iSchool Capstone


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Library Sites: Data Centric Platform for African Libraries

This project will explore the problems currently plaguing data collection, data management and data interaction associated with the community and public libraries in the continent of Africa. Following our analysis, through extensive user interviews of all stakeholders involved, we will propose detailed solutions for each touchpoint ( collection, management, and interaction), keeping in mind the environment (Limited access to the internet, Limited Bandwidth, limited resources) in which the stakeholders operate. Our solution will consist of a detailed plan to address all the issues we identify, a timeline to execute all proposed development and a final recommendation for the ideal platform.
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Mental Health Advocacy for Students in Academic Libraries

This study investigates how academic libraries can advocate for students experiencing mental health obstacles while promoting academic success. Student mental health distress may stem from a diagnosis, academic stress, unmet basic needs, or life circumstances. We explore what barriers staff encounter in these scenarios, and how academic libraries can build upon existing resources and practices to offer increased support for students’ well-being. Based on our research and interviews with academic library staff, we have developed a set of best practices that can be used by academic libraries to better advocate for and support higher education students experiencing mental health hardships.
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Migration Trail

Migration Trail is a board game that presents the lived experiences of Central Americans traveling from San Pedro Sula, Honduras to the Mexican and the United States border seeking asylum. Migration Trail uses the power of storytelling and narrative building to create realistic yet fictional characters, and scenarios that allow participates to experiences the plight of this mass migration. These methods of storytelling and gameplay are applied to connect and draw outsiders in understanding the issues surrounding these mass migrations. The goal of Migration Trail is to highlight, reflect on, create dialogue, and make agents of social change for migration.
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MisinfoDay: Bringing Media Literacy to High School Students, Teachers, and Librarians

MisinfoDay brought 150+ high school students, teachers, and librarians to UW to spend a day learning about misinformation topics and how they can improve their ability to spot and verify questionable information. After participating in a day of workshops and presentations run by UW Librarians, iSchool faculty, and guest speakers from Snopes and KQED Education, the majority of students had increased confidence in their fact-checking skills and saw misinformation as a larger problem than they had before the event. This inaugural event is meant to inspire future MisinfoDays at UW and at other campuses across the country.
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Misusing Science: Investigating the Science Misinformation Pipeline

“Potentially Predatory Journals” (PPJs), or journals that may not adhere to proper academic peer-review, could give false credibility to questionable or pseudo-scientific papers. These potentially questionable papers can sometimes leak into the public via social networks, cherry-picking or emotionally charging results to further specific political/ideological causes. With the proliferation of “foreign information campaigns” (FICs), or state-backed disinformation operations, these social media posts are often amplified/distorted. The goal of this project is to investigate these two sources of science misinformation and lay the foundation for future work in this space.
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Mohave County Library Teen Engagement

My project focused on teen library services in Mohave County, Arizona. Teen usage has dropped off over the last few years and my task was finding ways to better engage with them. My research, done via countywide survey, indicated that teens want to engage more with digital technology, and that many are unaware that the libraries have teen centers. My report indicated that an emphasis on technology and more outreach would bolster library usage. My research helps the library to create a stronger informal learning environment tailored to their interests, and one empowered by keeping teen voices in mind.
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Moving is a painful and time-consuming process for companies and customers alike. Movher is a female owned moving and packaging firm based in Spokane. They have a track record of customer satisfaction; however, their own employees find it difficult to plan and organize moves. Currently, they are using several inflexible data management tools to estimate, dispatch, and move. Out solution unifies this process by implementing tiered authentication, integrated payment processing, automated estimation and singular calendar. All the necessary information is kept consistent and each employee has access to their data when and where they need it.
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MuscleUp: Your personal AI workout tailor

With over 100,000 workout programs on the internet, it can take months of research for the layperson to find the best program that fits their own specific needs and fitness aspirations. MuscleUp is a mobile application that analyzes user workout data to recommend the best exercise programs for users with similar personal characteristics and goals. We use AI/ML prediction models to suggest optimal programs for users based on the unique personal and exercise data they provide. MuscleUp is designed to help people achieve their fitness goals more efficiently by bypassing the search for a personalized and effective fitness regimen entirely.
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My Visual Piano

According to the ALS Association, an average of 15 people are diagnosed with ALS every day. ALS is just one disabling condition that can impair someone’s creative abilities. My Visual Piano is a real-time, live instrument that provides a way for people in this community to express their creativity exclusively using their eyes. It is accessible to musicians hoping to continue their passion or novices wishing to learn piano in a different way. People who have limited mobility or have completely lost the ability to use their arms, hands, or fingers can play piano live – hands and hassle-free.
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NAGPRA Disposition and Review Request Index

We worked with the National Park’s NAGRPA staff to index specific issues, tribes, or institutions within the Review Committee minutes. The project created a thesaurus introduction and tagged institutions that update the Review Committee, as well as provided the reason (i.e. request for disposition, request for finding of fact/dispute, presentation, or public/written comment). Our project enables NAGPRA staff to search the minutes for specific issues they encounter regularly, and provides them a more comprehensive view of current needs. It will thus enable visibility of indigenous issues and make them more accessible, transparent, and useful to NAGPRA.