- Development and evaluation of technology-based approaches in the study, assessment, treatment, and prevention of mental illness
Dror Ben-Zeev, PhD, is a Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Washington and licensed Clinical Psychologist who specializes in development and evaluation of technology-based approaches in the study, assessment, treatment, and prevention of mental illness. Ben-Zeev serves as the Co-Director of UW's Behavioral Research in Technology and Engineering (BRiTE) Center (https://www.brite.uw.edu/) and Director of the mHealth for Mental Health Program (www.mh4mh.org), a multidisciplinary effort to harness mobile technology to improve the outcomes of people with psychiatric conditions. His research includes development of self-management apps for people with serious mental illness, leveraging mobile and context-aware technologies for assessment of violence and suicidality in psychiatric hospital settings, behavioral sensing and modelling systems for detection of psychotic relapses, social media-based outreach and remote data collection involving people who experience hallucinations, and community-based clinical texting interventions. Dr. Ben-Zeev’s work has been supported by grants from the NIH NSF, CMMI, PCORI, VA, and several foundations. Ben-Zeev’s studies have been covered by NPR, The Washington Post, Nature, Wired Magazine, Slate, The Economist, and the New York Times. He serves as the Editor of the "Technology in Mental Health" Column for the Journal Psychiatric Services and is a regular speaker at national and international scientific meetings including invited presentations at the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Academies, and the White House.
- Ph D, Clinical Psychology, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2008
- MS, Clinical Psychology, Illinois Institute of Technology, 2005
- BA, Psychology, Ben-Gurion University, 2003
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2023)Nature Medicine, 28(Unknown Issue), pp. 2680–2681
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2023)JMIR Mental Health, 10(1), pp. 1-17
Journal Article, Academic JournalCapturing behavioral indicators of persecutory ideation using mobile technology (2019)Journal of psychiatric research, 116(Unknown Issue), pp. 112-117
Journal Article, Academic JournalEffect of Mobile Health on In-person Service Use Among People With Serious Mental Illness (2019)Psychiatric Services, 70(6), pp. 507--510
Journal Article, Academic JournalOff-hours use of a smartphone intervention to extend support for individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorders recently discharged from a psychiatric hospital (2019)Schizophrenia research, 206(Unknown Issue), pp. 200--208
Journal Article, Academic JournalRelationships between smartphone social behavior and relapse in schizophrenia: A preliminary report (2019)Schizophrenia research, 208(Unknown Issue), pp. 167--172
Journal Article, Academic JournalTransdiagnostic Mobile Health: Smartphone Intervention Reduces Depressive Symptoms in People With Mood and Psychotic Disorders (2019)JMIR mental health, 6(4), pp. e13202
Journal Article, Academic JournalUsing Technology to Advance Early Psychosis Intervention (2019)Intervening Early in Psychosis: A Team Approach, pp. 349
Journal Article, Academic JournalLife with FOCUS: A qualitative evaluation of the impact of a smartphone intervention on people with serious mental illness. (2018)Psychiatric rehabilitation journal
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile Health (mHealth) vs Clinic-Based Group Intervention for People with Serious Mental Illness: A Randomized Controlled Trial (2018)69(9), pp. 978-985
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile Health for Mental Health in West Africa: The Case for Ghana (2018)Psychiatric Services, 69(7), pp. 741--743
Journal Article, Academic JournalPredicting Symptom Trajectories of Schizophrenia Using Mobile Sensing (2018)GetMobile: Mobile Computing and Communications, 22(2), pp. 32--37
Journal Article, Academic JournalVideo-based mobile health interventions for people with schizophrenia: Bringing the “pocket therapist” to life. (2018)Psychiatric rehabilitation journal, 41(1), pp. 39
Journal Article, Academic JournalAnalyzing mHealth engagement: joint models for intensively collected user engagement data (2017)JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(1), pp. e1
Journal Article, Academic JournalAugmenting mHealth with human support: Notes from community care of people with serious mental illnesses. (2017)Psychiatric rehabilitation journal, 40(3), pp. 336
Journal Article, Academic JournalBringing digital mental health to where it is needed most (2017)Nature human behaviour, 1(12), pp. 849
Journal Article, Academic JournalCrossCheck: Integrating self-report, behavioral sensing, and smartphone use to identify digital indicators of psychotic relapse. (2017)Psychiatric rehabilitation journal, 40(3), pp. 266
Journal Article, Academic JournalFeasibility and acceptability of post-hospitalization ecological momentary assessment in patients with psychotic-spectrum disorders (2017)Comprehensive psychiatry, 74(Unknown Issue), pp. 204--213
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile Mindfulness intervention on an acute psychiatric unit: feasibility and acceptability study (2017)JMIR mental health, 4(3), pp. e34
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile health for illness management (2017)Wellbeing, Recovery and Mental Health, pp. 147
Journal Article, Academic JournalPredicting symptom trajectories of schizophrenia using mobile sensing (2017)Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 1(3), pp. 110
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewStudentLife: Using smartphones to assess mental health and academic performance of college students (2017)Mobile health, pp. 7--33
Journal Article, Academic JournalTechnology in mental health: creating new knowledge and inventing the future of services (2017)Psychiatric Services, 68(2), pp. 107--108
Journal Article, Academic JournalUse of multimodal technology to identify digital correlates of violence among inpatients with serious mental illness: A pilot study (2017)Psychiatric services, 68(10), pp. 1088--1092
Journal Article, Academic JournalmHealth for mental health in the Middle East: need, technology use, and readiness among Palestinians in the West Bank (2017)Asian journal of psychiatry, 27(Unknown Issue), pp. 1--4
Journal Article, Academic JournalA qualitative study of client--clinician text exchanges in a mobile health intervention for individuals with psychotic disorders and substance use (2016)Journal of dual diagnosis, 12(1), pp. 63--71
Coordinated technology-delivered treatment to prevent rehospitalization in schizophrenia: A novel model of care (2016)
Journal Article, Academic JournalHealth technology intervention after hospitalization for schizophrenia: service utilization and user satisfaction (2016)Psychiatric Services, 67(9), pp. 1035--1038
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile behavioral sensing for outpatients and inpatients with schizophrenia (2016)Psychiatric services, 67(5), pp. 558--561
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile health for all: public-private partnerships can create a new mental health landscape (2016)JMIR mental health, 3(2), pp. e26
Journal Article, Academic JournalUsing Facebook to reach people who experience auditory hallucinations (2016)Journal of medical Internet research, 18(6), pp. e160
Journal Article, Academic JournalmHealth for schizophrenia: patient engagement with a mobile phone intervention following hospital discharge (2016)JMIR mental health, 3(3), pp. e34
Clinical technology specialists (2015)
Journal Article, Academic JournalNext-generation psychiatric assessment: Using smartphone sensors to monitor behavior and mental health. (2015)Psychiatric rehabilitation journal, 38(3), pp. 218
Journal Article, Academic JournalStrategies for mHealth research: lessons from 3 mobile intervention studies (2015)Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 42(2), pp. 157--167
Journal Article, Academic JournalAffective forecasting in schizophrenia: Comparing predictions to real-time Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) ratings. (2014)Psychiatric rehabilitation journal, 37(4), pp. 316
Journal Article, Academic JournalFeasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a smartphone intervention for schizophrenia (2014)Schizophrenia bulletin, 40(6), pp. 1244--1253
Journal Article, Academic JournalHow I stopped fearing technology-based interventions (2014)Psychiatric Services, 65(10), pp. 1183--1183
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile health (mHealth) for mental health in Asia: objectives, strategies, and limitations (2014)Asian journal of psychiatry, 10(Unknown Issue), pp. 96--100
Journal Article, Academic JournalRemote “hovering” with individuals with psychotic disorders and substance use: feasibility, engagement, and therapeutic alliance with a text-messaging mobile interventionist (2014)Journal of dual diagnosis, 10(4), pp. 197--203
Conference ProceedingStudentLife: assessing mental health, academic performance and behavioral trends of college students using smartphones (2014)Proceedings of the 2014 ACM international joint conference on pervasive and ubiquitous computing, pp. 3--14
Journal Article, Academic JournalTechnologies for people with serious mental illness (2014)Behavioral Health Care and Technology: Using Science-Based Innovations to Transform Practice, pp. 70--80
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe rational patient and beyond: Implications for treatment adherence in people with psychiatric disabilities. (2014)Rehabilitation psychology, 59(1), pp. 85
Journal Article, Academic JournalmHealth for dual diagnosis: Considering long-term implementation (2014)Journal of dual diagnosis, 10(1), pp. 30--31
Journal Article, Academic JournalDevelopment and usability testing of FOCUS: A smartphone system for self-management of schizophrenia. (2013)Psychiatric rehabilitation journal, 36(4), pp. 289
Journal Article, Academic JournalEcological Momentary Assessment of social functioning in schizophrenia: Impact of performance appraisals and affect on social interactions (2013)Schizophrenia research, 145(1-3), pp. 120--124
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile technologies among people with serious mental illness: opportunities for future services (2013)Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 40(4), pp. 340--343
Journal Article, Academic JournalComparing retrospective reports to real-time/real-place mobile assessments in individuals with schizophrenia and a nonclinical comparison group (2012)Schizophrenia bulletin, 38(3), pp. 396--404
Journal Article, Academic JournalEthical considerations and social media: a case of suicidal postings on Facebook (2012)Journal of Dual Diagnosis, 8(4), pp. 341--346
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile technologies in the study, assessment, and treatment of schizophrenia (2012)Schizophrenia Bulletin, 38(3), pp. 384--385
Journal Article, Academic JournalPartnering with mental health providers: A guide for services researchers (2012)Journal of Mental Health, 21(5), pp. 469--477
Journal Article, Academic JournalPredictors of self-stigma in schizophrenia: New insights using mobile technologies (2012)Journal of dual diagnosis, 8(4), pp. 305--314
Journal Article, Academic JournalReal-time predictors of suicidal ideation: mobile assessment of hospitalized depressed patients (2012)Psychiatry research, 197(1-2), pp. 55--59
Journal Article, Academic JournalStigma and discrimination toward mental illness: translation and validation of the Italian version of the attribution questionnaire-27 (AQ-27-I) (2012)Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 47(6), pp. 993--999
Journal Article, Academic JournalStigma of mental illness and service use in the military (2012)Journal of Mental Health, 21(3), pp. 264--273
Journal Article, Academic JournalTechnology-based assessments and interventions targeting psychiatric and substance use disorders: Innovations and opportunities (2012)Journal of dual diagnosis, 8(4), pp. 259--261
Journal Article, Academic JournalUsing contemporary technologies in the assessment and treatment of serious mental illness (2012)American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, 15(4), pp. 357--376
Journal Article, Academic JournalIs stigma a stigmatizing word? A political question for science (2011)Stigma Research and Action, 2(2)
Journal Article, Academic JournalMobile Assessment and Treatment for Schizophrenia (MATS): a pilot trial of an interactive text-messaging intervention for medication adherence, socialization, and auditory hallucinations (2011)Schizophrenia bulletin, 38(3), pp. 414--425
Journal Article, Academic JournalPredicting the occurrence, conviction, distress, and disruption of different delusional experiences in the daily life of people with schizophrenia (2011)Schizophrenia bulletin, 38(4), pp. 826--837
Journal Article, Academic JournalReal-time electronic ambulatory monitoring of substance use and symptom expression in schizophrenia (2011)American Journal of Psychiatry, 168(2), pp. 202--209
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThe particular role of stigma: Patrick W. Corrigan and Dror Ben-Zeev (2011)Population Mental Health, pp. 102--125
mHealth in West Africa: Developing an evidence-based psychosocial intervention toolkit
UW ALACRITY Center - Seattle, WA (virtual)
Grand Rounds
Department of Psychiatry - Chicago, IL
Mobile Health (mHealth) for Mental Health
Ohio Psychiatric Physicians Association’s Annual Psychiatric Update - Columbus, OH
My Smartphone Can do...What?!” Mobile Health and the Future of Mental Health Care
2019 Congress of the Schizophrenia International Research Society - Orlando, FL
Technology assisted intervention for family caregivers of Individuals with Early Psychosis
14th International Family Nursing Conference - Washington D.C.
The Future of Mental Health Care is sitting in Your Pocket
National Council for Behavioral Health Annual Meeting (NATCON 2019) - Nashville, TN
Does Telehealth Improve Outcomes for Patients with Serious Mental illness
Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), Facebook Live Event - Washington D.C.
FOCUS: an mHealth App for People with Serious Mental Illness
NIH mHealth Technology Showcase - Bethesda, MD
Grand Rounds
Seattle Children’s Hospital - Seattle, WA
How telehealth can improve patient care and outcomes
PCORI Annual Meeting - Washington D.C.
Integrating Mobile Technology into Clinical Practice
National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, Forum on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders - Washington D.C.
mHealth for Mental Health: Systematic Development and Testing of a Patient-Centered Smartphone Intervention for Schizophrenia
American Psychological Association Technology, Mind, & Society Conference - Washington D.C.
Mobile assessment of correlates of persecutory ideation in schizophrenia
Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP) Annual Meeting - Indianapolis, IN
Mobile e-Mental Health Research
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Inaugural Research Meeting - Thunder Bay, Ontario
Mobile Health and the Future of Mental Health Care
Annual NIMH Outreach Partnership Program - Bethesda, MD
Mobile Health and the Redefining of Mental Health Care
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
Technology and Mental Health Care
Amazon “All Boats Rise” Event - Seattle, WA
Technology for mental health grants: Strategies, tactics, pitches
VA Health Services R&D fellowship didactics - Seattle, WA