- Ethics of Information and Technology
- Social and Organizational Dimensions of Technology
- Technology and Social Change
Dr. Robert M. Mason joined the faculty in Autumn 2005. He served as Associate Dean for Research for the iSchool from 2006-2010. His current research interests focus on the philosophy and ethics of technology management and the cultural aspects of knowledge management. His recent research examines the impact of social media on knowledge work and how organizations provide post-implementation support for enterprise systems. He is a founding member of the Social Media Lab @ UW (somelab.net) and is working with a team of students on information flows related to the Occupy movement. He was previously on the faculties of the College of Business at Florida State University and the Weatherhead School of Management at Case Western Reserve University. Prior to devoting full time to academia, he operated two consulting companies and worked in industry. He is a former president of the International Association for the Management of Technology (IAMOT) and serves as a senior editor for Technovation. He has an SB and SM in electrical engineering from MIT and a PhD in industrial and systems engineering from Georgia Tech.
- Ph D, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1973
- MS, Electrical Engineering , Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1965
- BS, Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963
- Best Research Note Award - iConference, 2014
- Most Read Article - J. Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 2014
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Library Association
- American Library Association, Library and Information Technology Association
- American Society for Engineering Management
- American Society for Information Science & Technology
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Association for Information Systems
- Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences
- International Association for Impact Assessment
- International Association for the Management of Technology
Publications and Contributions
Conference PaperCharacterizing Online Rumoring Behavior Using Multi-Dimensional Signatures (2015)CSCW
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewInstitutional Transformation (2015)Handbook of Science and Technology Convergence
Conference PaperUsing Historical Twitter Data for Research: Ethical Challenges of Tweet Deletions (2015)CSCW
Conference PaperPerceptions of Walls: An Exploration of Trait Affect and Personality in a Cross Cultural Study of Perception of Risks Related to the Edward Snowden Case (2014)iConference
Conference PaperRumors, False Flags, and Digital Vigilantes: Misinformation on Twitter after the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing (2014)iConference
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2013)Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 23(1)
Conference PaperBest Service Delivery Through Organizational Goals Sharing (2013)Proceedings of IAMOT 2013
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2013)Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 23(1)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2013)Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 23(1)
Conference PaperAgency and Control in New Ways of Work (2012)Proceedings of IAMOT 2012
Conference PaperKnowledge-Based Theory of the Firm, Challenges by Social Media (2012)Proceedings of HICSS 45
Conference Paper(2012)45th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS2012)
Conference PaperShared Understanding in Networked Organizations (2012)ICE 2012: International Conference on Engineering, Technology, and Innovation
Conference PaperThe Nature of Knowledge in the Social Media Age: Implications for Knowledge Management Models (2012)Proceedings of HICSS 45
Conference PaperThe Nature of Knowledge in the Social Media Age: Implications for Knowledge Management Models (2012)Proceedings of HICSS 45
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2012)Information, Technology & People, 25(1), pp. 4 - 30
Conference Workshop PaperVBAA: A Method for Surfacing Values in Distributed Online Collaboration (2012)Workshop on Values in Human-Centered Computing at CHI 2012
Conference PaperLifting the Veil: The Expression of Values in Online Communities (2011)ACM Digital Library
Journal Article, Public or Trade JournalA Global Digital Library: Possibilities, Concerns and Prospects (2010)Information Outlook, 14(5), pp. 13-16
Journal Article, Professional JournalChanging Workforce Demographics: Making the Most of the New Generation (2010)Cutter Benchmark Review, 10(8)
Conference PaperGuarding the Walls in Wikipedia? A Network Gatekeeping Theory Perspective (2010)IR - Internet Research
Conference PaperHow Executives Perceive the Net Generation (2010)iConference
Journal Article, Academic JournalHow Executives Perceive the Net Generation (2010)Information, Communication & Society, 13(3), pp. 396-418
Journal Article, Professional JournalInnovation and the Net Generation (2010)Cutter Benchmark Review, 10(8), pp. 11-May
Conference PaperIt's Not for Us, It's for them: A Case Study of Wikipedia Values in Practice (2010)Internet Research
Conference PaperA Pragmatic Framework for Ethical Decision Making: the limits of professional codes (2009)HICSS - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
Journal Article, Academic JournalCultural determinants of Knowledge Management System training outcomes: the mediating effect of learning preferences (2009)Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 12(1), pp. 30-51
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewReframing Information System Design as Learning across Communities of Practice (2009)Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Conference PaperWhen Young People Enter the Workforce (2009)IR - Internet Research, 12(3)
Journal Article, Academic JournalCultural determinants of Knowledge Management System training outcomes: the mediating effect of learning preferences (2008)European Journal of Information Systems, 17(1), pp. 47-62
Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal(2008)Cutter E-Mail Advisors on Innovation and Enterprise Agility
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewReframing Information System Design as Learning across Communities of Practice (2008)Information Communication, Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
Conference PaperThe Organizational Impact of Digital Natives: How Organizations are Responding to the Next Generation of Knowledge Workers (2008)17th International Conference on Management of Technology
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewCulture: An Overlooked Key to Unlocking Organizational Knowledge (2007)Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Knowledge Management, pp. 21-34
ReportDigital Natives: Their Potential Impact on Knowledge Management in the Workplace (2007)
Conference Paper(2007)IFLA
Conference PaperPolitics and Power in the Democratization of Design (2007)Internet Research 8: Let's Play
Journal Article, Academic JournalReframing Information System Design as Learning across Communities of Practice (2007)International Journal for Technology and Human Interaction, 3(4), pp. 15-33
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThe Critical Role of the Librarian/Information Officer as Boundary Spanner Across Cultures (2007)Re-thinking knowledge management: From knowledge objects to knowledge processes, pp. 209-226
Conference PaperCultural determinants of Knowledge Management System training outcomes: the mediating effect of learning preferences (2006)AMCIS Annual Meeting
Conference Paper(2006)HICSS - Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pp. 162b
Journal Article, Academic JournalOrganizational Fields and the Diffusion of Information Technologies Within and Across the Nonprofit and Public Sectors: A Preliminary Theory (2006)American Review of Public Administration, 36(4), pp. 437-454
Conference PaperUnderstanding the Structure of Post-Implementation ERP Teams (2006)AMCIS Annual Meeting
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewAvoiding Epistimological Myopia (2005)Inquiring Organizations: Moving from Knowledge Management to Wisdom
Conference PaperBridging the Gulf Between Knowledge Management Theory and Practice: the Importance of Culture (2005)Shanghai US-China Conference
Conference PaperCultural dimensions of knowledge management (2005)International Association for Management of Technology
Emotional and Cognitive Impacts of Political Events in Social Media
Young Generation Technical and Leadership Conference - Dallas, USA
Ethical Challenges in Social Media Research
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences - Koloa, HI
Social Media Research: Approaches, Findings, Challenges
University of Iowa - Ames, IA
Social media, technology convergence, and institutional transformation: A critical examination of institutions and the technical and political forces that suggest the need for transformation or replacement
Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics, University of Indiana - Bloomington, IN
Mechanical Turk to elicit perceptions of Snowden and Security in US and India
UW ISC - Seattle, WA
Networked Publics and Social Media
Microsoft Research Faculty Summit - Redmond, WA
Social Media Research and Challenges
Microsoft Research Faculty Summit - Redmond, WA
Workshop: Research on Social Media
Waikoloa, HI
Changing Organizational Forms
University Bw Munich - Neubiberg, Germany
Research on Social Media
HICSS2013 - Wailea, HI
Social media research ethics & methods
Internet Research 2014 - Denver, CO
30,000,000 Occupation Tweets: a Hashtag Co-occurrence Network Analysis of Information Flows
Internet Research 13.0, AoIR - Manchester, England, United Kingdom
Issues in Social Media Research
Internet Research 13.0, AoIR - Manchester, England, United Kingdom