- Games and Gamification
- Pervasive Systems
- Computer Science Education
Research Area
- - Client-Side Development
- - Introduction To Programming For Information And Data Science
Joel Ross is an Associate Teaching Professor at the University of Washington Information School, where he teaches courses in web development, mobile application development, software architecture, and introductory programming. While his primary focus is on teaching, his research interests include games and gamification, pervasive systems, computer science education, and social computing. He has also done research on crowdsourcing systems, human computation, and encouraging environmental sustainability. Joel earned his M.S. and Ph.D. in Information and Computer Sciences from the University of California, Irvine.
- Ph D, Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine, 2013
- MS, Informatics, University of California, Irvine, 2009
- BA, Mathematics (Computer Science) / English, Colorado College, 2006
- UW iSchool Teaching Excellent and Creative Honors (TEACH award), 2018
- Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education
- Association for Computing Machinery
Publications and Contributions
Conference Workshop PaperTeaching on the Front End: Gathering all Educators Interested in Web and Mobile Design and Development (2020)2020 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education
Book, Scholarly-NewProgramming Skills for Data Science: Start Writing Code to Wrangle, Analyze, and Visualize Data with R (2018)
Conference Poster(2017)SIGCSE '17: Proceedings of the 48th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science Education, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4503-4698-6
Ph.D. Thesis(2013)
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New(2013)Handbook of Human Computation, pp. 333–345, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4614-8805-7 978-1-4614-8806-4
Conference Proceeding(2012)CHI ’12 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 11–20, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4503-1016-1
Technical Report(2012)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2011)International Journal of Arts and Technology, 4(4), pp. 442, ISBN/ISSN: 1754-8853, 1754-8861
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2011)Journal of Sustainability Education, 2(1), pp. 13
Conference Proceeding(2011)CHI ’11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 1085–1088, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4503-0268-5
Conference ProceedingCollaborative filtering and carbon footprint calculation (2010)2010 IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology (ISSST), pp. 1–6
Technical Report(2010)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2010)XRDS, 17(2), pp. 39–43, ISBN/ISSN: 1528-4972
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2010)Comput. Entertain., 8(4), pp. 25:1–25:4, ISBN/ISSN: 1544-3574
Conference Proceeding(2010)Proceedings of the ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Human Computation, pp. 18–21, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-4503-0222-7
Conference Extended Abstract(2010)CHI ’10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 2863–2872, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-60558-930-5
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2009)Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 18(1), pp. 54–71, ISBN/ISSN: 1054-7460
Technical ReportWho are the Turkers? Worker Demographics in Amazon Mechanical Turk (2009)
Accessibility in a Web Development Course
SIGCSE 2022 - Providence, Rhode Island (Virtual)
Programming Skills for Data Science
Information School Founding Board Meeting - Seattle, WA