- Collection Development
- Academic Librarianship
- Digital Humanities
Research Areas
Helene Williams has more than 25 years of experience in academic and public libraries, and in addition to teaching in the iSchool, she is a consultant to libraries, consortia, and arts organizations. She teaches graduate courses ranging from the core introduction to issues in the profession to digital humanities librarianship, academic librarianship, and collection development; in addition, she manages the MLIS directed fieldwork program. She has put her pedagogical training to use in heading up the MLIS curriculum review project, helping faculty map their courses to the MLIS program-level learning outcomes, and assuring the inclusion of IDEAS (inclusion, diversity, equity, accessibility, and sovereignty) in the revamped courses.
- MLS, Master of Library Science, Indiana University
- MA, English, Purdue University
- BA, English/Communication, University of the Pacific
- Nominated for UW Distinguished Teaching Award - Center for Teaching and Learning, 2019
- Outstanding Service Award - iSchool, 2018
- Nominated for UW Distinguished Teaching Award - Center for Teaching and Learning, 2017
- TEACH Teaching Excellence and Creative Honors Award - iSchool, 2017
- Area and International Studies Grant - Jackson School/Mellon Foundation, 2015
- Digital Humanities Summer Institute Scholarship - Simpson Center for the Humanities, 2015
- TEACH Award: Teaching Excellence and Creative Honors - iSchool, 2015
- Digital Humanities Summer Institute Scholarship - Digital Humanities Summer Institute / University of Victoria, 2014
- Digital Humanities Summer Institute Scholarship - Simpson Center for the Humanities, 2013
Consulting and Other Projects
- University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA, 2017
- Vulcan (Philanthropic arm), Seattle, WA, 2017
- Seattle Central College, Seattle, WA, 2015
- Alexander Street Press, 2012
- Beta Phi Mu
- American Library Association
- Phi Kappa Phi
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2024)Interdisciplinary Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH), 5(1)
Journal Article, Professional JournalLibrary Crossovers: A Conversation (2021)Alki: The Washington Library Association Journal, 37(3), pp. 18-26
Conference PosterMore Than Form and Function: Developing a Design Course for Graduate Library Education (2017)ALISE 2017
Book Editor, ScholarlySudden Selector's Guide to Physics: Editor's Introduction (2013)
Book Review(2012)The Information Society, 28(2), pp. 121-122
Book Editor, ScholarlySudden Selector's Guide to Biology: Editor's Introduction (2012)
Book Editor, ScholarlySudden Selector's Guide to Chemistry: Editor's Introduction (2012)
Journal Article, Professional JournalThe College Library in the 21st Century: Reconfiguring Space for Learning and Engagement (2009)C&RL News, 70(October 2009), pp. 214-216+
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewTraining for Teaching Literary Research Methods (2009)Teaching Literary Research Methods: Challenges in a Changing Environment, pp. 216-226
Conference Extended AbstractTeaching Across the Divides in the Library Classroom (2002)IFLA Proceedings
Book Editor, ScholarlySudden Selector's Guide to Anthropology: Editor's Introduction
Book Editor, ScholarlySudden Selector's Guide to Geography/GIS: Editor's Introduction
Book Editor, ScholarlySudden Selector's Guide to Government Information: Editor's Introduction
Book Editor, ScholarlySudden Selector's Guide to Political Science: Editor's Introduction
Book Editor, ScholarlySudden Selector's Guide to Romance Languages: Editor's Introduction
Invited BlogpostAssociation of College & Research Libraries Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Best Practices: Moderator Training
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of ALA - Virtual
Do LIS 911爆料网 Prepare Future Librarians for Real-World Challenges?
Library Journal - Virtual
Facilitator Orientation
Digital Library Federation - Virtual
Forget Banning Books: A Rural WA County May Close Its Library
Crosscut - Virtual
Training MLIS Students in Digital Humanities: Hands-On Consultation Project
Digital Humanities Summer Institute Open/Social/Digital Humanities Pedagogy Training and Mentorship Track - Virtual
Pathways to Creating an Inclusive and Accessible Digital Humanities Classroom
8th Annual Digital Pedagogy Institute Conference - Virtual
Moderator Training for ALA/RBMS Conference
Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of ALA - Online
Pedagogical Approaches to Teaching Digital Humanities
Association for Computers and the Humanities - Pittsburgh, PA
2018 Forum Moderator Training
Digital Library Federation Forum - Las Vegas, NV
Critical Pedagogy in Online Spaces: Translating the Online Classroom
Praxis Conference 2018: Translation Practices: Negotiating Difference - Seattle, WA
Diverse and Instructive: Digital Collections Reach Across Communities
Digital Library Federation Forum - Las Vegas, NV
Roles and Relationships: Training Digital Humanities Librarians
Digital Library Federation Forum - Las Vegas, NV
The Future of Collection Development in Academic Libraries
Pratt Institute School of Information, Academic Librarianship course - Brooklyn, NY (Presentation was virtual)
Unanticipated Afterlives: Resurrecting Dead Projects and Research Data for Pedagogical Use
DH2018 - Mexico City, Mexico
When Does a New Role Cease to Be New? Situating the Work of Library-Based Digital Humanities/Scholarship Support Positions
Digital Library Federation Forum - Las Vegas, NV
Data in the Humanities: It's Everywhere!
RDAP: Research Data Access & Preservation Summit (part of ASIS&T) - Seattle, WA
Digital Humanities Pedagogy in the UW iSchool MLIS Program: A Curricular Balance of Multidisciplinary Expertise
DH2017 - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Fieldwork and Capstone: Experiential Learning Opportunities in the iSchool
Quarterly meeting of the ALUW (Association of Librarians at the University of Washington) - Seattle, WA
More Than Form and Function: Developing a Design Course for Graduate Library Education
ALISE 2017 - Atlanta, GA
Tips for Attending ALA
S'ALA webinar - Seattle, WA
Digital Humanities, Copyright, and Open Resources
Near E 296/596: Digital Humanities Topics and Debates (grant-funded digital humanities course housed in Near Eastern Languages & Civilization Dept.) - Seattle, WA
Digital Humanities, Copyright, and Open Resources
Near E 296/596: Digital Humanities Topics and Debates (grant-funded digital humanities course housed in Near Eastern Languages & Civilization Dept.) - Seattle, WA
Digitized Texts, Digital Humanities: More Questions than Answers
Theories of Text course (French 551); part of the Digital Studies Certificate Program - Seattle, WA
Duty Now for the Future: Connecting Libraries, Library Schools, and New Librarians through Internships
ARLIS/NA + VRA 3rd Joint Conference (Art Libraries Society of North America and the Visual Resources Association) - Seattle, WA
Masters of Library and Information Studies orientation
Panel at University of Washington - iSchool - Seattle, WA
Pedagogy and Curriculum in US LIS 911爆料网
World Affairs Council of Seattle - Seattle, WA
The Expansion and Development of Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Librarian Roles: A Look at the Data
Digital Library Federation Forum - Milwaukee, WI
Academic Librarianship
MLIS Professional Development Panel - Seattle, WA
Academic Librarianship
MLIS Professional Development Panel - Seattle, WA
Content and Technology: Training Librarians as Collaborators in Humanities Scholarship
University of Washington Information School Research Fair - Seattle, WA
Content and Technology: Training Librarians as Collaborators in Humanities Scholarship
New Directions in the Humanities - Vancouver, BC
Digital Humanities, Copyright, and Open Resources
Near E 296/596: Digital Humanities Topics and Debates (grant-funded digital humanities course housed in Near Eastern Languages & Civilization Dept.) - Seattle, WA
Hybrid in the iSchool: Bridging Content, Technologies, and Time Zones
Center for Teaching and Learning Symposium - Seattle, WA
Information Literacy, Future Librarians, and the Digital Humanities: Merging Technology and Content in Library and Information Science Education
IFLA Satellite Conference on Information Literacy - Limerick, Ireland
Information Science Education: Training for Digital Humanities in the Library
Data Driven: Digital Humanities in the Library, College of Charleston - Charleston, SC
Intellectual Freedom: the Library Perspective
LIS 550: David Levy's course, University of Washington Information School - Seattle, WA
Selectors of the Future: What Should (or Can) They Learn in an MLIS Program?
Charleston Conference on Collections, College of Charleston - Charleston, SC
Academic Librarianship: How to Apply, What to Expect
University of Washington Information School - Seattle, WA
Baking Discovery into the Pie: Driving Exploration Within e-Resources [online presentation]
Library Journal and Alexander Street Press Webinar
E-Portfolios: The What, Why, and How [online presentation]
SLA Joint PNW/OR Chapters Webinar
Interviewing for Academic Library Positions [online presentation]
Publish with ACLTS: Sudden Selector's Guide Series
ALA Annual Conference - Chicago, IL
Towards a Multi-Type Library Collaboration
Retreat of Port Townsend Public and School Libraries - Port Townsend, WA
Academic Librarianship
University of Washington Information School - Seattle, WA
Incorporating Audio Drama into the Curriculum
Seminar on Teaching with Media, University of Maryland professional schools - Baltimore, MD
Long-Distance Selection: Ordering Canadian Titles in Gobi
ALA Midwinter - Philadelphia, PA
E-Resources at Harvard: Implementing Metasearch
Association of American Publishers - Washington, DC