
Affiliate Positions

  • Director, iNative, University of Washington
  • Adjunct Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Washington, American Indian Studies


  • Native North American Indigenous Knowledge
  • Tribal Libraries, Archives, and Museums
  • Information Seeking and Use in Culturally Diverse Communities


Cheryl A. Metoyer is an associate professor emeritus and the director of iNative (formally the Indigenous Information Research Group) at the iSchool and adjunct associate professor emeritus in American Indian Studies. Dr. Metoyer's research interests include indigenous systems of knowledge with an emphasis on American Indian and Alaska Native tribal nations; information seeking behaviors in cultural communities; and ethics and leadership in cultural communities. After completing her Ph.D., Dr. Metoyer, working as a Project Director at the National Indian Education Association, assisted tribes and state agencies in planning and developing library services in urban and reservations communities. Over the years, she has had the honor of assisting the Mashantucket Pequot, Cahuilla, San Manuel, Yakama, Navajo, Seneca, Mohawk and the Lakota nations in the development of their libraries, archives and museums. In 2018, Dr. Metoyer received the Legacy Award from the American Indian Library Association. Before joining the iSchool faculty, Dr. Metoyer was the Chief Academic Affairs Officer for the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation. She also served on the faculty of the UCLA Graduate School of Library and Information Science. From 1993 to 1997, Dr. Metoyer held the Rupert Costo Chair in American Indian History at the University of California, Riverside. In 2006. she was awarded a Rockefeller Fellowship in the Humanities to pursue her study of Native American systems of knowledge. Over the years, Dr. Metoyer has been a member of several advisory boards, including the Newberry Library D鈥橝rcy McNickle Center for American Indian History, the Southwest Museum, the National Commission on Libraries and Information Science, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the U.S. Department of the Interior, the National Museum of the American Indian, and the University of Arizona, Knowledge River Program. She also holds the distinction of being elected as the American Indian delegate to the White House Conference on Libraries and Information Services. Recently, Dr. Metoyer was appointed to the UW House of Knowledge Planning Committee. She has published in major research journals, including 'College & Research Libraries,' 'Library and Information Science Research,' and 'American Indian Culture and Research Journal.' The Association of College and Research Libraries honored her book 'Gatekeepers in Ethnolinguistic Communities.'


  • Ph D, Library & Information Science, Indiana University, 1976
  • MA, Immaculate Heart College, 1969
  • BA, Immaculate Heart College, 1968


  • Legacy Award - American Indian Library Association, 2018
  • Rockefeller Fellowship in the Humanities - Newberry Library, 2006
  • Rupert Costo Endowed Chair in American Indian History - University of California, Riverside, 1993-1997

Consulting and Other Projects

  • Yakama Nation - SAMSHA Drug-Free community grant, 2014


  • American Indian and Alaska Native Professors Association
  • American Indian Library Association
  • National Indian Education Association
  • Native American and Indigenous Studies Association

Publications and Contributions

  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Early Literacy in Library Storytimes: A Study of Measures of Effectiveness. (2016)
    Library Quarterly, 86(4), pp. 369-388, ISBN/ISSN: 00242519 Authors: Kathleen Campana, J. Elizabeth Mills, Janet L Capps, Eliza Dresang, Allyson Carlyle, Cheryl A. Metoyer, Ivette Bayo Urban, Erika Feldman, Marin Brouwer, Kathleen Burnett, Bowie Kotrla
  • White Paper
    Impact, advocacy, and professional development: An exploration of storytime assessment in Washington state (2015)
    Authors: J. Elizabeth Mills, Kathleen Campana, Sean Fullerton, Marin Brouwer, Allyson Carlyle, Cheryl A. Metoyer,
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Cataloging & Classification Quarterly Special Issue - Indigenous Knowledge Organization, 53(5-6), pp. 475-478 Authors: Cheryl A. Metoyer, Ann M Doyle
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Cataloging & Classification Quarterly Special Issue - Indigenous Knowledge Organization, 53(5-6), pp. 640-657 Authors: Sandra Littletree, Cheryl A. Metoyer
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    Privacy in the Family (Moore A., Primary author) (2015)
    The Social Dimensions of Privacy, pp. 104-121 Authors: Bryce Newell, Cheryl A. Metoyer, Adam Moore
  • Conference Poster
    Native Systems of Knowledge (poster) (2014)
    Research Fair 2014 Authors: Cheryl A. Metoyer, Sandra Littletree, Miranda Belarde-Lewis, Marissa Duarte, Juan-Carlos Chavez, Ross Braine, Tess Cervantes, Ivette Bayo Urban, Sheryl Day
  • Conference Poster
    Poster: Indigenous Knowledge Organization (IKO) Project: Knowledge Organization from an Indigenous Perspective (2013)
    Research Fair, Information school, University of Washington, Seattle Author: Cheryl A. Metoyer
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Leadership in American Indian Communities: Winter Lessons (2011)
    American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 34(4), pp. 12-Jan Author: Cheryl A. Metoyer
  • Conference Paper
    Language, Text and Knowledge Organization: One Native American Story (2009)
    20th Annual SIG CR Workshop: Bridging Worlds, Connecting People: Classification Transcending Boundaries Author: Cheryl A. Metoyer
  • Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New
    Academic Library Directors of Color and Their Means of Self-Renewal (2008)
    Academic Librarians as Emotionally Intelligent Leaders, pp. 107-122 Authors: Cheryl A. Metoyer, Peter Hernon
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Early literacy in library storytimes Part 2: A quasi-experimental study and intervention with children's storytime providers
    Library Quarterly Authors: J. Elizabeth Mills, Kathleen Campana, Allyson Carlyle, Bowie Kotrla, Eliza Dresang, Ivette Bayo Urban, Janet Capps, Cheryl A. Metoyer, Erika Feldman, Marin Brouwer, Kathleen Burnett


  • Engaging American Indian and Alaska Native Undergraduates in Research: A Co-Creation Model (2018)
    Colloquium on Undergraduate Research - Seattle, WA
  • Guest lecture: HONORS 231 The Record of Us All: The Past, Present, and Future of the Human Record (2018)
    UW College of Arts and Sciences - Seattle, WA
  • Guest lecture: CHID 480 Special Topics: Advanced Study of the History of Ideas (2015)
    UW College of Arts & Sciences - Seattle, WA
  • Guest lecture: INFX 583 Cross Cultural Approaches to Leadership (2015)
    911爆料网 - Seattle, WA
  • Are We There Yet? The Four Directions in Native American Higher Education (2014)
    Samuel E. Kelly Distinguished Faculty Lecture, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • In Our Camp: Relationality in Native American Knowledge Organization (2014)
    University of Saskatchewan Library Dean's Research Lecture - Saskatoon, SK, Canada
  • Opening remarks (2014)
    Spencer Shaw Lecture, 911爆料网 - Seattle, WA
  • Remarks (2014)
    Research Fair, 911爆料网 Research Fair - Seattle, WA
  • Welcome presentation (2014)
    Center for Contemplative Mind in Society annual conference - Seattle, WA
  • Remarks (2013)
    Research Fair, 911爆料网 Research Fair - Seattle, WA
  • Remarks (2013)
    Raven's Feast Graduation Ceremony at Daybreak Star Cultural Center, UW Department of American Indian Studies - Seattle, WA
  • All Things Connected: Relationality in Native American Knowledge Organization (2012)
    Research Colloquium, University of British Columbia, School of Library and Archival Studies - Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Archival Creative Fiction: Indigenous Peoples Existence and Resistance in the Archival Multiverse (2012)
    Native American and Indian Studies Association Conference - Uncasville, CT
  • Organization of Indigenous Knowledge (2012)
    International Association of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) Presidential Programme Spring Meeting - Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • The Institutional Perspective: Senior Faculty Panel (2012)
    iConference 2012 - Toronto, ON, Canada
  • Traditional Cultural Expressions: Librarians at the Intersection of Intellectual Freedom and Tribal Sovereignty (2012)
    ALA Conference 2012 - Anaheim, CA
  • Artistry at Work (2011)
    Tribal Libraries, Archives and Museum Conference - Anchorage, AK
  • I am the Corn: Relationality in Native American Knowledge Organization (2011)
    Annual Ted Samore Lecture, University of Wisconsin, School of Information Studies - Milwaukee, WI
  • Information: A Critical Analytic for Indigenous Scholars (2011)
    Native American and Indigenous Studies Association Conference - Sacramento, CA
  • Artistry at Work (2010)
    National Conference, Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums - Portland, OR
  • Building Capacity Through Information Policy (2010)
    National Congress of American Indians Conference - Albuquerque, NM
  • Career Path in the Academy (2010)
    Suquamish Reservation - Suquamish, WA
  • Information Policy: Strategies for Strengthening Tribal Governance (2010)
    Tribal Leader/Scholar Forum, Breakout Session, NCAI - National Congress of American Indians - Rapid City, SD
  • Intellectual Property Issues: American Indian Perspectives (2010)
    Delegation of Korean Students, Sung Kyun Kwan University & University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • Networking and Mentoring for Professional Development (2010)
    Annual Conference, Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums - Portland, OR
  • Networking in Career Stratgey (2010)
    National Conference, Tribal Libraries, Archives and Museums - Portland, OR
  • Research, Students and the House of Knowledge (2010)
    Affiliated Tribes of Northwest Indian Conference - Spokane, WA
  • Four Directions, Four Gifts (2008)
    Raven's Feast, Native American Graduation Celebration, Daybreak Star Arts Center, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • Genesis of a Research Project (2008)
    Managerial Leadership in the Information Professions, Simmons College - Boston, MA
  • In My Mother's House: Gifts of Wellness (2008)
    Indigenous Wellness Research Institute, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • Language, Text and Knowledge Organization: One Native American Story (2008)
    iWorld Conference, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • Leaders Wanted: Is an LIS Doctoral Program Right for You? (2008)
    Annual Conference, ALA - American Library Association - Anaheim, CA
  • Library Recruitment (2005)
    National Conference, Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums - Mesa, AZ
  • The Power of Language: The Legacy of the Mashantucket Museum (2005)
    Exhibit Symposium: Hero, Hawk and Open Hand, Art Institute of Chicago - Chicago, IL