increases traffic congestion, and pollutes the environment; consuming both time and gas. Gradient aims to streamline the street parking experience by leveraging civic parking data, crowdsourced user-input, and machine learning to predict the availability of nearby public street parking in real-time.
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GradScout - Find your perfect graduate programs

Finding the right graduate program that fits your requirements is an arduous task. Information is often scattered across different portals, inconsistent and confusing. Research showed that over 80% of graduate students encountered difficulties in choosing the right programs. GradScout is an innovative, user-friendly web application, which provides aspiring graduate students a platform to identify the programs that best meet their needs. Our intelligent algorithm recommends these programs based on areas of interest, budget, location and other criteria. With around 2 million graduate applications annually, GradScout aims to help applicants find their perfect graduate program and embark on a successful journey.
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Graphical Perception of Stacked Area Charts

Stacked area charts are a common method for visualizing multiple time series, but they are frequently criticized for being perceptually ineffective or misleading because the top segments are distorted by the ones below. I conducted an experiment to examine how accurately viewers can read the values in these charts. Most participants correctly identified which of two marked segments of each chart was smaller. Participants’ judgments of the relative sizes of the marked segments were less accurate when segments were closer in size, and were somewhat higher overall than in previous work on other chart types.
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Growing an Institutional Repository’s Undergraduate Capstone Collection

Many academic libraries face similar marketing challenges related to institutional repositories (IRs): how to motivate faculty and students to participate in a service they did not know they needed and with which they are unfamiliar? To incentivize undergraduate Capstone submissions to the IR, Pacific University Libraries developed a faculty-nominated Senior Project Award program. After years of low faculty participation in the Award, I helped address this marketing challenge by investigating why the program was not successful, researching common practices at other universities, and developing a detailed plan to revise and promote an enhanced incentive program at Pacific University.
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HealthNuts - Envision Nutrition

National surveys show the majority of Americans have used an app to track anything related to their health. Unfortunately, almost half of those users have deleted those apps due to lost interest or time wasted entering data. Using Clarifai, an established machine vision company, HealthNuts has created a mobile friendly web application that allows people to simply take a picture of the foods they eat to record and display the nutrients they receive. This avoids the time and effort required for tracking this information by hand and creates a fun and unique experience to help people reach their nutritional goals.
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Helping students build their future

Test Innovators is a firm that helps young students prepare for standardized tests like ISEE and SSAT and is looking at ways to develop a recommendation system that can be leveraged to improve their performance in tests. This project will entail identifying an exhaustive series of areas where a test-taking student is not performing well and recommending resources that will lead to the student’s improvement. The focus will be on developing an algorithm, which caters to this business requirement. The project aims to help the students improve on their weaker domains and take their first step towards a bright future.
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Too much work to appreciate your co-workers? Lose track of your team’s performance? Our project is for you! Hoppy is a Chrome extension on which you can endorse your colleague in a fun and easy way. With Hoppy, you also have access to real-time reports and ad-hoc dashboards of your choice. Be grateful and let’s connect!
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iCloudSec - Assessing security implications of cloud adoption in Healthcare

In 2015, over 112 million medical records were breached worth 12 million total cost from data breaches. Today, healthcare organizations understand the benefits of investing in cloud security but with constant change in security landscape, fear of data breach and loss of control over their data, they are concerned about adopting to cloud. To help these concerned organizations navigating safely in cloud, I have made an attempt to present to them a comprehensive list of security considerations to be taken into account for navigating safely in cloud. This would better enable them to focus on healthcare operations. Through this project, I have conducted an initial literature review on the topic and then interviewed security professionals and analyzed the overall risk benefit of using cloud in healthcare industry. My analysis covers the elements of patient data security, cloud vendor selection, industry standard security controls along with final results on key ways to assess security implications of cloud in healthcare.
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With the increase in internet connected devices, the number of unprotected and compromised devices is on the rise. While many corporations can afford security systems, homeowners and small businesses are left with traditional host-based antivirus that is limited to specific devices and operating systems. IC3 represents a prototype of a consumer-grade network intrusion detection system, providing users with enterprise-grade network security at an affordable cost and entry-level technical capability requirements. IC3 comes in the form of a router, with a built-in web interface for accessing detections and steps on how to remediate them.