
iSchool Capstone

Tracking Global Corneal Transplant Performance

Project tags:

data science & visualization

database administration & development

social justice

Project poster

SightLife鈥檚 mission is to end corneal blindness by 2040. Millions of people around the world currently struggle to live with corneal blindness. It's a treatable condition with a clear solution: a corneal transplant. Our project is to design a system to simplify data entry and analysis for SightLife and their 32 partners so SightLife can better assist the partners in making decisions regarding cornea donations and cornea transplants. We are harnessing the power of a cloud based solution, using Azure to host our database, and PowerBI to ultimately improve data entry efficiency and allowing users to have flexible data analytics.

Project participants:

Kunwar Singh


Spencer Pease


Nick Hytrek


Andrew Roger
