Patent Patterns

Patents are arguably one of the most important means of rewarding innovation and creativity. According to the U.S. Commerce Department, in 2010, IP-intensive industries accounted for 34.8 percent ($5.06 trillion) of U.S. gross domestic product. Despite this significant contribution, the process of acquiring and maintaining a patent remains fraught with complexities. Through our research project we intend to shed light on some of these complexities and provide data driven insights into this process. By scraping, cleaning, and analyzing 10 years worth of publicly available utility patent data, we have attempted to examine and visualize some interesting and pressing topics like prevalence of any gender bias, trends around industries/organizations that produce patents, and countries that spearhead innovation across the world, among others. We believe the data and insights produced by this project can guide future research and improvement efforts in this field thereby benefiting the patent industry, in a broader sense.
Nandita Anand
Aditya Gandhi
Tejaswini Buche