
iSchool Capstone

Seattle Emergency Awareness

Project tags:

data science & visualization

mobile or web development

ux & interaction design

The Catastrophe Awareness Team project helps students stay safe in an emergency by sharing earthquake preparedness information for the Seattle area. Seattle lies over a number of large fault lines, making it particularly susceptible to earthquakes, and is in anticipation of ‘The Big One,’ an earthquake of magnitude 6.0 or higher sometime in next 30 years. By targeting users new to the Seattle area, we provide directions to their nearest emergency shelter, a concise and downloadable preparedness guide, and a resource-filled quiz to reinforce knowledge. Ultimately, SEACAT is a one-stop shop for Seattle residents to gain baseline preparedness for earthquakes.
Project participants:

Alexis Nguyen


Jorey Papritz


Michelle Odnert


Emma Spence


Shawn Sun
