
iSchool Capstone

Hybrideation: Creative Solutions to Epic Problems

Project tags:

information architecture

information behavior & user research

knowledge organization

Innovation Award

Our team was tasked with updating the Fortnite Creative Documentation and Unreal Editor Fortnite keyword taxonomy and processes to improve engagement, scope, and scalability. We evaluated the current documentation and gameplay to build our foundational knowledge of the issues in the space. Our next step involved interviewing team members to uncover areas of opportunity. We made changes to the current taxonomy based on feedback. Lastly, we developed a governance plan to create standards for maintaining and modifying the taxonomy as the space evolves. Our efforts will help onboard users, remove roadblocks, and increase the usability of the taxonomy.

Project participants:

Sydney Peterson


Madeline Carruthers

MLIS Online

Connor Cantrell

MLIS Online

Kari Orth