
iSchool Capstone

Metadata Management of Scarecrow Video’s Disney, Sci-Fi Television, and Film Noir Collections

Project tags:

archives & special collections

content & digital asset management

Incomplete, out-of-date, or inaccurate information in Scarecrow Video’s Oz database hinders staffs’ ability to help patrons find desired titles and keep track of the collection. As of Spring 2022, we have corrected and added metadata–such as alternate titles, UPC and IMDB numbers, supplemental information, etc.–for 440 Film Noir titles, 614 Sci-Fi TV titles, and 459 Disney titles, totaling 1,512 revised titles. This project will improve accessibility for staff and patrons. Given the unique collection held at Scarecrow, cleaner and more up-to-date metadata will make it easier for staff to assist customers in finding their desired materials.

Project participants:

Lauren Fleming


Jessica Novotny


Caleb Simonds