
iSchool Capstone


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ACEs and TIC Dashboard

One cause of PTSD is childhood trauma. Ten questions have been developed to measure ACES. High ACES scores are linked to negative mental and physical health which adversely affect work performance. Transforming Connections requested a system to analyze the ACES score for organizations using the ACES survey. Our system consists of distributing the survey through Survey Gizmo and analyzing the data with Tableau. The sponsor utilizes the Tableau dashboard to provide their client with a report consisting of: the company’s environment compared to the national average, areas for improvement and customized action for an improved work environment.
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Adaptive Resilience, LLC.

When responding to emergencies, police and firefighting organizations often miss critical pieces of information which adversely affects their response. As part of a pilot program for entrepreneurial capstone projects, Adaptive Resilience, LLC involves equal parts business and product development in an attempt to create a product that meets information needs of emergency responders and a business model to support the product. Through user-centered design practices and rapid generation and iteration of business models, we have come up with a novel solution oriented around a data-aggregation pipeline and UI that could be rapidly realized and scaled beyond a single industry application.
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ADS Dashboard

Aging and Disability Services (ADS) in King County surveys older residents who participate in senior center activities to determine the performance of these centers. However, the data collected isn't as helpful as it could be in decision-making. Our project digitized the data collection process and created a dashboard to visualize the survey data. ADS managers are now able to easily grasp how centers perform relative to one another and identify centers which may need assistance to best serve their community. ADS can use this information to allocate funding and design programming to improve the wellbeing of older King County residents.
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Analyzing Drug Administration in Africa

The Gates Foundation partnered with ESPEN to create an open access data portal for the purpose of empowering Ministries of Health and other partners with the information necessary to drive efficient investments for neglected tropical disease treatment. This project aims to address low utilization of the ESPEN portal through the development of new metrics and dashboards that health officials can derive actionable insights from. By leveraging publicly available data from ESPEN and consolidating many relevant data points, we have provided tools for health officials to more effectively identify and act upon points of concern in drug procurement and administration.
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Oftentimes, most information about an art display in a museum is contained on a small plaque next to the piece. Museum-goers usually do not have access to any further information about the art they are looking at. This Henry Art Gallery Guide App aims to supplement the modern museum experience and increase art awareness. Our platform directly addresses this issue by giving users an interactive guide to their museum of choice with detailed information about individual art pieces. We allow museum-goers to easily and immediately learn more about pieces that pique their interest during their visit.
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Assessment and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at Highline College Library

At Highline College Library, systematic assessment of one-shot information literacy sessions has not been prioritized due to the busy nature of community college librarianship. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) has been at the forefront of instruction at Highline, so we set out to bring the two together in a practical way that could be implemented by providing assessment tools and EDI checklists. We worked to find resources through an environmental scan that Highline librarians could use to ensure instruction is serving the needs of all of their students, regardless of background.
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Assisting Homeless Patrons at the Circulation Desk

Circulation staff at the Beale Memorial Library have noticed an increase in the number of interactions they have had with homeless patrons. Circulation staff have not been trained on how to meet the unique needs of homeless patrons and this lack of training often leads to tension between circulation staff and those experiencing homelessness. A webinar training discussing how best to assist homeless patrons and their unique needs is in development. By using the information provided in this webinar, circulation staff will be able to identify and address the needs of homeless patrons.
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Assisting Seattle Small Business Owners during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The City of Seattle Office of Economic Development (OED) works with local businesses to promote innovation, equity, and economic mobility. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted existing disparities between business ownership, and the greater need to distribute resources to People of Color (POC)/non-white business owners. Restaurants represent the culture of a society, and support a range of industries. They have also been one of the hardest industries impacted during the pandemic. To assist the City during this challenging time, we produced a data dashboard to analyze survey data collected, and mitigation recommendations for POC/non-white restaurant owners impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Automation of Apps Segmentation and Persona Labeling

Based on users’ large-scale app installation data, we established an automated process for T-mobile to segment their users and create persona labels with machine learning. This process will improve mobile advertising services. We conducted social network analysis to cluster users, did topic modeling (LDA) for apps, extracted distinctive keywords in each community with linear sum assignment to build user personas The persona is able to show multi-dimension characteristics of mobile audiences such as popular apps, genres, topics within each community.
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Azure Machine Learning: Understanding Behaviors That Lead to Customer Retention

The Microsoft Azure End to End platform team is invested in identifying an efficient way to steer revenue growth prospects and to further improve user experience as well as increase the customer retention rate. Our project involved the data validation, data quality check, metric definitions and automated pipeline building. Our analysis serves as a foundation towards data-driven decision making for customer retention. The result can be utilized to monitor the user behavior and performance in real time to provide the better service and garner customer loyalty.