iSchool Capstone


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Movie Prophet - Data Science meets Hollywood

Movie Prophet is a predictive engine that forecasts the box office revenue given a movie proposal. The project, done in partnership with Boston Consulting Group - Digital Ventures (BCG-DV), will enable the stakeholders to have a competitive edge by investing in successful movie ventures. The project encompasses end-to-end spectrum of data science - web scraping, data wrangling, feature engineering (30+ novel features), building Machine Learning models and data visualization. The outcome of our research is an integrated platform that serves as a movie investor assurance system. Do you have a cool movie proposal? Find out how it fares at www.movie-prophet.com.
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Moving a Medical Library

The Swedish Medical Center Library will be moving to a new and smaller location, due to the demolition of a portion of the 747 Broadway Building. The goal of this Capstone project was to drastically downsize the library’s physical collections, as the new library space will be decreasing by 75%. Determinations were made to either keep or discard journals, textbooks, and microfiche based on the needs of the medical community.
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MSR Online STEM Program

STEM education in the 21st century continues to grow. Few online resources focus on teaching K-12 students and often circumvent instructors. MSR, a leading innovator and manufacturer of field-proven technologies, is working to create an extensive curriculum that will help both students and teachers. There are two parts to our project; teaching students with our online platform and aiding teachers by providing them with the curriculum and documents used for the platform. Students can learn on their own using the platform while instructors can create more interactive lessons and activities with the documents provided.
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News Recommendation Engine for Pitchbook

Pitchbook enables client decision making by tapping into the power of data, available technology and market research, Pitchbook provides its clients with a News Feed section to provide current and consolidated news. However, the Company wanted to go a step further and provide customized news as opposed to several irrelevant articles that are surfaced in the News Feed. Our News recommendation engine allows us to affect more than 25,000 interactions a day on the Pitchbook platform by surfacing customized and relevant news articles using a combination of data science and topic modelling techniques
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Noonum Sentiment Analysis

Understand relationships between stock movement and social media sentiment in the company's Twitter posts is appealing and catching attentions of both academic and industrial researchers  nowaday. One of the factors preventing their analysis from great accuracy is the quality of the text data and how to mine it. Our team want to examine some of current models (Logistics, Naïve Bayes and CNN) to mine text data, specifically for enterprises’ tweets. Our research question is: To mine data from companies’ tweets in Twitter, which one is the best method to build a tweet sentiment analysis model with limited supervised data?
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Nudge: adulting made easy

Adulting is hard. The transition to adulthood is more difficult than ever before with more complexity and more responsibility than any other time in history. Nudge is here to help with that transition. Nudge, is an app that strives to make adulting easy and fun. By having different levels of questions and curriculum for core adulting activities. Nudge guides the user on a fun journey to learning and mastering the responsibilities needed to master adulting.
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Offering Computer Classes at Derby Public Library

The Derby Public Library is a suburb of Wichita, Kansas with a population of 23,000 with a growing interest in technology classes. There are few options nearby for computer literacy training, especially training that is free. Crystal Prieb worked with the library to figure out what classes their patrons were most interested in, then spent several months presenting those classes. Eight classes were offered in total with class sizes ranging from one to ten and topics including “Introduction to Microsoft Excel” and “Library Databases and Resources”.
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Online Writing Tutoring and Accessibility

The University of Washington (UW) Seattle has a variety of in-person writing centers with a one-on-one conversational model. With growing online degree programs creating new demands, writing centers have become interested in online writing support services. Our team used focus groups, interviews, and surveys to analyze how online tutoring could change accessibility. We drew upon perspectives of writing center administrators, tutors, users, and potential users to gain a better understanding of barriers to access. We found that online tutoring could improve access for those who experience disability, commute long distances, identify as English Language Learners (ELL) or are non-traditional students.
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Opening Up the Data: Visualizing the effectiveness of Puget Sound restoration efforts

Interoperability, dispersed data, and inconsistent data formats are common issues across information science. This Open Data Literacy (ODL) Capstone tackles these issues in the realm of environmental restoration. Numerous restoration projects have been undertaken throughout the Puget Sound, but connecting investments in these projects to co-located indicators of habitat viability is challenging. Our team leveraged open, found data and open-source tools to build a scalable, sustainable data processing pipeline and an interactive, web-based visualization prototype. This helps our partners better tell the story of Puget Sound restoration efforts and demonstrates that open-source tools can help data curators meet open-data needs.