- Public Policy
- Science of Science
- Computational Social Science
Research Areas
I am an Associate Professor at the University of Washington's Information School where I direct the Puget Sound Clinic for Public Interest Technology (PCP). My research group is broadly focused on science, technology, and public policy. We study how public policy works, for whom, and under what circumstances. We contribute to fields like the science of science, computational social science, and computer supported cooperative work. Some topics we are working on now include the following:
-Labor: Workplace organizing in the service sector; evaluating the efficacy of public policy interventions in the gig economy; and wage theft prediction.
-Scientific Software: Modeling dependency networks vital to research communities; Economic valuations of public investment in software; and measuring sustainability in both open-source and research software.
-Municipal Governance: Policy diffusion in sub-national legislatures; Measuring constitutional churn in Latin America; Modeling effective rhetorical frames, gender dynamics, and special interest group impact on legislation in city councils.
I also lead the development of open-source research infrastructure at several institutions: I am the technical director of the Qualitative Data Repository at Syracuse University, as well as the States and Institutions of Governance in Latin America (SIGLA) project at Georgetown University. I co-lead the Council Data Project with my talented PhD student Eva Maxfield Brown.
- Ph D, Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, 2015
- MSlis, Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, 2010
- BA, English and History, University of Illinois, 2005
- Movers and Shakers - Library Journal, 2020
- Best Paper Award - ASIS&T Scientific and Technological Information Special Interest Group, 2015
- Best PhD Dissertation Proposal - Beta Phi Mu, 2015
- Early-Career Award - National Science Foundation, Workshop on Sustainable Scientific Software 3, 2015
- FORCE11 - Oxford, Travel Award - Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 2015
- RDA DataSHARE Early-career Research Fellow - Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 2015
- Sustainability in Urban Contexts Early-career Research Fellow - International Social Science Council, 2015
- American Meteorological Society
- Earth Science Informatics Partners
Publications and Contributions
Conference Paper(2024)The 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, pp. 1100-1210
Conference PaperThe Impact of iBuying is About More Than Just Racial Disparities: Evidence from Mecklenburg County, NC (2024)The 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency
Research Report(2023)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2023)Journal of Privacy and Confidentiality, 13(2)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2023)
Journal Article, Professional Journal(2023)Journal of Open Source Software, 6(Unknown Issue)
Journal Article, Academic JournalA survey of the state of the practice for research software in the United States (2022)PeerJ Computer Science, 8(Unknown Issue)
Conference Paper(2022)ASIS&T Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology
Conference PaperCouncils in Action: Automating the Curation of Municipal Governance Data for Research (2022)Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Conference
Journal Article, Academic JournalIntegrative urban AI to expand coverage, access, and equity of urban data (2022)The European Physical Journal Special Topics, pp. 1-12
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New(2022)Scholarly Communication and Open Culture
Conference PaperAddressing research software sustainability via institutes (2021)Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on the Body of Knowledge for Software Sustainability (BoKSS'21) in conjunction with the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2021)
Conference PaperCollective harms and contextual integrity for sensitive data (2021)Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology Annual Conference
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2021)Journal of Open Source Software
Conference PaperDSDB: An open-source system for database versioning curation (2021)Proceedings of the 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
Journal Article, Academic JournalData curation as collective action during COVID-19 (2021)Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 72(3), pp. 280-284
Journal Article, Academic JournalHow data curation enables epistemically responsible reuse of qualitative data (2021)The Qualitative Report, 26(6), pp. 1996-2010
Journal Article, Academic JournalIntroducing the Qualitative Data Repository's curation handbook (2021)Journal of eScience Librarianship, 10(3), pp. 8
Journal Article, Professional Journal(2021)Library Journal
Conference PaperSurfacing collective harms in privacy sensitive data (2021)Proceedings of the 2021 ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL)
Conference PaperFinite and infinite games: An ethnography of institutional logics in research software sustainability (2020)Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 57(1)
Journal Article, Academic JournalUsing Open Data to Inform PublicLibrary Branch Services (2020)Public Library Quarterly, pp. 1-13
Journal Article, Academic JournalEpistemic and Ethical Challenges to Qualitative Data Reuse (2020)The Qualitative Report
Conference PaperHuman-in-the-Loop Curation: Open Source Tools for Scaling Privacy Sensitive Data Curation (2020)Open Repositories 2020
Conference PaperMaking Public Records Legible: An Open-Source Platform forTranscribing Archived Multimedia (2020)Open Repositories 2020
Journal Article, Academic JournalOpen Source Tools for Scaling Data Curation at QDR (2020)Code4Lib Journal, 49(Unknown Issue)
Journal Article, Academic JournalAnnotation for Transparent Qualitative Inquiry (2019)International Association for Social Science Information Services and Technology (IASSIST), 43(2), pp. 1-9
Conference PaperDSDB: Reproducible Computational Modeling (2019)IEEE eScience Workshop on Research Objects 2019
Conference ProceedingDSDB: Reproducible Computational Modeling. (2019)RO
Conference PaperOpen Data Publishing by Public Libraries (2019)Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL '19)
Conference PaperPackaging Legislative Event Data for Reuse Exchange (2019)IEEE eScience Workshop on Research Objects 2019
Conference ProceedingPackaging Municipal Legislative Event Data for Reuse \& Exchange. (2019)RO
Journal Article, Academic JournalQualitative data sharing and synthesis for sustainability science (2019)Nature Sustainability, pp. 1-8
Conference PaperSimple, Standards-based Archiving in Dataverse (2019)IEEE eScience Workshop on Research Objects 2019
Conference PaperAddressing friction: FAIR and the case of qualitative data (2018)Research Data and Preservation Summit
Conference PosterAdvancing Open Data: Aligning Education with Public Sector Data Challenges (2018)ASIS&T 2018: Proceedings of the 81st annual meeting
Journal Article, Academic JournalConceptualization of a US Research Software Sustainability Institute (URSSI) (2018)Computing in Science Engineering, 20(3), pp. 4-9
Conference PaperMigration Patterns: Supporting the Long-Term Maintenance of Natural History Museum Databases (2018)Annual Meeting of the Association of Information Science & Technology
Conference Paper(2018)International Conference on Information (iConference 2018)
Conference PaperMining Open Government Data Used in Scientific Research (2018)iConference 2018
Conference PosterRemediating Civic Tech (2018)Proceedings of the iConference
Journal Article, Academic JournalRemediating Civic Tech (2018)iConference 2018 Proceedings
Journal Article, Academic JournalAssessing and tracing the outcomes and impact of research infrastructures (2017)Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,, pp. 1341–1359
Conference AbstractContextual Integrity for Qualitative Data (2017)Digital Humanities 2017
Conference PosterIntegrating User Feedback with Open Data Quality Models (2017)ASIS&T Annual Meeting 2017
Conference PaperNo Drones: Institutional Critique of UAS Data Accessibility and implications for Environmental Humanities (2017)Digital Humanities (DH)
Conference PaperOrchestrating Cloud Infrastructure to Manage Sensitive Data (2017)International Digital Curation Conference
Conference Extended AbstractSticky and Leaky Abstractions for Data on the Web (2017)11th U.S. Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) Workshop
Conference PosterWhose Truth? Digital Recordkeeping and Evidence in a Post-Truth World (2017)2017 iSchool Research Fair
Journal Article, Academic JournalBeyond the matrix: Repository services for qualitative data (2016)IFLA Journal, 42(4), pp. 292–302
Journal Article, Academic JournalIntroduction to Data Models Special Collection (2016)Data Science Journal, 15(Unknown Issue)
Ph.D. ThesisA framework for analyzing the sustainability of peer produced science commons (2015)
Journal Article, Academic JournalCommunity recommendations for sustainable scientific software (2015)Journal of Open Research Software, 3(1)
Journal Article, Academic JournalData Curation Workshop Book: Hong Kong (2015)
Conference PaperPolycentric Governance in Sociotechnical Systems (2015)Proceedings of the iConference Workshop on Sustainability for Information Communication Technologies
Conference PaperTowards a Model of Sociotechnical Systems Resilience (2015)Proceedings of the International Association for the Study of the Commons Annual Meeting
Journal Article, Academic JournalCommunity Recommendations for Improving Sustainable Scientific Software Practices (2014)
Journal Article, Academic JournalExtending Curation Profiles to Study Enterprise-level Data Practices (2014)iConference 2014 Proceedings
Journal Article, Academic JournalParatexts and documentary practices: Text mining authorship and acknowledgment from a bioinformatics corpus (2014)Examining Paratextual Theory and its Applications in Digital Culture, pp. 84–109
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe phylogeny of a dataset (2014)Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 51(1), pp. 1–11
Journal Article, Academic JournalUsing Named Entity Recognition as a Classification Heuristic (2014)iConference 2014 Proceedings
Journal Article, Academic JournalComplications in climate data classification: The political and cultural production of variable names (2013)Advances In Classification Research Online, 23(1), pp. 57–58
Journal Article, Academic JournalDispatches, digests and doodles: Exploring the significant properties of field notebooks (2013)
Journal Article, Academic JournalFoundations of data curation: the pedagogy and practice of “purposeful work” with research data (2013)Arch J, 3(Unknown Issue)
Journal Article, Academic JournalLead, lag or get out of the index: Exploring macro-economic indicators of data use (2013)
Journal Article, Academic JournalNiche modeling: Ecological metaphors for sustainable software in science (2013)arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.1810
Conference ProceedingResearch Problems in Data Curation: Outcomes from the Data Curation Education in Research Centers Program (2013)AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1(Unknown Issue), pp. 1645
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe Product and System Specificities of Measuring Curation Impact (2013)International Journal of Digital Curation, 8(2), pp. 223–234
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe relevance of research data sharing and reuse studies (2013)Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 39(6), pp. 23–26
Journal Article, Academic JournalCombined methods, thick descriptions: Languages of collaboration on Github (2012)Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49(1), pp. 1–4
Journal Article, Academic JournalCurrent trends and future directions in data curation research and education (2012)Journal of Web Librarianship, 6(4), pp. 305–320
Journal Article, Academic JournalIntegrating Conceptual and Empirical Studies of Data to Guide Curatorial Processes (2012)
Conference ProceedingRainmakers, space mirrors and atmospheric vacuums: a bibliometric mapping of geoengineering research (2012)Proceedings of the 2012 iConference, pp. 639–640
Journal Article, Academic JournalSystem Slack in Cyberinfrastructure Development: Mind the Gaps (2012)
Journal Article, Academic JournalValue and context in data use: Domain analysis revisited (2012)Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 49(1), pp. 1–10
Journal Article, Academic JournalKnowledge Infrastructure: The Research Library’s Role in Information Transfer (2011)
Technical ReportReport on the Data Curation Research Summit (2011)
Journal Article, Academic JournalShaken and stirred: ASIS&T 2011 attendee reactions to Shaking it up: embracing new methods for publishing, finding, discussing, and measuring our research output (2011)Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1), pp. 1–2
Journal Article, Academic JournalShaking it up: embracing new methods for publishing, finding, discussing, and measuring our research output (2011)Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1), pp. 1–3
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe analytic potential of scientific data: Understanding re-use value (2011)Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 48(1), pp. 1–10
Journal Article, Academic JournalEvaluating data citation and sharing policies in the environmental sciences (2010)Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 47(1), pp. 1–2
Journal Article, Academic JournalWhich Life-Cycle? Data Curation and Records Management Education (2010)
Journal Article, Academic JournalHebbian learning in the agglomeration of conducting particles (1999)Physical Review E, 59(3), pp. 3165
Implementing Data Services for Indigenous Scholarship and Sovereignty
International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology Conference (IASSIST 2023) - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Data Services for Indigenous Scholarship and Sovereignty (DSISS) project
Seattle, WA
Co-creating an NSF Proposal on Civic Innovation with Community Partners: Case study
Going Public: Advocacy, Activism, and Building Trust - Online
Integrating Research and Teaching for Data Curation in iSchools
2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
Conceptual Models in Sociotechnical Systems
2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
Finite and Infinite Games: An Ethnography of Institutional Logics in Research Software Sustainability
2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
Infrastructures of Digital Humanities
2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
Knowledge infrastructure for qualitative inquiry
Knowledge Infrastructures Workshop - Los Angeles, CA
SIG-CM2020 Conceptual Models in Digital Libraries, Archives, and Museums
ACM/IEEEJoint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) - Online
Annotation for Transparent Inquiry: Innovating on openness in qualitative social science
iAnnotate - Washington, D.C.
Open Data Publishing by Public Libraries
Joint Conference on Digital Libraries - Urbana-Champaign, IL
Workshop on Conceptual Models in Digital Libraries, Archives, and Museums
ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL) - Urbana-Champaign, Illinois
Advancing Open Data: Aligning Education with Public Sector Data Challenges
Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Vancouver, British Columbia
Conceptualizing a Research Software Sustainability Institute
National Science Foundation - Berkeley, California
Conceptualizing a Research Software Sustainability Institute
National Science Foundation - Chicago, Illinois
Confronting the expanse of data education: From local open data to global cyberinfrastucture
Association for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting - Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Educating information professionals for data challenges: From local open data to global cyberinfrastructure
ASIS&T Annual Conference - Vancouver, British Columbia
Ontology Driven Data Discovery
National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) - Annapolis, Maryland
Working Group 1 on Annotation for Transparent Inquiry
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - New York, New York
Working Group 2 on Annotation for Transparent Inquiry
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - New York, New York
Push, Pull, Spill: Election Data and Citizen Engagement in a Global Context
Global Election Technology Summit - San Francisco, CA
CAQDAS Preservation for Developers
Archiving Qualitative Data Software - New York, NY
Modeling Cultural Evolution with Metadata Collections
International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications DC-2016 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Future of Software Citation
Renaissance Computing Institute - Washington, D.C.