- Hispanic linguistics
- LGBTQ+ studies
- Latin American and Latinx studies
Research Area
Ernesto Cuba (él/he) is a PhD in Hispanic Linguistics at The Graduate Center (CUNY). He obtained his BA in Linguistics and a diploma in Gender Studies at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. His area of interest is the study of language, gender and sexuality in Spanish-speaking communities. The subject of his doctoral research is the discursive and linguistic practices of éԲ, a transgender activist group based in Lima, Peru. Ernesto has published articles, book chapters, guidelines, and essays on gender and language in Spanish, English, and French languages. During the 2024-2025 academic year, he will work as a UW postdoctoral scholar on the project titled “Developing a Spanish-language Homosaurus: Using Multi-language Linked Data to Enhance LGBTQ Resource Discoverability.” Ernesto will bring his expertise in sociolinguistics, Hispanic dialectology, and LGBTQ+ lexicography to the Spanish-language Homosaurus project.
- Ph D, Hispanic Linguistics, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2024
- Mphil, Hispanic Linguistics, The Graduate Center, CUNY, 2021
- Diploma, Gender Studies, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, 2013
- BA, Linguistics, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, 2010
- Paul Monette-Roger Horwitz Dissertation Prize - Center for LGBTQ Studies (CLAGS), The Graduate Center (CUNY), 2025
- Honorable Mention: First Linguistic and Cultural Sound Recording Lab - WikiAcción Perú, 2024
- Dissertation Fellowship - The Graduate Center (CUNY), 2022
- Doctoral Student Research Grant Award: Round 17 - The Graduate Center (CUNY), 2022
- Louise Lennihan Arts and Sciences Grant - The Futures Initiative, The Graduate Center (CUNY), 2021
- Summer Research Travel Fellowship - Center for Latin American, Caribbean & Latino Studies, The Graduate Center (CUNY), 2021
- IGALA 9 USA-Based Scholar Travel Grant - National Science Foundation, 2016
- Presentation Travel Grant - Hispanic & Luso-Brazilian Literatures & Languages, The Graduate Center (CUNY), 2016
- Summer Research Travel Fellowship - Center for Latin American, Caribbean & Latino Studies, The Graduate Center (CUNY), 2016
- Research Initiation Support Program Award - Academic Research Directorate, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, 2009
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2024)Gender and Development, 32(1-2), pp. 333-352
Ph.D. Dissertation(2024)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2024)ex æquo, 49, pp. 53-67
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2024)Onoma, 59, pp. 91-113, ISBN/ISSN: 0078-463X
Book Review(2023)Gender and Language, 17(2), pp. 1-6
Magazine/Trade Publication(2023)Revista digital Crónicas de la Diversidad, pp. 34-37
Journal Article, In-House Journal(2022)LL Journal, 17, Dossier de Lingüística Feminista: Una experiencia indisciplinada, pp. 140-161
Journal Article, In-House Journal(2022)LL Journal, 17, Dossier de Lingüística Feminista: Una experiencia indisciplinada, pp. 31-42
Journal Article, Professional Journal(2022)Rethinking Queer and Trans Latinx: Latinx Talk Mini-Reader #4, pp. 9-20
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New(2021)Escritura Académica con Perspectiva de Género: Propuestas desde la Comunicación Científica, pp. 19-35
Book Entry, Almanac or Encyclopedia(2021)Diccionario Latinoamericano de la Lengua Española (Notas)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2019)Anuario de Glotopolítica, 2, pp. 21-40
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2018)GLAD! Revue sur la Langage, le Genre, les Sexualités, 4, pp. 1-13
Journal Article, In-House Journal(2016)LL Journal, 11(2), pp. 31-42
Journal Article, Professional Journal(2015)Esferas, 5, pp. 46-54
Inclusive Language Guide(2013)pp. 1-54
La apuesta glotofeminista, una agenda de investigación
Open lecture: Cátedra Libre en Glotopolítica (facilitated by Daniel Rudas), Instituto Caro y Cuervo - Bogotá, Colombia
Panel of Lengua y Género
III Congreso Anual del Instituto Cervantes de Nueva York: "Lengua e identidad: Hablantes, Tradición y Cultura" - New York, NY
Productivity and Self-Care in Alexandra R. DeRuiz's "Crucé la frontera en tacones"
2024 Latinx Studies Association Conference, Arizona State University - Tempe, AZ
"I rename me after her": Popular feminine-sounding names among transgender women in Peru
CSSN 2023: Canadian Society for the Study of Names 57th Annual Meeting, York University - Ontario, Canada
"New" morphemes and gender identities in tension: Fragmentations and divergences in metadiscourses about gender-inclusive language in the Peruvian activist scene
Gender-Neutral / Fair/ Inclusive / Nonbinary/ Non-sexist languages and their dis/contents seminar, University of Chicago, Center in Paris - Paris, France
"Why [Insert Name]?" Renaming Strategies in a Community of Transgender Women of the City of Lima, Peru
ASN 2023: American Name Society Annual Meeting - Virtual
Is there a queer language in Peru? Reflections on empirical data and metadiscursive representations of the lexicon of Peruvian gay men and transgender women
2023 Language, Gender, and Sexuality: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives Conference, University of Helsinki - Helsinki, Finland
"¿Con qué palabra te identificas: transgénero o travesti?" Elección léxica de género, discursos públicos activistas y prácticas lingüísticas comunitarias entre mujeres trans de Lima, Perú
Instituto de Lingüística de la Universidad de Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires, Argentina
"¿Existe una 'lengua trans' en Lima?" Actitudes lingüísticas y metapragmáticas entre activistas trans femeninas de Perú
Semana UNIPE Virtual 2022, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional - Virtual
"To You, What Does It Mean to Talk Like a Woman?" Ideologies of Gendered Language among Transgender Women in the City of Lima, Peru
Sociolinguistics Lunch Lecture Series, The Graduate Center (CUNY) - New York, NY
"Transgénero" or "Travesti"? Gender Label Choice in a Community of Transgender Women of the City of Lima, Peru
2022 Annual Society for Linguistic Anthropology Conference, University of Colorado Boulder - Boulder, CO
Activismo Trans Femenino y Lenguaje Inclusivo / No Binario en Lima, Perú
Course: Advanced Spanish: Identidad, Género y Nación (taught by César Romero), Department of Spanish and Portuguese, Princeton University - Princeton, NJ
Activismo Trans y Reforma Lingüística No Binaria en Lima, Perú: Una Alianza Problemática
Quinto Congreso Latinoamericano de Glotopolítica - Montevideo, Uruguay
Different Approaches to Naming Gender-Inclusive Language in Spanish: A Data-Driven Contribution to the Transnational Debate
International Conference “Attitudes towards gender-inclusive language. A multinational perspective”, Queen Mary University of London - Virtual
El lenguaje inclusivo como oportunidad epistemológica en la escritura académica
Course: Más allá del concepto de lengua: Introducción a la investigación glotopolítica (taught by Daniel Rudas), Seminario Andrés Bello, Instituto Caro y Cuervo - Bogotá, Colombia
Lenguaje Inclusivo en Español
Course: Language and Identity in the Spanish-Speaking World (taught by Lydia Manatou), Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, Fordham University - New York, NY
Lingüística feminista y activismo lingüístico en Latinoamérica
Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - Córdoba, Argentina
Experiences from the First Spanish Feminist Linguistics Edith-a-thon
Digitorium 2021 Conference, University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Feminismo y Apuesta Glotopolítica: Contexto y Nuevas Direcciones
Course: Criticism and Critical Documentation: Raciolingüística y las Fronteras (taught by Claudia Holguín Mendoza), Department of Hispanic Studies of the University of California Riverside - Riverside, CA
Glotopolítica de la Lingüística Descriptiva en el Perú durante el Siglo XX. Una Nota Especial sobre la Figura de Martha Hildebrant
International Seminar: Español de América (taught by Soledad Chávez Fajardo), Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile - Santiago, Chile
Indisciplinadxs: Construyendo una Lingüística Feminista desde Latinoamérica
12th Annual Virtual Graduate Student Conference of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Colorado Boulder - Boulder, CO
On Transgender Speakers of Peruvian Spanish
Workshop on Cross-cultural Sociolinguistics, University of Cologne and New York University - Cologne, Germany
Panel of Modos de representaciones drag
El fuego drag de Yma Súmac, Centro Cultural de España - Lima, Peru
Sexismo como Problema Transnacional: Inclusão em Otras Línguas
Course: Ativismo Linguístico, Gênero e Sexualidade: Perspectivas Históricas e Problemas Atuais (taught by Rodrigo Borba), Programa Interdisciplinar de Linguística Aplicada of Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
The Theoretical Tenets of Queer Linguistics: The Case of Mexican Online Platforms
LinguA3 – Lectures on Language of Leibniz Universität Hannover - Hannover, Germany
Panel of Lenguaje Inclusivo, Feminismo y Sexualidades Disidentes at the Escuela de Verano
Lengua y acción política en el siglo XXI, University of Chile - Santiago, Chile
Panel of Todes: La construcción de la realidad a partir de la palabra at Plaza Tomada
Teatro La Plaza - Miraflores, Peru
Panel of Género, Lengua y Traducción
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas - Santiago de Surco, Peru
Panel of Language and Transgender Identity. What is Transgender Language, and Who Uses it?
Swarthmore College - Rhode Island
Panel of Sociolinguistics
XX Diálogo de Estudiantes de Lingüística, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - San Miguel, Peru
Haiga: Historia Política de un 'Barbarismo'
Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2018, University of Texas at Austin - Austin, TX
Hashtagging Sexism in Twitter: The (Non) Feminist Use of #Onvre
25th Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference, Rhode Island College - Providence, Rhode Island
Higiene Verbal a la Peruana: El Caso de Haiga
9th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, Queens College (CUNY) - New York, NY
Panel of Society and Bilingualism
9th International Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, Queens College (CUNY) - New York, NY
When YouTube Becomes the Classroom: Language Ideologies in Online Spanish Language Lessons
Hispanic Linguistics Symposium 2018, University of Texas at Austin - Austin, TX
Describing the Spanish(es) of America in the Twentieth Century: Linguistic Science and the Geopolitics of Standardization in the Modern History of Spanish
2017 Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference, New York University and CUNY Graduate Center - New York, NY
Muyertz: Una Innovación Lingüística Queer en Redes Sociales Mexicanas
22nd Annual Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages Graduate Student Conference, The Graduate Center (CUNY) - New York, NY
Norma Culta y Guerra Fría. Panamericanismo, Panhispanismo y el Instituto Caro y Cuervo de Colombia
Tercer Congreso Latinoamericano de Glotopolítica - Hannover, Germany
Panel of Language and Gender
2017 Historical Sociolinguistics Network Conference, New York University and CUNY Graduate Center - New York, NY
Teaching Spanish via Youtube videos
4th Annual Language, Linguistics and Life Conference - Philadelphia, PA
Anti-Language Practices of Transgender Women and Gay Men in Peru: The Case of El Hungarito
9th International Gender and Language Association Conference, City University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
Compañeras Lesbianas Latinoamericanas: El Papel de la Interseccionalidad en la Construcción de la “Experiencia Común” en las Primeras Narrativas de Mujeres Lesbianas Latinas
VI Coloquio ¿Del Otro La’o?: Perspectivas sobre Sexualidades Queer, Recinto Universitario de Mayagüez - Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
El Criterio de Corrección en el Trabajo Lexicográfico de Martha Hildebrandt. Notas para una Historia Glotopolítica del Perú en el Siglo XX.
21st Annual Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages Graduate Student Conference, The Graduate Center (CUNY) - New York, NY
El Hungarito: An Affective and Linguistic Resource of Transgender Women and Gay Men in Peru
23rd Lavender Languages and Linguistics Conference, American University - Washington, DC
Imaginando las Lenguas en/y el Espacio Público en el Perú: Hildebrandt y Sumire en el Congreso de la República
Segundo Congreso Latinoamericano de Glotopolítica - Bogotá, Colombia
Teaching Spanish to Non-Spanish Speakers with Youtube Videos. Mapping Tendencies of Multiliteracies and Multimodalities on the Internet
Multilingualism and Language Empowerment: A Response to Inequality, The Graduate Center (CUNY) - New York, NY
Políticas Lingüísticas e Indigenismo Peruano. El Caso de las "Brigadas de Culturización Indígena" de Puno
Primer Congreso Latinoamericano de Glotopolítica, Universidad de Chile - Santiago, Chile
Queer as Lady Gaga or Cuirsh como La Gagis? Performative and Indexical Work of Mexican Youtube Videobloggers
CLASP IV: 4th Culture, Language and Social Practice Conference - Boulder, CO
Yo Soy Muyerts. No, No Soy Mujer. Clase, Género y Sexualidad Disputados por Videobloggers Mexicanos Jóvenes
20th Annual Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Languages Graduate Student Conference, The Graduate Center (CUNY) - New York, NY