
iSchool Capstone

Lore for LORE: A Needs Assessment for Odegaard’s Learning Object Repository for EWP

Project tags:

equity & inclusion

information behavior & user research

information literacy

Project poster

In the summer of 2017, the University of Washington’s Odegaard Library created LORE to support EWP teachers. LORE is an online bank of teaching resources, and EWP is a collection of 100-level academic writing classes. Until this winter, an assessment had never been run to tell if LORE was effective. Our team interviewed 8 current instructors who had been introduced to LORE, and who had diverse levels of LORE adoption. We investigated their shared wisdom, or their “lore,” about the online tool. Our project produced recommendations for content and services as well as a replicable assessment process for the library.

Project participants:

Anna Nakano-Baker


Layna Moysich