iSchool Capstone


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Predictive Analytics - Epic Games

Epic’s Unreal Engine is complex with a lot of documentation and courses. The content creators face difficulty finding the information they are looking for and thus, require dynamically recommended related documentation/courses based on the Unreal Online Learning (UOL) search. We built a predictive analytics tool to recommend similar documentation and courses based on the UOL journey map of the user, working with terms from the taxonomies and knowledge graph. Our project helps users from different backgrounds to identify documentation easily, enabling equitable access to the tool. It also provides a personalized search experience for the user.
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Project Breaking The Barrier

The International Medicine Clinic at Harborview Medical Center (Seattle, WA) is host to about 10,000 patients a year. Its most remarkable quality is that the vast majority of their patients speak a primary language other than English. Our project is aimed at facilitating the viral infection screening experience for patients, in their native language. We built an application with visual and auditory cues in seven different languages, in addition to creating educational materials in an accessible format for the patients. Our work will ensure equitable access to healthcare for patients that are typically aged 60-80 and have low technical dexterity.
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Project Inclusion - Centralizing inclusive employer related information using data mining & NLP

A significant challenge for people with disabilities is the lack of awareness around accessible employers, programs, and opportunities within the community. Additionally, the information they seek on inclusive hiring practices, benefits, accommodations, and company culture is scattered across multiple sources. Our application uses data mining techniques on company blogs, Twitter, Glassdoor, YouTube, etc., to aggregate such information, and, in doing so, empowers the underserved disabled community to make more informed job-search decisions. The application also aims to help employers identify gaps in the information they provide, thus bringing them closer to diverse candidates' needs.
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Project Perception

With 35,500 species being threatened with extinction around the world, the endangered species crisis is becoming severer each day. By educating high school and college students, they can be the leaders of change needed to protect our ecosystems. Project Perception is a website designed to push these students to learn more about endangered species by engaging in interactive stories that focus on overlooked species in different regions. With this project, we strive to help people realize the urgency of species decline and make sustainable lifestyle changes to positively impact our ecosystems.
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Project Upskill - Bridging the Soft Skill Gap Between First-Generation College Students & Employers

A soft skill gap is growing between college grads and future employers, disproportionately affecting first-generation college students. We aim to close this gap by providing two workshops student organizations can use targeting key areas in supporting the growth of student's soft skills. Each workshop can be completed individually or through a cohort and includes pre- and post-lesson exercises, written instructions to complete the lesson, a slide deck, and more.
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Promoting Database Resources for Digital Learning in Elementary Schools

Schools have access to databases through public libraries, but students and teachers utilize few of them. Our project raised awareness of two databases that third grade dual language teachers and students were not already using: World Book Online Kids and Britannica Library Children. Our curriculum map showed teachers which features and articles align with their science curriculum and standards, while a video compared and contrasted the two, making it easier for teachers to add these resources into corresponding lessons. A video tutorial for students showed them how to access Britannica so they could use it independently.
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Public Library Programming in the Pandemic: Returning to Normal or Shaping a New Normal?

The pandemic affected almost every part of our lives, especially social services that were delivered in person. We conducted a longitudinal research study interviewing 20 Washington State public librarians during the pandemic and tracked how their programming shifted throughout the year. We found three main themes that surfaced in our data – job satisfaction, changes to programming, and rethinking the profession once the world is "back to normal." We plan to ultimately disseminate our findings in a published paper to help librarians learn successful programming options to meet the needs of their communities.
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Public Library Resources for Conscious Tech Use

My Capstone Project was concerned with information literacy among public library users, and produced educational and informational resources. These resources consisted of two public programs concerning the ways in which people navigate and share information online. The first provided an online security overview, focusing on how cookies and personal data are used by websites and social media, along with tools to protect their privacy. The second covered digital minimalism, helping attendees find and discuss ways to achieve a healthier balance in their online activities. Both programs were well received and have resulted in patrons taking control of their online behavior.
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Queer Air, Season 2

Queer Air is a podcast that explores queer archival materials within the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections, alongside guest speakers who are also involved within the archival field and/or queer community. Queer Air’s second season is a continuation of a previous Capstone project and seeks to create more visibility for UW’s queer collections and provide alternative ways to access resources. Queer Air lets patrons interact with the UW’s queer collections by allowing them to listen to the podcast’s hosts discuss collection materials, their provenance, and the significance of these histories for the past, present, and future.
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Race and Ethnicity Classification in Health Datasets

Similar race and ethnicity classifications are needed to identify health disparities between different groups. There are 3 broad categories of race and ethnicity classifications - surveys using versions of the OMB 1977 standards, using versions of the OMB 1997 standards, and datasets with non-standard classifications. Even datasets that use an expanded version of the OMB 1997 standards (with specific ethnicities) exclude some identities. Using specific ethnicities that people identify as results in fewer blank and “Other” responses for race and ethnicity questions. A more inclusive and consistent collection of race/ethnicity data would support research to address health disparities.