- Digital Inclusion
- Digital Literacy
- Technology and Social Change
Research Areas
Stacey Wedlake is a Research Scientist with the Technology & Social Change Group at the University of Washington Information School. Her research focuses on the role of intermediaries (public libraries, community organizations, and governments) in digital equity efforts. She has a particular interest in how these groups can best support individual and community digital literacy goals. More recently, as part of a the NSF-funded, Co-designing for Trust, she has begun to explore how digital literacy resources can be better designed as community-oriented solutions to misinformation. Stacey works with a variety of community and academic partners and enjoys creating actionable outputs for practitioners. Before coming to the Information School, she taught basic computer skills with Peace Corps Mongolia, YWCA/WorkSource, and Seattle Central College. When not working, you can find Stacey chasing after her two small children around Seattle parks. She holds degrees in Public Administration (MPA) and Library and Information Science (MLIS) from the University of Washington.
- MPA, University of Washington Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, 2014
- MLIS, University of Washington Information School, 2014
- BA, Communication, Trinity University, 2005
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic JournalEpistemologies of missing data: COVID dashboard builders and the production and maintenance of marginalized COVID data (2024)Big Data & Society, 11(2)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2024)Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, pp. 1-18
Journal Article, Academic JournalLearning Technology Systems in Everyday Life: Women’s Experiences Navigating Refugee Resettlement in the United States (2023)Journal of Immigration and Refugee Studies
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2023)Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Conference Short Paper(2023)iConference 2023
Conference Short Paper(2022)iConference 2022
Conference Poster(2022)Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management
Conference Poster(2022)Proceedings of Association for Information Science and Technology, 59(1), pp. 627-629, ISBN/ISSN: 2373-9231
Conference Paper(2021)TPRC49 (Policy Research Conference on Communications, Information and the Internet)
Conference AbstractData Care During Crisis: A Comparative analysis of COVID data infrastructure builders in India and the USA (2021)Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2020)Journal of Librarianship and Information Science
Conference Paper(2019)TPRC47: Research Conference on Communications, Information and Internet Policy
Research Report(2019)
Instructor's Manual(2018)
Beyond Super Searchers: Public Libraries in the Age of Misinformation.
Public Library Association - Online
Countering Misinformation, Strengthening Democracy
NEXT Library Festival - Aarhus, DK
Digital literacy & Internet for All.
Walla Walla Community Council - Online
Connected learning: The essential mindset to serve rural youth in America
Connected Learning Summit - Virtual
How Does Adult Digital Literacy Curricula Address Problematic Information?
2022 ASIS&T Annual Meeting - Pittsburgh, PA
“Help is really necessary”: Case study of a technology distribution program for unemployed workers
DIPRC2021: Digital Inclusion Policy And Research - Virtual
Creating a Digital Bridge: Lessons and Policy Implications from a Technology Access and Distribution Program for Low-income Job Seekers
TPRC2021: The Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy. - Virtual
Data Care During Crisis: A Comparative analysis of COVID data infrastructure builders in India and the USA
Society for Social Studies of Science - virtual
Digital Inclusion During COVID-19
Center for Digital Inclusion: Tech and Social Justice Workshop - Virtual
Digital skills framework for supporting adult education practitioners
EdTech Center: Distance Learning Strategy Session - online
Accelerating action through digital technologies: strengthening digital skills and capacities for human wellbeing
2020 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development - United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Division for Sustainable Development Goals (DESA/DSDG) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) - Virtual
Adult Literacy and Education: Strategies to Alleviate the Literacy Gap
Office of Family Assistance - Seattle, WA
Building Digital Workforce Skills at the Local Level
BroadbandUSA Practical Broadband Conversations Webinar - Online
Digital Equity and Inclusion in Seattle
Seattle Public University Information Studies Program - Seattle, WA
Digital Skill Sets for Diverse Users
Seattle Digital Equity Network - Seattle, WA
Digital Skill Sets for Diverse Users
BroadbandUSA: Digital Inclusion - Local and State Governments - Webinar
Digital Skills for Digital Equity: Identifying Skills Covered in Digital Literacy Frameworks and Curricula
Information School Research Fair, University of Washington - Seattle, Washington
Kenyan public librarians’ role in mobile-centric information access
CHANGE Seminar - Seattle
Measuring City of Seattle’s Progress on Digital Equity
2018 Community Indicators Consortium Impact Summit: Community Indicators in Action - Minneapolis, MN
Mobile Information Literacy: Adaptable curriculum for smartphone users in Myanmar and Kenya
Mobile Learning Week - Paris, France