Teaching Classes
Calendar and Schedule
The lists first and last days of instruction for the quarter, the final exam schedule, due date for grades, and any University holidays (when class is not held and the labs are closed). Find meeting days, times and classrooms for individual classes via the .
Class Registration
If you are contacted by a non-iSchool student about registering for your class, be aware that this is handled via the normal University registration system and students should not be involving the instructor in the process. Available space in your class will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis during registration period III, which begins the first day of the quarter. Please note that your class roster may well change several times during the first week of class, and that there may be two sections listed to accommodate different student groups. Please if you have any questions. Direct students seeking add codes to their student services advisor.
Course Websites
911±¬ÁÏÍø is committed to providing online syllabi to all classes. It can be a simple syllabus document or a more elaborate course web site. Sites in Canvas, the learning management system adopted by the UW and iSchool, are provisioned for all courses on campus. Please contact gahelp@uw.edu for assistance with the initial setup of your site. You will be able to add and edit yourself easily once the basic framework is established.
You should also add the URL of the site in the My Class Resources section in your MyUW. Click the Add link next to Class Website to enter the URL for the site. If you have a site in Canvas, you only need to add ''. This will cause the URL to appear in the MyUW for each of your students as well as creating a link to the site on the iSchool courses page for each program.
Online Courses
When developing an online class, we recommend starting as early as possible. Our , will contact you with information on the process. Reach a graduate assistant for help by emailing gahelp@uw.edu. You can also visit our for developing your course.
Class Communications
Instructors using Canvas are encouraged to use the announcements and messaging tools within Canvas to communicate with their students. For those not using Canvas, each instructor is responsible for creating his/her own class email list through the My Class Resources section of their MyUW. Please note that tuition-exempt students cannot register until the 3rd day of the quarter so you may want to add them manually. You can also manually add a non-UW email to the list. for instructions on adding individuals to class email lists.
Textbooks can be ordered through the University Book Store. Generally, deadlines for guaranteed textbook delivery are:
- May for autumn classes
- October for winter classes
- January for spring classes
- April for summer classes
Email itext@uw.edu for help ordering textbook review, TA, or desk copies or course texts. The Time Schedule Analyst coordinates textbooks. . A UW NetID is required.
Making Other Course Materials Available
Instructors may place course-related books and/or articles on reserve in the to facilitate access to course materials for their students. Reserve materials have loan periods of 2 hours, 4 hours, 24 hours, 72 hours, or 168 hours. Articles can also be linked to course websites that are limited to enrolled students. Coursepacks are another way to provide course materials to students and require advance planning. Submit a request to gahelp@uw.edu for help or advice from a graduate assistant.
Accessing UW Libraries Resources from Off-Campus
To access UW Libraries online resources from off-campus you will need to login using your UW NetID. Generally, if you are already logged in through MyUW, you can access many of the UW Libraries’ databases. For more information .
Please review your syllabi, assignments and course materials to make sure that you have good statements on academic integrity and that you make your expectations clear. 911±¬ÁÏÍø provides for syllabi inclusions.