- The Black Information Future
- Intellectual Freedom and Censorship
- LIS Leadership and Organizational Development
Research Areas
- - Special Topics In Information And Library Science
Distinguished Practitioner in Residence Tracie D. Hall is the former Executive Director of the American Library Association (ALA), the oldest and largest library association in the world, serving library and educational institutions throughout and beyond the U.S. The first Black woman to helm ALA in its nearly 150-year history, Hall was most recently Visiting Fellow at the University of London’s Royal Holloway College. Hall has served innumerous library and arts leadership positions nationwide. Other posts have included Culture Program Director at The Joyce Foundation where she was recognized for creating numerous programs in support of arts-based community and economic development; Deputy Commissioner of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events where she received citations for her work to expand arts, fresh food, and social services access; Vice President of Strategy and Organizational Development at Queens Library where during her tenure she founded the NYC Early Learning Network; Community Investment Strategist and Community Investor for the Boeing Company’s Global Corporate Citizenship division; Assistant Dean of Dominican University’s Graduate School of Library and Information Science; other library positions at the Hartford Public Library, New Haven Free Public Library, and Seattle Public Library and non-profit and public sector roles across the country.
Holding dual bachelor’s degrees from University of California at Santa Barbara, and master’s degrees from the Yale University School of International and Area Studies and the University of Washington Information School, Hall’s work in library and arts administration has focused on advancing early and adult literacy, expanding broadband access, advocating for library and literacy services for people who are incarcerated. Her innovative work advancing diversity and inclusion in LIS earned her recognition as a Library Journal “Mover & Shaker” early in her career. In 2022, Hall became only the second librarian to be honored with a National Book Foundation Lifetime Achievement Award. In April 2023, TIME Magazine named Hall to its annual TIME100 list of the most influential people in the world. In September 2023, Hall followed Rep. John Lewis and journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones in receiving the medal for Freedom of Speech and Free Expression from the Franklin D. Roosevelt Institute. Hall was also named the 2023recipient of the Sojourner Truth Leadership Award 2023 for career-long commitment to diversity and inclusion by Metropolitan Chicago YWCA and recipient of the Public Humanities Beacon Award in 2023 for outstanding contributions to arts and letters in the state of Illinois.
Long committed to adult and family literacy as well as arts and educational access, Hall currently serves on the boards of the Academy of American Poets, College Unbound, Court Theatre, and the Crossroads Fund. Hall’s writings have appeared in various publications including American Libraries, Journal of Library Administration, Obsidian, Public Libraries, and TIME Magazine. She has been profiled by Association Forum, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Chicago Magazine, Forbes, Los Angeles Times, NBC Chicago, National Public Radio, Publishers Weekly, Reckon News, and WTTW.
- MLIS, University of Washington
- MA, International and Area Studies, Yale University
- BA, Black Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara
- BA, Law and Society, University of California, Santa Barbara
- 100 Most Influential People - Time Magazine, 2023
- 50 over 50 - Forbes Magazine, 2023
- Freedom of Speech Medal - Franklin D. Roosevelt Institute, 2023
- Public Humanities Beacon Award - Illinois Humanities, 2023
- Sojourner Truth Leadership Award - Metropolitan Chicago YWCA, 2023
- Lifetime Achievement Award - National Book Foundation, 2022
- Mayor’s Citation - City of Chicago, IL, 2016
- Rising Star Award - Queens, 2012
- Mover & Shaker - Library Journal, 2004
- Unsung Heroes Award - City of Hartford, CT, 2003
- Excellence in Young Adult Services Award - American Library Association, 1999
Publications and Contributions
Magazine/Trade PublicationHuman Rights Hero: The Librarian (2024)American Bar Association Human Rights Magazine, Vol 49(No. 4: Technology and the Law)
Conference AbstractProvocations on iSchools and Librarianship: New Priorities for LIS Forward (2024)Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(1), pp. 807-811
Journal Article, Professional JournalHoles at the Bottom of the Boat: Disrupting Performative Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Efforts in Libraries in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic (2023)Journal of Library Administration, 63(4), pp. 566-577
Journal Article, Professional JournalInformation Redlining: The Urgency to Close the Digital Access and Literacy Divide and the Role of Libraries as Lead Interveners (2022)Journal of Library Administration, 61(4), pp. 484-492
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewPassing the Torch: The Tradition of Mentorship among Black Librarians (2022)The Black Librarian in America: Reflections, Resistance, and Reawakening
Magazine/Trade PublicationDefending the Fifth Freedom: Protecting the right to read for incarcerated individuals (2021)American Libraries
Magazine/Trade PublicationRevolutions Where We Stand: We must connect the fights against library and community disinvestment (2021)American Libraries
Magazine/Trade PublicationEnding Information Redlining: The role of libraries in the next wave of the civil rights movement (2020)American Libraries
Magazine/Trade PublicationNecessary Trouble: Eradicating Information Poverty (2020)American Libraries
Justice as a Prerequisite for Beauty (2018)
Culture as a Human Right (2017)Grantmakers in the Arts Reader
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThe Black Body at the Reference Desk: A Critical Race Theory of Public Libraries (2012)The 21st-century Black librarian in America: issues and challenge
Magazine/Trade PublicationRace and Place: A Personal Account of Unequal Access (2007)American Libraries, 38(2), pp. 30-33
Diversity Counts: Demographic Study of the Library Workforce in the United States (2006)
Journal Article, Professional JournalDiversity, Recruitment, and Retention: Going from Lip Service to Foot Patrol (2006)Public Libraries, 45(1), pp. 39-46
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewMaking the Starting Line-Up: Best Practices for Placing Diversity at the Center of Your Library (2006)Achieving Diversity: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians
Global Democracy and the Rise of Censorship
University of London’s Royal Holloway College - Egham, England
Navigating White Spaces as a BIPOC Library Worker
RAILS – Reaching Across Illinois Library System - Illinois
Provocations on iSchools and Librarianship: New Priorities for LIS Forward
2024 ASIS&T Annual Meeting - Calgary, Canada
The Right and the Responsibility of Freedom
University College Roosevelt Commencement - Middleburg, Netherlands
Censorship as an Impediment to Children’s Health
American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Conference - Washington, D.C.
Compulsory (il) Literacies: Intersecting Race, Information Redlining, and Limitations on the Right to Read
Henry Cohen Lecture Series - New York, NY
The Rise of Censorship in the Modern Republic: How the Right to Read Became the Civil Rights Issue of our Time
State Library of Victoria - Melbourne, Australia
Race, Redlining, and Resistance: Libraries in the Making of the Next Civil Rights Movement
Bobinski Lecture, University of Buffalo - Buffalo, NY
Fighting Two Pandemics: Information Poverty and What Libraries Can Do to Close the Gap
Charlotte Mecklenburg Public Library Staff Day - Charlotte, NC
Information Redlining: The Urgency to Close the Socioeconomic Divide and the Role of Libraries as Lead Interveners
CILIP, United Kingdom Library Assn. Annual Conference - Virtual
Out of the Loop: Why Information Inequity May be the Civil Rights Crisis of Our Time
Library Leadership Ohio - Virtual
Investing in the Creative Industries in Chicago
Grantmakers in the Arts Annual Conference - Oakland, CA
Seeing the Unseen: Supporting Grassroots Community Stewardship
Washington Regional Area Grantmakers - Washington, D.C.
This is Libraries’ Hour: Ten Areas Where and Why Libraries Should Lead
Chicago Public Library All-Staff Inservice - Chicago, IL
Community Librarianship: A 21st Century Approach in Public Libraries
Connecticut Library Association - Hartford, CT
The Black Body at the Reference Desk: Building a Critical Race History of the Public Library
PBS/Kartemquin Film Convening - Chicago, IL
Transformation Stations: Five 21st Century Trends that Can and Should Change the Way Libraries and Museums Do Business
Dominican University - River Forest, IL
Script-Flipping and Gap-Standing: What to do When the Hardest to Reach Library Users Are the Ones that Need You the Most
Westchester Country Library Outreach Staff In-service - Tarrytown, NY
Shall I Not Be as Real as the Things I See? 10 Ways Visionary Librarianship Can Change the World
International Federation of Library Associations Professional Development Conference - Bologna, Italy
The Hedgehog in the Library: Critical Leadership and Cultural Competencies for 21st Century School Media Centers
Chicago Public Schools - Chicago, IL
Tuning Up for the Downturn: Using Library Lean Times to Shape Things Up
Eastern Connecticut State University Library - Willimantic, CT
Invited but Not Included: What to Do When Diversity at Work Isn’t Working
National Diversity in Libraries Conference - Louisville, KY
Diversity Counts: Changing Demographic Trends and the LIS Workforce in the U.S.
IFLA - Durban, South Africa
The Spectrum Scholarship Diversity Recruitment Initiative Case Study
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Professional Development Satellite Conference - Johannesburg, South Africa
INFORMATION 911! Public Library Service to Diverse Communities
Addison Public Library - Addison, Illinois
Shifting Populations and Global Migrancies: Cultural Competencies for Libraries in the 21st Century
IFLA Multicultural Library Satellite Conference - Stockholm, Sweden