NAGPRA Disposition and Review Request Index

We worked with the National Park鈥檚 NAGRPA staff to index specific issues, tribes, or institutions within the Review Committee minutes. The project created a thesaurus introduction and tagged institutions that update the Review Committee, as well as provided the reason (i.e. request for disposition, request for finding of fact/dispute, presentation, or public/written comment). Our project enables NAGPRA staff to search the minutes for specific issues they encounter regularly, and provides them a more comprehensive view of current needs. It will thus enable visibility of indigenous issues and make them more accessible, transparent, and useful to NAGPRA.
Project sponsored by: National American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
Project participants:
Alyson Sharp
MLIS Online
Elisa Rodrigues
MLIS Online
Candice Larson
MLIS Online