- Econometrics
- Labor Economics
- Socialization, Interethnic Contacts
Research Area
- - Foundational Skills For Data Science
- - Advanced Methods In Data Science
Ott Toomet obtained his PhD in economics from Aarhus University in 2005 and has been mainly based in Tartu University afterwards. He has been working with labor economics and published papers on segregation, discrimination, and statistical methods.
- Ph D, Economics, Aarhus University, 2005
- MA, Economics, Tartu University, 2001
- MSC, Physics, Tartu University, 1997
- BA, Physics, Tartu University, 1993
- Distinguished Teaching Award (Nominee) - University of Washington, 2020-2020
- Center for Statistics and the Social Sciences
- Center for Studies in Demography and Ecology
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic JournalLanguage skills in an ethnically segmented labour market: Estonia (2019)International Journal of Manpower
Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book-NewSegregation and Sentiment: Estimating Refugee Segregation and Its Effects Using Digital Trace Data (2019)uide to Mobile Data Analytics in Refugee Scenarios: The Data for Refugees Challenge Study, pp. 265-282
Journal Article, Academic JournalWage Gap in an Ethnically Segmented Labor Market: The Role of Cognitive Skills (2018)Eastern European Economics
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2016)Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 35(2), pp. 469–478, ISBN/ISSN: 1944-7450
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2016)LABOUR, 30(4), pp. 371–392, ISBN/ISSN: 1467-9914
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewDo better educated emigrants intend to return? Evidence from Estonian return migration from Finland (2015)The Economics of Cultural Diversity
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2015)Leisure Studies, 34(5), pp. 566-587
Journal Article, Academic JournalWhere Do Ethno-Linguistic Groups Meet? How Copresence during Free-Time Is Related to Copresence at Home and at Work (2015)PLoS ONE, 10(5), pp. e0126093
Journal Article, Academic JournalDoes Better Pre-Migration Performance Accelerate Immigrants’ Wage Assimilation? (2014)Labour Economics, 30(Unknown Issue), pp. 212-222
Journal Article, Academic JournalSocial Networks and Labor Market Inequality between Ethnicities and Races (2013)Network Science, 1(3), pp. 321-352
Journal Article, Academic JournalThomas-Kilmann’s Conflict Management Modes and their relationship to Fiedler’s Leadership Styles (2013)Baltic Journal of Management, 8(1), pp. 45-65
NewspaperToode koosneb asjast endast ja muinasjutust (A product contains the product and a fairy tale) (2013)Ă„°ůľ±±čä±đ±ą
NewspaperVisa muutumine (Slow changes) (2013)Sirp
NewspaperDaniel Hess: Tartul on pakkuda palju erilist ja nauditavat (2012)Tartu Postimees
NewspaperHelkuri kandmisest ja jalakäijate õigustest (Reflector and the rights of pedestrians) (2012)Tartu Postimees
NewspaperOtt Toomet: tahad tööd? Siis vaheta nime! (Want a job? Change your name!) (2012)
NewspaperÄrihoone aitab Emajõge ja kesklinna kaubandust (A commercial building will help to revitalize the river and the business in downtown) (2012)Tartu Postimees
Journal Article, Academic JournalLearn English, not the Local Language! Ethnic Minorities in the Baltic States (2011)American Economic Review, 101(3), pp. 526-531
NewspaperMiljöömaksu tuleks kompenseerida (We should compensate the “environment tax”) (2011)Tartu Postimees
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewVenekeelse elanikkonna eesti keele oskus, sissetulek ja tööpuudus Eestis: miks naistele on keeleoskus olulisem? (Estonian language skills of Russian-speaking population, income, and unemployment in Estonia: why is language more important for women?) (2011)Sooline ebavordsus tooelus: arengud Eestis ja rahvusvaheline vordlus (Gender in the labor market: Developments in Estonia in International Context), pp. 56-64
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2011)Computational Statistics, 26(3), pp. 443-458, ISBN/ISSN: 0943-4062
NewspaperEesti maksusüsteemi võiks lihtsustada (Estonian tax system should be simplified) (2010)Ajakiri HEI
NewspaperMiks valimislubadusi uskuda ei saa (Why we cannot trust politicians’ promises before elections) (2010)Tartu Postimees
NewspaperMis on tänavuse Majanduse Nobeli preemia sisu? (What is behind this year’s Nobel Price) (2010)Tartu Postimees
NewspaperTurumajandus energiatootmises (Market Economy in Energy Production) (2010)Tartu Postimees
NewspaperEestlaste ja venelaste tööpuudus 1989-2007 (Unemployment among ethnic Estonians and Russians 1989-2007 (2009)Vikerkaar
NewspaperTeadus või poliitika (Science or Politics?) (2009)Tartu Postimees
Journal Article, Academic JournalEmerging ethnic wage gap: Estonia during political and economic transition (2008)Journal of Comparative Economics, 36(4), pp. 599-619
NewspaperKodakondsus - tuleviku proovikivi (Citizenship – a test for the future. (2008)Tartu Postimees
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2008)Journal of Statistical Software, 27(7), pp. 1–23, ISBN/ISSN: 1548-7660
NewspaperMiks venelased teenivad nii vähe? (Why do Russians earn so little?) (2007)Eesti Päevaleht
NewspaperOdava võõrtööjõu hind (Price of cheap immigrant labour) (2007)Eesti Ekspress
NewspaperSisseränne ei ole katastroof (Immigration is not a disaster) (2007)Eesti Päevaleht
NewspaperTagasi Eestisse? (Back to Estonia?) (2007)Universitas Tartuensis
Working PaperThreat effect of the active labor market programs: Evidence from a natural experiment (2007)
NewspaperHirmus tuumaenergia (Scary nuclear energy) (2006)Tartu Postimees
NewspaperPensionärid, eluiga ja majanduskasv (Pensioners, life expectancy and economic growth) (2006)Eesti Ekspress
Working PaperA search model of discouragement (2005)
Working PaperDoes an increase in unemployment income lead to longer unemployment spells? Evidence using Danish unemployment assistance data (2005)
NewspaperKas teadus ja innovatsioon on eduks vajalik? (Are research and innovation needed for success?) (2005)Eesti Ekspress
Ph.D. ThesisRegional variations in unemployment duration and discouragement probability (2005)
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe supercluster-void network V.-The regularity periodogram (2002)Astronomy & Astrophysics, 393(1), pp. 1–23
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe Evolution of the Supercluster-Void Network (1995)Asstronomy & Astrophysics, 296(Unknown Issue), pp. 611-618