
iSchool Capstone

EthnoMed 2.0: Navigating through cross-cultural healthcare information with ease

Project tags:

information architecture

information behavior & user research

ux & interaction design

Project poster

EthnoMed, a web-based resource for healthcare providers to learn medical and cultural information about immigrants and refugees, has been struggling with its poor user experience. By identifying target user groups, digging into users’ pain points with extensive user research, crafting and iterating the website based on users’ feedback, Team Infothusiast came up with a refreshed design - EthnoMed 2.0. The new design not only brings a new look and feel to the site, but also improves the site’s information architecture and navigation, allowing providers to find information easily and quickly, thus attracting and retaining more users to the website.

Project participants:

Rui Wu


Jenny Li


Yun Wu


Umang Sehgal