
iSchool Capstone

HuskySync: Where tests become collaborative quests

Project tags:

knowledge organization

mobile or web development

software development

HuskySync serves as a centralized hub for students navigating the challenges of rigorous introductory courses at UW. First-year students encounter prerequisite courses with large enrollments, which can feel overwhelming in regards to performing well. Managing both the academic workload and the social dynamics can significantly impact one's ability to study effectively. To address this challenge, we developed a platform where students can collaboratively engage with study materials. By enabling multiple students to upload their study notes, HuskySync generates personalized quizzes tailored to each user. In essence, we transform individual tests into shared quests, fostering a collaborative approach to learning.
Project participants:

Anumita Ghosh


Varsha Palepu


Renusree Chittella


Thomas Kanenaga


Anay Deshpande
