- History of Information and Computing
- Science and Technology Studies
- Crisis Informatics
Research Areas
Finn is an Affiliate Associate Professor at the University of Washington Information School. She published the monograph, Documenting Aftermath: Information Infrastructures in the Wake of Disasters, about post earthquake communication practices. Her newer projects examine ethical research practices in the field of computer security, and investigate the implications of novel information policies on a transnational scale. She brings together perspectives and approaches from information studies, science and technology studies, and the history of media, information, and communication. Megan has an undergraduate degree in computer science from University of Michigan, completed her PhD at UC Berkeley, and spent time at Microsoft Research New England in Cambridge, MA with the Social Media Collective as a Postdoctoral Researcher.
- Ph D, University of California, Berkeley, 2012
- M.I.M.S., Information Management and Systems, University of California, Berkeley, 2005
- BS, Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 2000
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic JournalEthics Governance-in-the-Making: Bridging Ethics Work and Governance in the Menlo Report (2023)Social Studies of Science
Conference PaperEvaluating Tools for Data Management Plans: A Comparative Study of the DART Rubric and the Belmont Scorecard (2023)iConference
Oral history(2022)Oral History Collection: Coastal Hazards Planning in Time, OHC732, University of Washington, Special Collections
Published research instrumentCoastal Hazards Planning in Time: Evolution of Cascadia Subduction Zone Sciences (2022)Coastal Hazards Planning in Time: Evolution of Cascadia Subduction Zone Sciences
ReportFostering Responsible Computing Research: Foundations and Practices (2022)
Journal Article, Academic JournalGenerating practices: Investigations into the double embedding of GDPR and data access policies (2022)Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
Conference AbstractPlanning Times: Forecasting Future Access in Scientific Data Practices (2022)Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
Conference PaperPrinciples Matter: Integrating an Ethics Intervention into a Computer Security Course (2022)Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE), pp. 474-480
Oral history(2022)Oral History Collection: Coastal Hazards Planning in Time, OHC730, University of Washington, Special Collections
Conference AbstractSharing, Friction, and Synthesis: Evidence from Cascadia Subduction Zone research (2022)National Hazards Workshop 2022 Researchers Meeting
Conference PosterAn Analysis of NSF Data Management Plan Guidelines (2021)iConference
Conference AbstractData Care During Crisis: A Comparative analysis of COVID data infrastructure builders in India and the USA (2021)Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
Conference AbstractGlobal Corporations, National Laws: Data Access Requests in India, USA, and UK (2021)Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
Conference AbstractGoverning a Discipline: The Ethics Governance Work of the Menlo Report (2021)Special Interest Group for Computing, Information, and Society (SIGCIS), part of the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT)
Journal Article, Academic JournalHeroic Repair: Labor and Disaster (2021)Communication, 8(1)
Conference PaperPathways to Data: From Plans to Datasets (2021)ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JDCL), pp. 254-257
Magazine/Trade Publication(2021)Communications of the ACM, 64(11), pp. 26-29
Conference PosterWriting Security: A Curriculum Intervention for Computer Security Ethics (2021)iConference
Journal Article, Academic JournalAnticipatory News Infrastructures: Seeing Journalism's Expectations of Future Publics in its Sociotechnical Systems (2020)New Media and Society, 22(8), pp. 1600-1618
Journal Article, Academic JournalFrom Closed World Discourse to Digital Utopianism: The Changing Face of Responsible Computing at Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (1981-1992) (2020)Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, 4(1), pp. 6-31
Magazine/Trade Publication(2020)The MIT Press Reader
Blog Post(2019)
Conference Paper(2019)iConference 2019 Blue Sky Papers, pp. 8
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewInformation Infrastructure and Resilience in American Disaster Plans (2018)The Sociotechnical Constitution of Resilience: A New Perspective in Managing Risk and Disaster, pp. 149-171
Book ReviewReview of "Programmed Inequality: How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost its Edge in Computing" (2018)Information and Culture, 53(3/4)
Journal Article, Academic JournalImagining the Internet: Special issue introduction (2016)Information, Communication, and Society, 19(6)
Conference PaperInformation Infrastructure and Resilience in American Disaster Plans (2016)The Sociotechnical Constitution of Resilience: Structures, Practices and Epistemologies Workshop
Workshop PaperAccounting for people post-earthquake (2015)History of Data Workshop at Columbia University
Conference Poster(2015)iConference 2015
Conference Extended AbstractMaking Twitter Datasets and the “God Eye” of Social Media Research (2015)Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
Conference Extended AbstractPublic News Bots? Creating Networked News Time in Automated Journalism (2015)Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
Workshop PaperRepair in a World of Risk (2015)Repair Workshop, Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
Workshop PaperThe production and circulation of earthquake knowledge in 1868 California (2015)Knowledge Infrastructures Workshop, University of Washington
Conference PaperSeeing with Paper: Government documents and material participation (2014)47th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe limits of crisis data: analytical and ethical challenges of using social and mobile data to understand disasters (2014)
Journal Article, Academic JournalInformation Infrastructure and Descriptions of the 1857 Fort Tejon Earthquake (2013)Information and Culture: a Journal of History, 48(2)
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe Limits of Peer Production: Some Reminders from Max Weber for the Network Society (2011)New Media & Society, 13(2), pp. 243-259
Journal Article, Professional JournalBusiness Models for Technology in the Developing World: The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (2006)California Management Review, 48(3), pp. 48-61
Journal Article, Academic JournalTroubled Worlds: A Course Syllabus about Information Work and the AnthropoceneJournal of Critical Library and Information Science, 3(1), pp. 1-24
The Long Aftermath of Disaster Data
Media as Sociotechnical Systems (MASTS), University of Southern California - Los Angeles, CA
Troubled worlds and beyond
University of British Columbia - Vancouver, BC, CA
Ethics Governance-in-the-Making: Bridging Ethics Work and Governance in the Menlo Report
Seminar on People, Computers and Design, Stanford University - Palo Alto, CA
Implications of the Emerging Data Sciences for the Interpretive Social Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Workshop
Arlington, VA
Inconvenient Data
Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University - Palo Alto, CA
The Long Aftermath of Disaster Data
Center for Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University - Palo Alto, CA
Data Care During Crisis: A Comparative analysis of COVID data infrastructure builders in India and the USA
Society for Social Studies of Science - virtual
Earthquakes, Infrastructure, Anthropocene
iSchool Colloquium Series - Vancouver, BC
Information Infrastructures in Disasters
COVIDcall - Virtual
Archives and/as Infrastructures for Knowledge and Ignorance
Society for the Social Studies of Science - New Orleans, LA
Crisis Management and Informatics
Jackson School of International Studies, Information School, Women’s Center Lecture Series - Seattle
Crisis Management and Informatics Panel
Cybersecurity Forum: A Series on Cybersecurity and Technology Futures, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Documenting Aftermath
Global Resilience Institute - Boston, MA
Practicing Responsible Computing: A Near History
Data and Society, New York City - New York, NY
Public information infrastructures and inequality after disasters: historical perspectives
West Coast Poverty Center, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Responsible Computing Before the Web
The web that was: Archives, Traces Reflections - Amsterdam, Netherlands
We are all well: a social history of post-earthquake public information infrastructures
Center for Science, Technology and Society, Drexel University - Philadelphia, PA
We are all well: a social history of post-earthquake public information infrastructures
Science and Technology Studies Colloquium, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
We are all well: a social history of post-earthquake public information infrastructures
Communications Colloquium - Seattle, WA
We are all well: a social history of post-earthquake public information infrastructures
Columbia Communications - New York, NY
We are all well: a social history of post-earthquake public information infrastructures
University of California Irvine - Irvine, CA
We are all well: A social history of public information infrastructures after disasters
The Information School, Syracuse University - Syracuse, NY
Documenting Aftermath: An Author-Meets-Critics Session
Center for Advanced Study of Communities and Information, University of Maryland - College Park, MD
Ethical Controversies in Computing Security Research
International Communications Association (ICA) - Prague, Czech Republic
How should engineering professionals respond to the rapid deployment of AI in our society?
IEEE 2018 International Symposium on Technology & Society (ISTAS 2018) - Washington, DC
Mediating Earthquakes: How Sociotechnical Assemblages Shape Temporal Publics
American Studies Association (ASA) - Atlanta, GA
We are all well: a social history of postearthquake public information infrastructures
Magnitude 9 (M9) - Seattle, WA
Adventures in Data Management: Challenges and Key Developments in Collaborative Research
Data Management: A Mandated Opportunity, Society for the History of Technology (SHOT) - Philadelphia, PA
Assembling Public Time: Data, Bots, and Intersecting Professions
Crisis data / data in crisis. International Communication Association (ICA) - San Diego, CA
Corporate States of Emergency
Crisis Infrastructures and the Politics of Interdependence, Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) - Boston, MA
alt.conference on Big Data
Annual meeting, Association of American Geographers - Tampa, FL
Changing Publishing Practices in iSchools
Annual Conference, iConference - Berlin, Germany
Time as Information Infrastructure
Association of American Geographers - Tampa, FL
Crisis Research and the Limits of Social Media Datasets
Association of Internet Researchers - Denver, CO
Disaster Response Plans as Material Politics
Governing Technology: Material Politics and Hybrid Agencies - Palo Alto, CA
Imagined Information Practices: Information determinism and disaster response
Society for the Social Study of Science - San Diego, CA
Information Orders after the 1906 Earthquake
University of North Carolina School of Information and Library Science and School of Journalism - Chapel Hill, NC
Post-Disaster Information and Communication Practices: plans and technologies
International Association of Media and Communication Researchers - Dublin, Ireland
Privacy in the Context of Crisis Information Flows
Association of American Geographers - Los Angeles, CA
Recognizing Invisible Infrastructure: Data Centers and Hurricane Sandy
Association of Internet Researchers - Denver, CO
The Challenges of Crisis Data
International Association of Media and Communication Researchers - Dublin, Ireland
Transparency and its Discontents: Democratic Prospects and Challenges
Center for the Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society - Berkeley, CA