
iSchool Capstone


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RARET Web Platform

When road conditions get bad for everyone, they create even more extreme challenges for people with limited mobility who rely on public infrastructure to access much-needed medical services. Our platform, built for emergency managers in the various Counties of Puget Sound, directly addresses this issue by creating a centralized information platform that helps facilitate decision-making on which health center and transportation service to use. All the information needed for an emergency manager to guide a patient to a medical facility during emergency situations is available in one easy to use location, saving time when lives are potentially at stake.
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Rate My Employer

Currently, large companies have many subcultures vested within various different departments and teams that each conduct themselves differently. This prevents potential employees from getting an accurate representation of their future expected experience. Rate my Employer is a platform that allows employees to vet out these smaller departments and teams within companies based on experiences of current or former employees. Users are able to provide reviews based on experiences with relations to salaries, company/team culture, and more. Furthermore, this platform allows employers to view their rankings and ratings in order to find potential improvement sources.
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Redesigning Healthcare Provider Toolkits for Washington’s Online Medical Library

HEALWA is an online medical library that provides resources at no additional cost to eligible healthcare professionals in Washington State, in partnership with the WA Department of Health. HEALWA sponsored us to redesign their medical toolkits as part of their outreach and expansion project to increase utilization among potential users. We evaluated HEALWA’s toolkits for accessibility and functionality using their eJournals, eBooks, Databases, and Continuing Education materials, and we created new interdisciplinary toolkits for specific health topics. Our toolkit recommendations have the potential to improve health outcomes for Washington state residents by promoting healthcare provider access to clinical research information.
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Rhetorical Implications of Classification Systems

Commonly used classification systems often leave librarians and users in want of better way to organize their collections. Outdated language and irrelevant hierarchical structures privilege the access and dissemination of certain knowledges - a known problem in the world of Knowledge Organization. This research explores why classification systems should be considered an extension of an institution’s voice, and how these systems impact user experience in such spaces. Understanding classification systems as rhetorical devices can help librarians and users fully understand and intentionally use these tools to cultivate truly inclusive and equitable environments.
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Robo-a-gogo: Participatory Design S.T.E.A.M. Teen Programming In the Public Library

We designed and implemented a 10-week participatory design STEAM program for teens at Seattle Public Library. The program was held at Rainier Beach branch and eight teens ages 12 to 14 participated. Using KidsTeam UW as a model, we utilized techniques in codesign sessions including paper prototyping, creative narrative, big paper, stickies, and more. Design sessions culminated in participants building robots using Arduino. Data collected included analytical memos, recorded session video, and photographs. Lastly, we coded, analyzed, and synthesized to write design recommendations for Seattle Public Library to inform further iterations of participatory design and Arduino youth programs.
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Safistationâ„¢ Chlorine Generator Dashboard

PATH, a global health non-profit organization, has created the SafiStation, a chlorine generator to be used in low-resource health centers as a means of creating life-saving disinfectant. Our capstone team used data from the station to improve the current data dashboard that PATH is using to monitor their dashboards by developing specific user interfaces and visualizations that are individualized for each customer segment. Using the improved dashboard, PATH and their future customers can visualize how their machines are operating as well as the returns on their investments.
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Seattle Opera Through the Decades: Contextualizing the History of the Seattle Opera

Seattle Opera Through the Decades is a digital exhibit created for the Seattle Opera Archives by University of Washington MLIS students Sara Reubelt & Rebecca Shaw. This exhibit highlights the significance that opera has played in the community. Our aim is to encourage public engagement with the Archives while placing the history of the Seattle Opera into the cultural and social contexts that shaped it. With the recent opening of the Opera Center, we saw an opportunity to promote materials which were previously inaccessible. We hope that visitors to this exhibit will find it both informative and fun.
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Seattle Public Schools Task Management

This application directly promotes the integrity of incident reporting metrics within the Department of Technology Services at Seattle Public Schools. Departmental resources such as providing professional training, supporting district-wide projects, balancing IT worker’s assignments, and more, rely heavily on these metrics to strategically and effectively execute within the organization. By providing an application separate from the currently misused incident system, these metrics will no longer be skewed. This ultimately affects classroom technology and its influence on student learning, where our project makes a positive impact for the teachers today as well as the students in current and future generations.
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Semantic Analysis

SEMANTIC ANALYSIS: The Smartsheet platform has large amounts of unstructured user feedback comments. So, the product owners at Smartsheet take a lot of time and effort to come up with actionable feedback. Our solution is a machine learning model which enables text classification of the comments by categorizing them into the following categories- Bugs/Performance, Formula, UX Integration, and UX Enhancement. The solution makes it easier to prioritize issues, delegate the requests to the concerned Product Owners, reduces the response time to user queries, and enhances the product features. Organization - Smartsheet Team Members - Ishita Shah Prithvi Shetty Vineet Kulkarni
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Semantic Analysis - Text Classification of Unstructured Customer Comments

Smartsheet is a cloud-based work management platform. To continuously innovate and improve its product and services, it constantly gauges customer sentiment and feedback via Net Promoter Score surveys. However, due to large inflow of raw comments from these surveys, and no existing mechanism to aggregate the comments other than manual intervention, the useful data is underutilized. Our solution is to apply machine learning techniques to automatically categorize the comments into useful categories. This categorized data is then presented as a dashboard to internal stakeholders to gain deeper insights into Smartsheet features and services.