
iSchool Capstone


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Millennials Interactions with FinTech & the Impact on Their Finances

The motivation for undertaking this study was twofold: I wanted to determine millennials' utilization of FinTech apps, and if this has any impact on their financial literacy. Therefore, I analyzed academic and industry literature around millennials and FinTech usage trends, analyzed publicly available Venmo transactions to assess financial literacy, and performed user research on millennials to gain a deeper understanding of their views on FinTech apps and their perceptions of financial literacy. Ultimately, I determined that while millennials use FinTech very frequently, it doesn’t impact their financial literacy and that FinTech apps solidify existing financial habits instead of changing them.
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Mirror: Your Annual Social Media Report

Social media has negative effects on people’s emotions and social well-being by raising or reducing their self-awareness. We then designed a personal informatics tool, which is a usage report that guides users to learn about their posting activities and self-reflect. With the exact data extracted from users’ social media along with the data analysis we did, we could provide an easy, enjoyable, and heart-warming way for them to deeply self-reflect, including reminding them of their good memories and highlight moments, giving them numbers and visualizations, etc. Users can make adjustments accordingly to experience more positive social well-being.
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ML Enabled Predictive Quality

Talking Rain(TR) is a leading beverage company manufacturing sparkling water and other beverages. TR relies on manual quality assurance processes to identify non-optimal beverages before release into the market. Non-optimal products yield complaints from consumers and generate negative publicity for the company. The goal of the project was to leverage ML to identify hidden patterns and detect non-optimal lots to prevent their release into the market. Our ML model was able to identify 100% non-optimal lots at the cost of retesting few good lots. This data-driven approach has enabled TR to identify quality issues at co-packers early, ensuring proactive remediation.
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ML Enabled text summarization

Creating an abstract from claims in patent application is a time-consuming and tedious process, which requires manual effort. Often times, the patent attorney has to go through pages of claims to form 150 words abstract. It’s a monotonous process that has good scope for automation. The time saving achieved from automation can be utilized in more challenging issues. We explored three different models for our project: PageRank, LongShortTerm Memory and Text to text transform transformer(T5). The T5 model has shown the most accurate result so far and helped us in generating meaningful and grammatically correct abstract without any human intervention.
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The Pacific Science Center collaborated with Magic Leap to provide unique and immersive experience to visitors. Project Moonshot is a game application that utilizes Magic Leap One’s spatial computing ability to bring the entire solar system within ‘reachable’ distance to the players. Player’s task is to place planets in the correct orbits respectively. To ensure the accuracy and relevance of the educational value, the game is designed based on Common Core states standards for grade 6-8 students. While the game application is immersive, it is also interactive which requires multiple players to collaborate and exchange information in order to win.
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To maximize life-saving potential, patients require efficient access to medical information and connections to the right doctors. However, doctors’ information is scattered in Malaysia. Patients often rely on word-of-mouth or long searches on individual hospital websites to search for doctors. Moreover, these sources do not accurately reflect the service quality of doctors. MYDoc is a web platform designed to bridge this information gap in Malaysia. By gathering doctors’ information in a single web application, users can both efficiently search for doctors’ information and recommend doctors to others. Through MYDoc, we strive to simplify the healthcare-seeking process for patients in Malaysia.
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Currently, the medical research world has a serious lack of access to accurate & detailed patient data points in studies that require patients self-documenting by pen and paper. myMedDiary is a digitalized personal diary in which patients can track their symptoms & it’s severity on their phone. Patients and approved medical professionals may then easily view the analysis of the patient’s symptom data through the website portal on any device, simply by signing in with their C-RA accounts. With myMedDiary’s detailed data points & visualizations, medical professionals can make more informed and data driven diagnoses for their patient’s treatment/prevention plans.
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Nantucket Biodiversity Digital Repository

Since 2005, Nantucket Biodiversity Initiative has sponsored over 70 different research projects, but the reports and datasets from these projects are not easily available. We have designed a workflow to curate, label, and upload files to a searchable digital repository, and have built a documentation website to house the workflow and process documents. This supports NBI in becoming an open science leader among small science nonprofits, streamlines NBI grant reporting, ensures that researcher reports and data can be cited, and opens the possibility of research funded by NBI contributing to larger scientific studies and new knowledge creation.
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Open Data Wagon: Opening Up Mobile Services Data in Public Libraries

Though public libraries have shared internal data, such as circulation data, publicly via open data portals, bookmobile data sharing has been limited. Sponsored by the Washington State Library, and using data from North Central Regional Library as a pilot, the Open Data Wagon project researched, collected, and published library bookmobile data openly on data.wa.gov, along with a reusable dataset template. Because bookmobile operations can be expensive, this project aimed to encourage information sharing among libraries, expand funding opportunities for mobile services by supplying additional data, and heighten the value of library mobile services. More info: https://opendatawagon.github.io
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Organizing SharePoint: Improving User Experience and Search Navigation on the West Pierce Fire & Rescue SharePoint Page

The personnel at West Pierce Fire and Rescue rely on SharePoint for their centralized information storage and sharing platform. This project sought to analyzing the current website content, identify users’ satisfaction with the current site, and incorporate user feedback to help improve user experience and searching capabilities on the site. A written report to the department included a summary of the research findings, a topical overview of updated files, user-friendly wireframes, and a moving forward document highlighting additional recommendations to help improve the overall design and information sharing opportunities on the SharePoint site.