- Cultural Impact of Documents and Documentation
- Future of Libraries
- Information Science
Research Areas
- - Intellectual Foundations Of Informatics
I'm interested in how information and information resources work, what they are for, what they do and what they tell us about the human condition; in particular I study the cultural impacts and social roles of documents and documentary forms. In addition, I have a focus on libraries, how they work, how they change, how they have evolved, and what we can learn and adopt from previous practice, blended with new and exciting ideas, to keep libraries of all kinds vital, necessary and important parts of their communities. I teach courses in information sources and services, in search, in research methods and statistics, and the broad information field in general. Associate Professor Janes holds the MLS (1983) and PhD (1989) from Syracuse University.
- Ph D, Information Transfer, Syracuse University, 1989
- MLS, Syracuse University, 1983
- BA, Syracuse University, 1982
- Distinguished Member - ASIST, 2024
- Nominee - Best Information Science Book of the Year, ASIST, 2018
- Isadore Gilbert Mudge Award for distinguished contributions to reference librarianship, 2006
- American Society for Information Science & Technology
- American Library Association
- American Library Association
- American Library Association
Publications and Contributions
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New(2024)Library 2035: Imagining the Next Generation of Libraries
Broadcast MediaElectoral College Documents, 2020 (2021)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaArticles of Impeachment, 1868 (2020)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaWorld’s Fair Time Capsule, 1939 (2020)Documents That Changed the World
Magazine/Trade Publication(2019)Publisher's Weekly
Broadcast MediaCode of Hammurabi, c1754 BCE (2019)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaEurovision/European Broadcast Union Statutes, 1950 (2019)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaIRS Form 1040, 1914 (2019)Documents That Changed the World
Regular Column in Journal or NewspaperLibraryland column (2018-present) (2018)Publishers Weekly
Broadcast Media“Operation Mincemeat” Faked Documents, 1943 (2018)Documents That Changed the World
Book, Non-Scholarly-NewDocuments that Changed the Way We Live (2017)
Broadcast MediaVoyager “Golden Records”, 1977 (2017)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast Media(2016)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaPalm Beach County "Butterfly" Ballot, 2000 (2016)Documents That Changed the World
Regular Column in Journal or Newspaper(2016)American Libraries
Regular Column in Journal or Newspaper(2016)American Libraries
Broadcast MediaAlfred Nobel's Will, 1895 (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaAnnals of the World, 1650 (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaDeclaration of Independence deleted passage on slavery, 1776 (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaFDR Thanksgiving Proclamation, 1939 (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaFannie Farmer Cookbook, 1896 (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaNupedia (Wikipedia predecessor), 2000 (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Magazine/Trade PublicationOne Size LIS Does Not Fit All (2015)Library Journal
Broadcast MediaRichter Scale, 1925 (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaStatistical Significance, 1925 [Fisher's "Statistical Methods for Research Workers"] (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaStock Market Crash Ticker Tape, 1929 (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Broadcast MediaVietnam Veterans' Memorial, 1982 (2015)Documents That Changed the World
Regular Column in Journal or Newspaper(2015)American Libraries
Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book-NewForward (2014)Reimagining Reference
Encyclopedia Entry"Library" (2013)World Book Encyclopedia Yearbook 2014
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewEponymous Chapter (2013)Library 2020: Today’s Leading Visionaries Describe Tomorrow’s Library Editor: Joseph Janes
Book, Non-Scholarly-NewLibrary 2020 (2013)Editor: Joseph Janes
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThe library in 2020 will be your best friend (2013)Library 2020: Today's leading visionaries describe tomorrow's library Editor: Joseph Janes
Regular Column in Journal or NewspaperInternet Librarian column (2002-2012) (2012)American Libraries
Journal Article, Academic JournalAnonymity in a World of Digital Books: Google Books, Privacy, and the Freedom to Read (2010)Policy & Internet
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe Thank You Study: User Feedback in E-mail 'Thank You' Messages (2007)Reference and User Services Quarterly, 46(4), pp. 53-59
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThriving in the Age of Google, in Information Tomorrow: Reflections on Technology and the Future of Public and Academic Libraries (2007)Reflections on Technology and the Future of Public and Academic Libraries
Journal Article, Academic JournalAcademic Reference: Playing to Our Strengths (2004)portal: Libraries and the Academy, 4(4), pp. 533-536
Book, Scholarly-NewIntroduction to Reference Work in the Digital Age (2003)
Regular Column in Journal or NewspaperTech Talk column (2000-2003) (2000)Voice of Youth Advocates
Regular Column in Journal or NewspaperOn Research column (1999-2003) (1999)Library Hi Tech
Book ReviewReview of Literary Texts in an Electronic Age: Scholarly Implications and Library Services (1996)Library Quarterly
Book ReviewReview of Libraries and the Internet/NREN (1995)Library Quarterly
Book ReviewReview of Research and Evaluation for Information Professionals (1993)Journal of Academic Librarianship, pp. 313-314
Regular Column in Journal or Newspaper"Another Story" column (2012-present)American Libraries
Back to the Future: Predictions from Library 2035
Reference and User Services Association President’s Program, American Library Association Annual Conference - San Diego, CA
Libraries 2035: Imagining Next Gen Libraries
Internet Librarian Conference - Virtual
The Role of Public Research Universities, 2024
UW Honors Program Global Challenges Event - Seattle, WA
Ensuring the Future of Libraries: Connecting the Academy and the Profession
American Library Association Annual Conference - New Orleans, LA
Ensuring the Future of Libraries: Connecting the Academy and the Profession
Public Library Association - Philadelphia, PA
Invited Lecture, Friends of the University of Washington Libraries Annual Meeting
Friends of the University of Washington Libraries - Seattle, WA
Not Just A Piece of Paper
National Archives - Washington, DC
Tips for Attending ALA
S'ALA webinar - Seattle, WA
Masters of Library and Information Studies orientation
Panel at University of Washington - iSchool - Seattle, WA
Libraries: The Way Forward
Center for the Study of Libraries, Information, and Society, Drexel University - Philadelphia, PA
Library 2020
Library Camp, Fort Wayne Public Library - Fort Wayne, IN
Library 2020
Lead the Change, Seattle Public Library - Seattle, WA
Achieving Common Ground: New Models of Service & Collaboration in the Learning Commons
Douglas College - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Documents That Changed the World
Town Hall - Seattle, WA
Implementing change: Realizing the results of collaborating in the cloud
OCLC/Library Journal webinar
Information Makes Us Human
Goucher College Library - Baltimore, MD
Information Makes Us Human
British Columbia Library Association annual conference - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Library 2020
American Association of Law Librarians annual conference - Seattle, WA
Library 2020
Library Survival
Western New York Library Association - Buffalo, NY
Information Makes Us Human
University of Toronto Faculty of Information - Toronto, ON, Canada
Information Makes Us Human
Oregon Statewide Virtual Reference Service - Lincoln City, OR
Information Makes Us Human
Canadian Association of Law Librarians - Toronto, ON, Canada
Change and Flexibility
Staff Day, University of Oregon Libraries - Eugene, OR
Trends in US LIS Education
American Embassy - Jakarta, Indonesia
It's Not About Access
Conference on Information Access: Commons, Control, Controversy (IA3C), Information School, University of Toronto - Toronto, ON, Canada
King County Library System
KCLS - King County Library System - Issaquah, WA
Mastering the art of deception: Are we teaching the next generation of librarians to be lying time-wasters?
Reference Renaissance Conference, BCR - Biblographical Center for Research - Denver, CO
Invited Keynote Address
International Conference, UKSIG - UK Serials Interest Group - Torquay, England, United Kingdom
Invited opening
Symposium, Montana Academic Libraries - Bozeman, MT
Invited address
Rutgers University Library - Rutgers, NJ
Invited address
LITA - Library and Information Technology Association President's Program - Anaheim, CA
Invited address
Annual Conference, Pennsylvania Library Association - Valley Forge, PA
Invited Closing Panel Discussion
Annual Conference, Texas Library Association - Dallas, TX
Invited closing presentation
Preconference, Urban Libraries Council - Anaheim, CA
Invited Keynote Address
Columbia University Reference Symposium, Columbia University - New York, NY
Invited Keynote Address
Annual Conference, SUNY Librarians Association - New York, NY
Invited Keynote Address
Annual Conference, South Dakota Library Association - Chamberlain, SD
Invited Keynote Address
Staff Day, Sacramento Public Library - Sacramento, CA
Invited keynote speaker
Annual Conference, New Mexico Library Assocation/Mountain Plains Library Association - Albuquerque, NM
Invited keynote speaker
Collaborative Virtual Reference Summit, Colorado Virtual Library - Denver, CO
Invited keynote speaker
Annual Conference, ALAO - Academic Library Association of Ohio - Columbus, OH
Invited panelist
Debate, LITA - Library and Information Technology Association (ALA) - Washington, DC
Invited speaker [online presentation]
Distributed virtual conference on reference
Invited keynote speaker
State Library of Illinois - Springfield, IL
Invited keynote speaker
Army Library Training Institute - St. Louis, MO
Invited panelist
Debate, LITA - Library and Information Technology Association (ALA) - New Orleans, LA
Invited panelist
University of Kentucky Libraries - Lexington, KY
Invited speaker
University of Oregon Libraries - Eugene, OR
General keynote speaker
Kansas Library Association - Kansas City, MO
Invited keynote presentation
Preconference, ALA Annual conference - Chicago, IL
Invited keynote speaker
WILSWorld conference, Wisconsin Library Services - Madison, WI
Invited keynote speaker
Virtual Reference Symposium, Vancouver Public Library - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Invited speaker and participant
Summit on Future of Libraries, Idaho State Library - Boise, ID
Invited workshop
Ontario Library and Information Technology Association - Toronto, ON, Canada