Affiliate Positions
- Co-Founder and Inagural Director, Center for an Informed Public
- Co-Founder and Co-Director, DataLab
- Adjunct Associate Professor, UW Computer Science & Engineering
- Faculty Member, Human Centered Data Science Lab, HCDE, UW
- Affiliate Faculty, UW Center for Statistics and Social Sciences
- Data Science Fellow, UW eScience Institute
- Misinformation
- Science of Science
- Data Science
Research Areas
- - Research Seminar
Jevin West is the co-founder of the new Center for an Informed Public at UW aimed at resisting strategic misinformation, promoting an informed society and strengthening democratic discourse. His research and teaching focus on the impact of data and technology on science and society, with a focus on slowing the spread of misinformation. He is the co-author of the new book, Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World, which helps non-experts question numbers, data, and statistics without an advanced degree in data science.
- Postdoc, Physics, Umea University, 2012
- Ph D, Biology, University of Washington, 2010
- MS, Biology, Utah State University, 2004
- BS, Biology, Utah State University, 2000
- Nominated for UW Distinguished Teaching Award - University of Washington, 2017
- Nominated for Ingrith Deyrup-Olsen Teaching Award - University of Washington, 2007
Consulting and Other Projects
- U.S. Embassy in Finland, 2022
Publications and Contributions
Conference PaperHow should the advent of large language models affect the practice of science? (2025)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 122(5), pp. e2401227121
Conference Paper(2025)Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Industry Track, pp. 58–67
Conference PaperEcho chambers in the age of algorithms: An audit of twitters friend recommender system (2024)Proceedings of the 16th ACM Web Science Conference, pp. 11-21
Conference PaperLLM chain ensembles for scalable and accurate data annotation (2024)2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, pp. 2110–2118
Conference PaperPerceived experts are prevalent and influential within an antivaccine community on twitter (2024)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) Nexus, 3(2), pp. pgae007
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2024)Nature Human Behavior, 8(Unknown Issue), pp. 625–627
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewUnderstanding and addressing misinformation about science (2024)National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Consensus Reports
Journal Article, Professional JournalGender-based homophily in collaborations across a heterogeneous scholarly landscape (2023)PLoS One, 18(4)
NewsletterGrantexplorer (2023)ACS Green Chemistry Institute Nexus
Journal Article, Professional JournalHow publishers can fight misinformation in and about science (2023)Nature Medicine
Conference PaperMobilizing Manufactured Reality: How Participatory Disinformation Shaped Deep Stories to Catalyze Action during the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election (2023)ACM Conference On Computer-Supported Cooperative Work And Social Computing, 7(CSCW1)
Journal Article, Academic JournalSelective and deceptive citation in the construction of dueling consensuses (2023)Science Advances
Journal Article, Professional JournalSelective and deceptive citation in the construction of dueling consensuses (2023)Science Advances, 9(38)
NewspaperThe chatbot era: Better or worse off? (2023)Seattle Times
Journal Article, Academic JournalWhere are the Women: The Ethnic Representation of Women Authors in Philosophy Journals by Regional Affiliation and Specialization (2023)Journal of Analytic Philosophy
Op-Ed(2022)The Seattle Times
Journal Article, Academic JournalAn Introduction to Calling Bullshit: Learning to Think Outside the Box (2022)Numeracy, 15(1), pp. 1-5
Journal Article, Academic JournalAuditing Google's Search Headlines as a Potential Gateway to Misleading Content: Evidence from the 2020 US Election (2022)Journal of Online Trust & Safety, 1(4)
Conference PaperBursting scientific filter bubbles: Boosting innovation via novel author discovery (2022)ACM SIGCHI
Conference PaperBursting scientific filter bubbles: Boosting innovation via novel author discovery (2022)Proceedings of the 2022 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2022)Nature Human Behavior
Journal Article, Academic JournalDoes lower use of academic affiliation by university faculty in top U.S. newspapers contribute to misinformation about abortion? (2022)Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 16(1), pp. 7-20
Blog(2022)Election Integrity Partnership
Research Briefing(2022)Nature Human Behavior
Working PaperReplication does not reliably measure scientific productivity (2022)SocArXiv
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe Past 110 Years: Historical Data on the Underrepresentation of Women in Philosophy Journals (2022)Ethics
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2021)Science Advances, 7(50)
Journal Article, Academic JournalMisinformation in and about science (2021)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewPatent Analytics: Information From Innovation (2021)Legal Informatics
ReportThe Long Fuse: Misinformation and the 2020 Election (2021)Election Integrity Partnership
Newspaper5 types of misinformation to watch out for while ballots are being counted and after (2020)The Conversation
Magazine/Trade PublicationA center for an informed public (2020)University of Washington Magazine, 31(1), pp. 6
Book, Scholarly-New(2020)ISBN/ISSN: 9780525509189
NewspaperCalling bs: Data reasoning during an infodemic (2020)Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Forum
NewsletterCuriosity is an antidote to misinformation (2020)University of Washington Center for an Informed Public (CIP) Newsletter
White Paper(2020)
Broadcast Media(2020)NBC News
Conference PaperIncreasing enrollment by optimizing scholarship allocations using machine learning and genetic algorithms (2020)International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM), pp. 29-38
NewspaperKnow the facts: Do social media covid-19 banners help? (2020)Medium
NewsletterMisinformation and the impending us election (2020)Penguin Random House Newsletter
Workshop PaperModeling and analysis of migration and mobility among scholars using bibliometric data (2020)Social Informatics: 2nd Workshop on Reframing Research
NewsletterPreventing and mitigating misinformation (2020)University of Washington Information School Newsletter
Conference PaperScisight: Combining faceted navigation and research group detection for covid-19 exploratory scientific search (2020)Proceedings of the Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)
White Paper(2020)arXiv
The 2020 election integrity partnership (2020)Yale University Law School Information Society Project (ISP)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2020)Sociological Science, 7(Unknown Issue), pp. 314-341
NewspaperThis covid-19 misinformation went viral. Here’s what we learned. (2020)The Washington Post
Report(2020)Election Integrity Partnership (EIP)
Article(2020)Election Integrity Partnership
Article(2020)Election Integrity Partnership
NewsletterWith cip's team in place, we're actively engaged in building a community to combat strategic misinformatoin (2020)University of Washington Center for an Informed Public (CIP) Newsletter
Technical Report(2019)pp. 10
Working Paper(2019)
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewGlobal ebbs and flows of patent knowledge (2019)Legal Informatics
Conference Demonstration PaperGraviTIE: Exploratory Analysis of Large-Scale Heterogeneous Image Collections (2019)The World Wide Web Conference (2019), pp. 3605-3609
Conference PaperIdentifying the Central Figure of a Scientific Paper (2019)International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pp. 1063-1070
Conference Paper(2019)Proceedings of the 12th International Educational Data Mining Conference (EDM '19)
Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal(2019)Alki: The Washington Library Association Journal, 36(2), pp. 16-18, ISBN/ISSN: 8756-4173
Journal Article, Academic JournalScientific Journals Still Matter in the Era of Academic Search Engines and Preprint Archives (2019)Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, pp. 1-9
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe demography of the peripatetic researcher: Evidence on highly mobile scholars from the web of science (2019)Proceedings of the 11th International Social Informatics Conference (SocInfo 2019), pp. 50-65
Conference Workshop PaperClassifying digitized art type and time period (2018)Workshop on Data Science for Digital Art History
Conference PaperAre Trolls Good (At Choosing Valuable Patents)? (2018)PAE Reform Symposium
Conference Poster(2018)Digital Humanities Annual Conference
Conference PaperDelineating Disciplines Using Visual Information in Scientific Literature (2018)KDD 2018 BigScholar 2018: The 5th Workshop on Big Scholarly Data
Conference Paper(2018)KDD 2018 BigScholar 2018: The 5th Workshop on Big Scholarly Data
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2018)PeerJ, 6(Unknown Issue), pp. e4375
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe state of OA: a large-scale analysis of the prevalence and impact of Open Access articles (2018)PeerJ, 6(e4375)
Journal Article, Academic JournalTowards Assessing Gender Authorship in Aquaculture Publications (2018)The Journal of the Asian Fisheries Society, 30S(Unknown Issue), pp. 131-143
Journal Article, Academic JournalUnderstanding the Elephant: The Discourse Approach to Boundary Identification and Corpus Construction for Theory Review Articles (2018)Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), 20(7), pp. 887-928
Working Paper(2018)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2017)Virginia Journal of Law and Technology, 20(3), pp. 395-465
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2017)PLoS One, 12(4), pp. 1-23
Conference Short Paper(2017)iConference
Conference Workshop Paper(2017)Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion (WWW): Big Scholar Workshop, pp. 1273-1277
Conference PaperEcho Chambers in Science? (2017)American Sociological Association (ASA) Annual Meeting
Newspaper(2017)Seattle Times
Conference Paper(2017)European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL), 14(Unknown Issue), pp. 306-313
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2017)Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics, 2(Unknown Issue), pp. 1-10
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2017)Socius, 3(Unknown Issue), pp. 1-22
Conference Paper(2017)14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR), pp. 1087-1094
Journal Article, Academic JournalScalable and Efficient Flow-Based Community Detection for Large-Scale Graph Analysis (2017)ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD), 11(3)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2017)Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(10), pp. 2338–2349
Conference PosterUsing "Mathematical Jargon" to Characterize Differences Between Scientific Fields (2017)
Conference Paper(2017)Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion (WWW): Workshop on Big Scholarly Data, pp. 1279-1282
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2017)IEEE Transactions on Big Data, PP(99)
Conference PosterViziometrics: Identifying Central Figures in Scientific Papers (2017)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2016)IEEE Transactions on Big Data, 2(2), pp. 113-123
Conference Workshop Paper(2016)Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, pp. 389-394
Conference Workshop Paper(2016)Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
Conference Workshop Paper(2016)WWW Workshop on Semantics, Analytics, Visualization. Enhancing Scholarly Data, pp. 147-151
Conference PosterExamining Gender Authorship in Aquaculture Journals (2016)
Conference Poster(2016)iConference 2016 Proceedings
Conference Workshop Paper(2016)International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Data4good: Machine Learning in Social Good Applications
Conference Workshop Paper(2016)Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
Conference PosterSurveying Usage of Academic Research in Journalism (2016)UW iSchool Capstone
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New(2016)Big Data Is Not a Monolith, chpt. 10(Unknown Issue)
Conference Poster(2016)iSchool Conference
Conference PaperVizioMetrix: A Platform for Analyzing the Visual Information in Big Scholarly Data (2016)BigScholar Workshop (Third WWW Workshop on Big Scholarly Data: Towards the Web of Scholars)
Conference Workshop Paper(2016)Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, pp. 413-418
Conference PaperAn Experimental Platform for Scholarly Article Recommendation (2015)37th European Conference on Information Retrieval, 1344(30-39)
Conference PaperCoursector (2015)UW iSchool Capstone
Conference PosterDataLab at UW iSchool (2015)Big Data, Technology Alliance
ReportNormalized Eigenfactor (2015)The State of Journal Evaluation, Thomson Reuters
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2015)PLoS One, 10(5), pp. e0128000
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New(2014)Beyond Bibliometrics: Harnessing Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly Impact, chpt. 8(Unknown Issue), pp. 151-166
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2014)Economic Inquiry, 52(Unknown Issue), pp. 1315-1321
Conference PosterCourse Connect (2014)UW iSchool Capstone
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2014)Sociological Science, 1(Unknown Issue), pp. 221-238
Conference Paper(2014)International Conference on Science and Technology Indicators, pp. 611-615
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2014)Nature Communications, 5(4630)
Conference Abstract(2014)ASIS&T Workshop on Informetric and Scientometric Research
Conference Paper(2014)2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops
Conference Paper(2014)Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Conference PosterUsing Visual Metaphor in Interactive Visualization to Improve Navigation of Complex Data Sets (2014)UW iSchool Research Fair
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2013)Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(4), pp. 787 - 801, ISBN/ISSN: 1532-2890
Conference Paper(2013)Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8119(2013), pp. 316 - 333
Conference ProceedingScalable Flow-Based Community Detection for Large-Scale Network Analysis (2013)Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW 2013)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2013)PLoS One, 8(7), pp. e66212
Conference PosterCategorical Landscapes: Large Scale Cluster Analysis of Wikipedia Category System over Time (2012)iSchool Research Fair 2012
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2011)Science, 334(Unknown Issue), pp. 1503 - 1504
Conference Paper(2011)Unifying Themes in Complex Systems, pp. 327-341
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2010)Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(9), pp. 1800 - 1807
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2010)Nature, 465(Unknown Issue), pp. 871 - 872
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2010)Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(12), pp. 2592
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2010)College and Research Libraries, 71(3), pp. 236-244
Conference PosterA Novel Method for Ranking the Quality of Cardiology Literature (2009)American College of Cardiology Scientific Sessions
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2009)Journal of Theoretical Biology, 261(4), pp. 561 - 569
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2009)Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), pp. 27-34
Journal Article, Professional Journal(2009)American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,, pp. 20-21
Conference PosterTraversing Fitness Landscapes by Changing Environments (2009)Gordon Research Conference
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2008)Neurology, 71(Unknown Issue), pp. 1850 - 1851
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New(2008)Bacteriophage Ecology: Population Growth, Evolution, and Impact of Bacterial Viruses, pp. 31-63
Software, Instructional(2008)
Software, Instructional(2008)
Software, Instructional(2008)
Magazine/Trade Publication(2008)Front Matter, 4(Unknown Issue), pp. 1-7
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2008)Journal of Neuroscience, 28(Unknown Issue), pp. 11433 - 11434
Conference PosterA Top-Down Approach to Discriminate Adaptive Landscape Topology (2007)Gordon Research Conference
Conference PosterRanking and Mapping Scholarly Literature (2007)Gordon Research Conference
Conference PosterThe Missing Link (2007)UW Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Symposium
Conference PosterThe evolution of a 'Tragedy of the Commons' in a Host-Pathogen Metapopulation (2006)EVO-WIBO
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2005)Plant, Cell and Environment, 28(5), pp. 633-641
Conference PaperSophisticated Information Processing in Plants (2005)Symposium on Plant Neurobiology
Conference Paper(2004)Proceedings of the International Conference on Complex Systems (ICCS2004)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2004)Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(4), pp. 918-922
Conference PosterProblem Solving Dynamics of Stomatal Networks (2004)American Association for the Advancement of Science
Conference PosterStomatal Networks and Cellular Computation (2004)International Conference on Complex Systems
Conference PosterStomatal Networks and Cellular Computation (2003)International Conference on Complex Systems
Conference PosterThe Game of Leaf: Evidence that Stomatal Networks are Cellular Computers (2003)Networks: Structure, Dynamics and Function
Conference PosterCan Stomata Respond as a Reaction Diffusion Model? (2001)Utah State University Student Research Symposium
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewPatent Analytics: Information From InnovationLegal Informatics
Combatting Quantitative Misinformation
California MisinfoDay - Monterey, CA
Epistemology of Science
Institute for Practical Ethics, University of California, San Diego - San Diego, California
How do we discern reliable science from less reliable science?
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute - Seattle, WA
How do you solve a problem like misinformation
William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of Kansas - Lawrence, KS
How do you solve a problem like misinformation?
Washington State Investment Board - Olympia, WA
Misinformation in and about science
UC Berkeley School of Information Distinguished Lecture Series - Berkeley, California
Misinformation in and about science
Department of Sociology, New York University, Abu Dhabi - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Misinformation in and about science
Discovery Science Lecture Series, University of Nevada - Reno, Nevada
Misinformation was already challenging then came Generative AI
Puget Sound Association, Phi Beta Kappa - Seattle, WA
Misinformation was Already Challenging Then Came Generative AI
University of Nebraska - Lincoln, NE
Misinformation: are we making progress?
Dean’s Lecture, Brown University, School of Public Health - Providence, RI
Promising Future, Complex Past: Artificial Intelligence and the Legacy of Physiognomy
National Library of Medicine Traveling Exhibit, UW Health Sciences Library - Seattle, WA
Public Health Check-In: Responding to Disinformation & Intersection of Social Media
Washington State of Reform Health Policy Conference - Seattle, WA
Research assessment in the age of AI
American Physical Society Annual Meeting - Anaheim, CA
Resisting Misinformation
American Mensas Theodore Talks - Virtual
Search Engines as Gates and Gateways to Misinformation
Information Access Seminar. University of California, Berkeley - Berkeley, CA
Search Engines as Gates and Gateways to Misinformation
Information Access Seminar, University of California, Berkeley - Berkeley, CA
The Etiology of Medical Misinformation in Women’s Health
Saphier Family Lecture, Brown University - Providence, RI
The Evolution of Kissing and Adaptive Trade-Offs in Human Contact
Gruter Conference, KissCon II - San Francisco, CA
What to do about generative AI?
Misinfoday, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
ChatGPT and Misinformation
Teachers for an Informed Public - Seattle, WA
Generative Misinformation
UW Public Lecture Series: Town Hall Seattle - Seattle, WA
How to Debunk Deceptive Data
MisinfoDay - Pullman, WA
Impacts of Isolation on Institutions and Impacts of Institutions on Isolation
Gruter Institute - Palisades, California
Media literacy in a changing media environment
Western States Civics Coalition - Virtual
Media literacy, misinformation, and disinformation
WA Senate Early Learning & K-12 Education Committee - Olympia, WA
Misinformation Interventionists: Working with and for Librarians
Idaho Library Association - Twin Falls, ID
Mitigating Misinformation about Science
Child Mind Institute - Wainscott, NY
Mitigating Misinformation in and About Science
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center IMPACT Tech Talk Series - Huntsville, AL
Mitigating misinformation in and about science
American Physical Society (APS) Annual Conference: Countering Misinformation in Physics Outreach and Public Engagement - Las Vegas, NV
The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World
University of Toronto Data Science Institute Speaker Series - Toronto, Canada
The Etiology of Medical Misinformation
Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) Health Misinformation Symposium - Virtual
The Impact of Misinformation on Pediatric Mental Health and Wellbeing
UC Irvine Children's Hospital of Orange County Research Day - Irvine, CA
Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World
Seattle Surgical Society’s annual meeting - Seattle, WA
'Addressing Inaccurate and Misleading Information about Biological Threats through Scientific Collaboration and Coordination’
U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine - n/a
'AI+Society and Health' Panel
Discover How AI is Utilized Across UW - Seattle, WA
'The Neuroscience of You' Panel
Elliot Bay Book Release - Seattle, WA
'U.S. Elections' Panel
UW iSchool Alumni - Seattle, WA
AARP Washington Town Hall on Voting
AARP Washington - Seattle, WA
Addressing Disinformation about Biological Threats Through Scientific Collaboration and Communication
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) - Washington, DC
Auditing Google’s Search Headlines as a Potential Gateway to Misleading Content: Evidence from the 2020 US Election
Stanford Trust and Safety Research Conference - Virtual
Calling Bullshit: The Art Of Skepticism In A Data-Driven World
Skeptical Inquirer - (virtual)
Combatting Disinformation: How to Teach Critical Thinking
Library Journal and School Library Journal: Tools and Strategies for Managing Frontline Challenges - Virtual
Inequalities & Science
Northwestern University on Inequalities and Science - Virtual
Misinformation in and About Science
American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (ASGCT) Annual Meeting - Washington, DC
Numbers in Policy and Society
Harvard University - Cambrige, Massachusetts
Oliver Ochs Lecture
Providence Hospital - Everett, WA
Rumors, Mis- and Disinformation About the 2022 Midterm Elections: A Conversation with the UW Center for an Informed Public
UW iSchool - Virtual
Search Engines as Gates and Gateways to Misinformation
Search Mastery Speaker Series: University of Maryland Information School - College Park, MD (Virtual)
Setting the Record Straight: Combatting Disinformation
Council of State Governments annual conference - Honolulu, HI
The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World
Social Science Data Program Inaugural Event - University of Maryland
The role of libraries in digital inclusion
Idaho Commission for Libraries - Idaho
'Calling Bull: The Art of Skepticism': Fermilab Arts & Lecture Series
FermiLab Public Lecture Series - Batavia, IL
Book Club
The Biocord Server - Virtual
Calling BS: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World
George Mason University - Fairfax, VA
Calling Bullshit: Declining Trust in News and What to Do About It
Radio Television Digital News Association - Denver, CO
Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World
Anthony B. Evnin Lecture Series at the Council on Science and Technology at Princeton University - Virtual
Countering Disinformation Among Older Adults
U.S. State Department: International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) - N/A
Countering the 2020 Infodemic
Knight Media Forum - Virtual
COVID-19: Science and Society
Washington State Academy of Sciences - Washington
How do you solve a problem like misinformation?
Washington Council for the Social Studies - Washington
INFOcon 2021
Studies of Misinformation, the iSchools Organization - Virtual
Information literacy in the disinformation era
American Chemical Society Symposium - Virtual
Institute for Public Administration Australia (PAA)
Institute for Public Administration Australia (PAA) - Virtual
Is Truth Dead? Or, How Does Anyone Find Out Whats True Anymore?
Folio Seattle - Seattle, WA
Mapping Latent Knowledge?
SciNLP 2021: 2nd Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Scientific Text - Virtual
Meet the Authors
American Library Association Annual Convention 2021 - Virtual
Misinformation in and about science
Women's University Club - Seattle, WA
Numbers, statistics, and algorithms: Seeing through the bullshit
Washington State Judicial Conference - Tacoma, WA
Promoting Media Literacy and Countering Disinformation
Foundation for International Understanding Through Students (FIUTS) - Virtual
Research for Impact: Using Evidence to Power Association Work
ASAE Research Foundation - N/A
Responding to the Crisis of Misinformation with Humanities-Inspired Data Reasoning
Middlebury College - Middlebury, VT
Science in an Age of Misinformation
Clarivate Future of Research Forum - Virtual
September 2021 MisinfoDay Monthly Lesson
Center for an Informed Public - Virtual
Teaching a 'Calling Bullshit' Course
National Numeracy Network Annual Conference - Virtual
Technology, Democracy, and Misinformation
Knight Foundation (92Y): State of Democracy Summit - Virtual
The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World
Evnin Endowed Lecture at Princeton University - Princeton, NJ (Virtual)
The Biggest Source of Misinformation is Us
Humanities Washington - Washington
The Cautions
Coleridge Initiative - Virtual
The Nature of Evidence
Princeton University Public Lecture Series (Council of Science and Technology) - Princeton, NJ (Virtual)
Value of Science: Data, Products, and Use
National Science Foundation's National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics - Virtual
Western Association of Gynecologic Oncologists Keynote
Western Association of Gynecologic Oncologists - Virtual
What is the Role of the Public Library in Addressing Misinformation?
Bibliocommons Webinar - Virtual
Ask the Experts: Fact or Fake? How to Teach Your Kids to Spot Misinformation
Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development - Seattle, WA USA
Calling BS in an Age of Misinformation
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICCS-53) - Grand Wailea, HI
Calling BS: How to Spot Data Misinformation with Professor Jevin West
KQED - San Francisco, CA USA
Calling BS: The Art of Skepticism in a Data-Driven World
911±¬ÁÏÍø and Center for an Informed Public Lecture Series - Seattle WA USA
Calling Bullshit: The Art of Skepticism in a Data Driven World
Spokesman Review Northwest Passages Book Club - Spokane, WA
Coexisting With COVID-19: COVID and the Truth
UW Graduate School Public Lectures - Seattle, WA
Cyber and Other Threats to Functioning Democracies
Institute for Public Administration Australia (PAA) - Sydney, Australia (Virtual)
Deepfakes and the u.s. elections: Lessons from the 2020 workshops
University of Washington Center for an Informed Public (CIP) - Seattle, WA
Echos of Science in a Pandemic (engulfed by an Infodemic)
Indiana University Data Science Series - Virtual
Election 2020 Retrospective – Information, Policy, and Outcomes Forum
Evans School Dean’s Forum - Virtual
Facts in the time of covid-19
Pacific Science Center - Virtual
Finding Truth in an Infodemic
AARP New Hampshire - Virtual
Ballard High School ‘MisinfoNight’ - Virtual
Launching a New Center in the Midst of a Pandemic
UW TechConnect Conference - Seattle, WA
Teachers for an Informed Public Community Meeting
Center for an Informed Public - University of Washington
The 2020 election integrity partnership
Yale University Law School Information Society Project - New Haven, CT (Virtual)
Uncovering reality
Pacific Science Center - Virtual
Vision: Peering Into the Future of Democracy: Flattening the Infodemic
Knight Foundation - Seattle, WA
Who can we trust? Technology's Impact on Democracy
Seattle Town Hall - Seattle, WA
Who can we trust? Technology's impact on democracy
Town Hall Seattle - Seattle, WA
Calling BS
meConvention and the South by Southwest Conference and Mercedes-Benz - Frankfurt, Germany
Calling BS: Data Reasoning in a Digital Age
Office of Research and Economic Development and the Wonderlust Lifelong Learning Program - Bozeman, MT
Data, Mapping, and Open Democracy
xTech + Impact 2019 Summit - Bellevue, WA
Echo Chambers in Science?
Metascience 2019 Symposium: The Emerging Field of Research on the Scientific Process - Stanford, CA
Gender-based homophily in collaborations across a heterogeneous scholarly landscape
Rostock, Germany
Misinformation and its Malcontents: University of Washington Research and Implications for Libraries
ALA Midwinter 2019 - Seattle, WA
Reasoning about data, machines and deep fakes
UW Astro Colloquium - Seattle, WA
Science of Science
Tsinghua University Department of Computer Sciences and Technology - Beijing, China
The Changing Landscape of Scholarly Communication
50th Anniversary of the Herman B Wells Library, Indiana University Libraries - Bloomington, IN
The Promises and Pitfalls of Machine Learning
UW Business Advisory Council Luncheon - Seattle, WA
Truth, Trust, And Democracy: Distinguishing Fact From Fiction in the Digital Age
League of Women Voters - Bremerton, WA
When Technology Transforms Society: Considering the Societal and Ethical Impacts of Quantum Computing and AI
University of Chicago - Chicago, IL
Bullshitting: Empirical and Experiential Examinations of a Pervasive Social Behavior
Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Meeting - Atlanta, GA
BUNK: The Information Series
Graduate School Public Lecure Series - Seattle, WA
Calling BS in an Age of Misinformation
Washington Medical Library Association - Seattle, WA
Calling BS in an Age of Misinformation
Western Washington University Lecture Series - Poulsbo, WA
Calling BS in an Age of Misinformation
Teaching with the Library: From Data to Knowledge - University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
Engineering Biology Research Consortium (EBRC) - Seattle, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
University District Rotary Club - Seattle, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
Big History Annual Meeting - Seattle, WA
Calling BS in the Real World
Epistemology for the Real World: Navigating in an Archipelago of Alt-Epistemology and Alt-Truth conference - Seattle, WA
Calling BS: data reasoning for a digital age
Seattle Chamber of Commerce - Seattle, WA
Calling Bull: Thinking critically about data in the social and natural sciences
The Rolf Buchdahl Endowed Symposium on Science, Technology, and Values - North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Calling Bullshit on Fake News
Simon Fraser University President's Dream Colloquium - Burnaby, BC, Canada
Combatting Misinformation in Science
American Institute of Physics Annual Assembly - College Park, MD
Combatting Misinformation with Libraries
Association of Librarians of the UW (ALUW) - Seattle, WA
Data reasoning amidst the data deluge
Academic Business Library Directors (ABLD) Annual Meeting - Seattle, WA
Echo Chambers in Science?
Sunbelt Conference - Utrecht, Netherlands
Echo chambers in science?
NIH Bibliometrics and Research Assessment: A Symposium for Librarians and Information Professionals - Bethesda, MD
Fake News: Why Lies Spread Faster Than the Truth
Seattle, WA
Invited Talk
PARiS21 Conference: Truth in Numbers | The role of data in a world of fact, fiction and everything in between - Bern, Switzerland
Keynote Address
Boeing Executive Workshop on Data Science - Seattle, WA
Making sense of information: Who do we trust? Where do we go from here?
UW Faculty Senate - Seattle, WA
Mapping Misinformation and Science Communication Research
Washington, DC
Reigning in Data Science
UW Data Science Summit - Seattle, WA
Sorting Evidence from Bullshit in the Age of Evidence-Based Dentistry
UW Dental School Research Day - Seattle, WA
Spotting statistical traps and trickery
PharmaSUG Annual Conference - Seattle, WA
National Association for Business Economics (NABE) Annual Meeting - Boston, MA
The pitfalls and promises of big metadata analytics
Association for Information Science and Technology Workshop - Vancouver, Canada
The Reality of Fake News
Museum of History and Industry - Seattle, WA
The Truth in Numbers
Future of Facts in a 'Post-Truth' World - he Phillips Collection Museum, Washington, DC
Think & Drink: The Speed of Deceit – The New Era of Online Lies and Misinformation
Humanities Washington - Moment of Truth: Journalism and Democracy in the Age of Misinformation - Seattle, WA
An information theoretic approach for hierarchically clustering large acyclic graphs
American Mathematical Society - Pullman, WA
Are Trolls Good (At Choosing Valuable Patents)?
PAE Reform Symposium, Stanford Law School - Palo Alto, CA
BS in Science
Northwest Science Writers Associations - Seattle, WA
Calling B.S. in the Age of Data Science Euphoria
National Academies of Sciences, Integrating Ethics and Privacy Concerns into Data Science Education - Washington, DC
Calling BS in an Age of Misinformation
Keynote speech to League of Women Voters - Seattle, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
Clinical Informatics Grand Rounds Meeting - Rochester, MN
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
National Network of Libraries of Medicine (PNR Rendezvous) - Seattle, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
MisinfoCon (Mozilla Festival) - London, U.K.
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
Keynote speech to SCIX2017 - Reno, Nevada
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
Keynote speech to Washington Library Association Conference - Tacoma, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
Keynote speech to Washington State Council for the Social Studies Annual Meeting - Edmonds, WA
Calling BS in the Age of Big Data
Keynote speech to AUREO Conference - Seattle, WA
Calling BS on Phrenology 2.0
UW iSchool Research Symposium - Seattle, WA
Calling BS Workshop
Keynote speech to Lakeside High School - Seattle, WA
Calling Bullshit in a Data-Driven World
Keynote speech to UPCEA Conference - Seattle, WA
Calling Bullshit in the Age of Big Data
Keynote speech to UW Foundation Board - Seattle, WA
Data Literacy
Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Arizona State University - Phoenix, AZ
Data Reasoning in a Digital World
Creative Mornings - Seattle, WA
Identifying Fake News
Beyond the Bench 24: Uniting for a Better Future - San Diego, CA
Learning how to become an expert at recognizing BS
Keynote speech to TEDxSeattle - Seattle, WA
Making a case for open research: Implications for reproducibility and transparency
ASIS&T - Washington DC
Measuring patent influence using citation and litigation
Keynote speech to NetSci Satellite on Quantifying Success - Indianapolis, IN
Media Literacy in an Age of Big Data
Journalism Interactive - University of Maryland, College Park, MD
Panel on Misinformation
Geekwire Summit - Seattle, WA
Talking fake news and misinformation
UW News - Seattle, WA
The Information War: Fake News, Privacy and Big Data
UW MS Data Science Program - Seattle, WA
The Role of Gender in Scholarly Authorship
Keynote speech to NSF ADVANCE Conference on Broadening Participation: Intersectionality - Washington, DC
Viziometrics: building a figure-centric search engine for the scholarly literature
Keynote speech to Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications - Toronto, Canada
Viziometrics: mapping the knowledge literature
Keynote speech to Netsci Workshop: Knowledge Networks in Science and Technology - Indianapolis, IN
When to Call BS on Big Data
Keynote speech to National Association for Business Economics (NABE): Economics in the Age of Algorithms, Experiments and A.I. - Seattle, WA
Why we do what we do
Center for Teaching and Learning, Faculty Fellows Program - Seattle, WA
Assessing the impact of research funding
International Conference on Science of Science - Washington, DC
Babel: Platform for Scholarly Recommendation
WWW Workshop on Big Scholarly Data - Montreal, Canada
Combining Citation Networks and Interviews to Generate Narrative Visualizations of Scholars' Careers
iConference 2016 - Philadelphia, PA
Data Science Education
Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments Annual Summit - New Paltz, NY
Digital history from the perspective of a data scientist
Chemical Heritage Foundation - Philadelphia, PA
Diversity and Gender in Scholarly Publishing
Ohio State University - Columbus, OH
Diversity and Gender in Scholarly Publishing
Ohio State University - Columbus, Ohio
Facilitating discovery with zoomable maps
Allen Institute for Article Intelligence - Seattle, WA
From measuring science to facilitating science
Fourth Annual Knowescape Conference - Sofia, Bulgaria
Gender and self-citation across fields and over time
Women in Genome Sciences - Seattle, WA
Mapping Knowledge Networks
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics - Boston, MA
Mapping the AHA Community
American Heart Association Research Leaders Academy - San Antonio, TX
Mapping the Emergence of Scientific Disciplines
International Symposium on Advanced Future Studies, Kyoto University - Kyoto, Japan
Measuring and Messaging Research Outcomes
Shanghai Jiao Tong University - Shanghai, China
Measuring and Messaging Research Outcomes
Wuhan University - Wuhan, China
Measuring and Messaging Research Outcomes
Data Science Conference - National Library, Beijing, China
Measuring and Messaging Research Outcomes
Tsinghua University - Beijing, China
Measuring and Messaging Research Outcomes
Health Research Alliance Annual Meeting - New York City, NY
NSF NCSES Workshop on Network Indicators
NSF NCSES Workshop on Network Indicators - Washington DC
Ranking and Mapping Science
International Conference on Data-driven Discovery: Data Science Meets Information Science - Beijing, China
Scholarly Recommendation
Metaknowledge Network Annual Meeting - Hyde Park, IL
Science of Science?
International Symposium on Science of Science - Washington DC
Static Ranking of Scholarly Papers using Article-Level Eigenfactor (ALEF).
WSDM Cup 2016 - Entity Ranking Challenge WorkshopFeb - San Fransisco, CA
The Data Gold Rush in Science Education
International Symposium on Advanced Future Studies, Kyoto University - Kyoto, Japan
The Science of Science
Fred Hutch Annual Retreat - Seattle, WA
Visualizing Knowledge Flows
NSF Workshop: Can Network Measures Serve as Indicators of Knowledge Creation and Flow? - Washington, DC
Visualizing Scholarly Influence
WWW Workshop on Semantics, Analytics, Visualization - Montreal, Canada
An experimental platform for testing recommendation types
37th European Conference on Information Retrieval - Vienna, Austria
Career Panel- Career Paths for Information Management Students
Information School MSIM program - University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Data Cartography: Managing Knowledge Networks
SKKU Library and Information Science Distinguished Lecture Series - Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea
Data Cartography: using maps to navigate knowledge networks
Machine Learning Seminar Series, Duke University - Duke University, Durham, NC
Data Science Education
SciFoo, Google - Mountain View, CA
DataLab at UW iSchool
Big Data, Technology Alliance - Seattle, WA
Finding Cultural Holes: How structure and culture diverge in networks of scholarly communication
Santa Fe Institute Colloquium - Santa Fe, NM
Gender Differences in Scholarly Self Citation
Social-Personality Psychology Seminar - Seattle, WA
Losing sleep in a data-driven dream
Moore-Sloan Data Science Environment Summit - Suncadia Resort, Cle Elem, WA
Mapping Knowledge Networks
Cisco Data Science - San Jose, CA
Mapping patent citation networks
LegalTech, ALM Conferences - New York, NY
Measuring patent value using citation networks
The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, Stanford University - Palo Alto, CA
Measuring the Influence of the Pew Biomedical Program
Pew Biomedical Scholars Program - Grand Cayman, West Indies
Measuring the speciation, diversification and extinction of ideas in science
Metaknowledge Network - Asilomar Conference Center, Monterey, CA
Scholarly Recommendation
Metaknowledge Research Network, University of Chicago - Chicago, IL
The Academic Advantage: Gender disparities in patenting
The Economics and Structure of Scholarly Publishing
Group Health Research Seminar - Seattle, WA
Using Visual Metaphor in Interactive Visualization to Improve Navigation of Complex Data Sets
University of Washington Information School Research Fair - Seattle, WA
Visualizing hierarchical networks
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Richland, WA
An Analysis of the Complete United States Patent Citation Network
PatCon 4: The Annual Patent Conference - San Diego, CA
Big Data is not a monolith
Big Data is Not a Monolith workshop - Bloomington, IN
Curation and Policy Issues in Collaborative Research Data Management Communities
ASIS&T - Seattle, WA
Data Cartography: using maps to navigate knowledge networks
Leeds School of Business and Analyze Boulder Present: Boulder Analytics Fellows - Boulder, CO
Data Science
ASIS&T - Seattle, WA
Data Science Education
Moore-Sloan Data Science Environments Annual Summit - Monterey, CA
Data Science Environment
Moore/Sloan Data Science Environment Annual Summit - Monterey, CA
DataLab: developing a student-centered data science lab
Microsoft Faculty Summit, iSchools Summit - Redmond, WA
Detecting Innovation in Patents
Gruter Institute For Law & Behavioral Research, Gruter Institute - Squaw Valley, CA
Evaluating patents from large open data sets
United States Patent and Trademark Office - Washington, DC
Finding Cultural Holes: How Structure and Culture Diverge in Networks of Scholarly Communication
The UW Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences (CSSS) Seminar Series - Seattle, WA
Innovation in Science
Gruter Institute for Law & Behavioral Research - Squaw Valley, CA
Mapping Institutional Impact
Gordon Research Conference on Science and Technology Policy - Waterville Valley, NH
Mapping Jargon
Center for Statistics & Social Sciences Seminar Series - Seattle, WAO
Mapping Student Trajectories
UW Graduate School - Seattle, WA
Modifying the Eigenfactor Algorithm for improving interpretability
ASIS&T SIGMET Workshop - Seattle, WA
The flow of ideas from the non-patent literature to the patent literature
4th Annual TechMining Conference, VP Institute - Leiden, Netherlands
The Three Patent Cultures: A Comparative Analysis of Utility, Design, and Plant Patent Citation Networks
Intellectual Property Scholars Conference, UC Berkeley School of Law - Berkeley, CA
Using maps to navigate large, hierarchical networks
Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI) Lecture Series, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Article-level Navigators
Journals and Science: The past, present and future impacts of research journals on science, National Science Communication Institute - Seattle, WA
Article-level navigators
Article-level Metrics Workshop, Public Library of Science - San Francisco, CA
Data Cartography
Indiana University - Bloomington, IN
Document discovery
UW Aquatic and Fishery Science Seminar - Seattle, WA
Eigenfactor: Measuring and Mapping Scientific Knowledge
Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Quantitative Seminar - Seattle, WA
Innovation in Science
Innovation and Growth: Biological, Economic, Institutional and Technological, Gruter Institute For Law & Behavioral Research - Squaw Valley, CA
Publishing and Perishing in the Twenty-First Century
Faculty Summit, Microsoft Research - Bellevue, WA
The Eigenfactor Metrics
International Society of Managing and Technical Editors (ISMTE) - Washington, DC
The Eigenfactor Metrics
International Society of Managing and Technical Editors (ISMTE) - Washington, DC
The genesis of scientific disciplines
Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Conference 2013 - Montreal, QC, Canada
The role of gender in Scholarly Authorship
Genome Sciences Seminar, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Using maps to navigate knowledge networks
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center - Annapolis, MD
Can Ignorance Promote Democracy?
Gruter Institute for Law & Behavioral Research - Squaw Valley, CA
Ranking and Mapping
Digital Science - London, UK
The Growth of Growth Economics
Workshop on Growth, Gruter Institute For Law and Behavioral Research, Stanford University - Palo Alto, CA
The Role of Gender in Scholarly Authorship
International Conference on Academia and Publishing - Torino, Italy
Document Discovery: Advancing Research with Large Knowledge Networks
Department of Computer Science - University of Colorado, Boulder CO
Document Discovery: Advancing Research with Large Knowledge Networks
Computer Science and Engineering - Seattle, WA
Graduate School of Library and Information Science - University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, IL
Eigenfactor and Microsoft Academic Search
Open Repositories - University of Texas, Austin TX
Eigenfactor: Ranking and Mapping Scientific Knowledge
Microsoft Faculty Summit 2011 - Redmond, WA
Future of Scholarly Communication
Harvard eScience Workshop - Harvard University, Boston MA
Mapping the network ecology of science at the article level
Applications of Network Theory - The Conference - NORDITA, Stockholm Sweden
Mapping the network ecology of science at the article level
Center for Models of Life - Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark
Measuring Interdisciplinarity in Science
Law and Human Behavior - Innovation and Economic Growth - Squaw Valley, CA
The Eigenfactor Metrics: a network approach to assessing scholarly journals
Mapping and Measuring Scientific Output - Santa Fe, NM
The Eigenfactor Metrics: a network approach to assessing scholarly journals
Society for Scholarly Publishing - Boston, MA
Traversing Fitness Landscapes by Changing Environments
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology - University of Colorado, Boulder CO
Eigenfactor and the Future of Scholarly Communication
American Chemistry Society National Meeting - San Fransisco, CA
Eigenfactor: harnessing the power of networks to better navigate the scholarly...
Impact and Productivity Measurements in a Changing Research Environment - Washington DC
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping scientific knowledge
Assessing the Usage and Value of Scholarly and Scientific Output - Philadelphia, PA
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping scientific knowledge
The Changing Face of Scientific Research - McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Impact and Productivity Measurements in a Changing Research Environment
ITHAKA Sustainable Scholarship 2010: Discovering Scholarly Content - New York, NY
New Developments in Defining Impact
Society for Scholarly Publishing 32nd Annual Meeting - San Francisco, CA
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping the scholarly literature
Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference - University of California, Los Angeles CA
Portland State University, Portland, OR
BioOne Publishers and Partners Meeting - Washington DC
The Economics and Structure of Scholarly Publishing
PSU Digital Research Symposium - Portland State University, Portland, OR
The Eigenfactor 'Ac-count' of Scholarly Evaluation
2009 Council of Science Editors Annual Meeting - Pittsburgh, PA
The Eigenfactor Metrics
NSF Workshop on "Scholarly Evaluation Metrics: Opportunities and Challenges" - Washington DC
The Eigenfactor Metrics: tools for navigating the scholarly literature
2009 ALPSP International Conference - Oxford, UK
The networks of bibliometrics
Complex Networks - Department of Theoretical Physics, Umea University, Sweden
Traversing Fitness Landscapes by Changing Environments
International Workshop on "What is Evolution?" - Kyoto University, Japan
Alternatives to Impact Factor in Evaluating Scholarly Literature
Center for Digital Research and Scholarship - Columbia University, New York, NY
An Introduction to Eigenfactor
Library Assessment Conference - University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Applying Eigenfactor Metrics to JSTOR Data
American Library Association Annual Conference JSTOR Participants Meeting - Anaheim, CA
Eigenfactor - The Google Approach to Bibliometrics
Emerging Trends in Scholarly Publishing - National Press Club, Washington DC
Eigenfactor and Materials Science Journals
National Institute for Materials Science - Tsukuba, Japan
Eigenfactor as a tool for journal editors
Journal of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (Annual Editors Meeting) - Seattle, WA
Eigenfactor, a new approach to assessing journal quality
National Academy of Sciences E-Journal Summit - Washington DC
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping scientific knowledge
Yale Library and Faculty - Yale University, New Haven CT
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping the scholarly literature
National Institute of Informatics (SPARC) - Tokyo, Japan
Eigenfactor: ranking and mapping the scientific knowledge
Annual Meeting of the Council of Science Editors - Vancouver, BC
Journal-Quality Metrics, the Eigenfactor
HighWire Press Publishers Meeting - Stanford University, Palo Alto CA
Measuring Interdisciplinarity: A Flow Cite-ometry Approach
What is Creativity? Emergent Phenomena in Complex Adaptive Systems - Kyoto University, Japan
The Academic Perspective on Research Evaluation
Assessing Research Performance and Value - University of California, Los Angeles CA
Using bibliometrics to making purchasing decisions
Special Libraries Association Annual International Conference - Seattle, WA
From antibiotic resistance to the bird flu
ARCS Auction Dinner - Seattle, WA
Metrics for the Humanities
European Science Foundation ERIH Stakeholder Meeting - University of Grenada, Spain
Networks, Disease and Maps
29th Annual ARCS Luncheon - Seattle, WA
Academic Reputation: Democracy vs Meriotocracy
Building Economic & Civic Institutions in Digital Environments - Cambridge, MA