

  • Big Data
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Information Retrieval


Jaime Teevan is Chief Scientist for Microsoft's Experiences and Devices, where she is charged with creating the future of productivity. Previously she was the Technical Advisor to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and a Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, where she led the Productivity team. Dr. Teevan uses AI to help people accomplish their goals, developing the first personalized search algorithm used by Bing and introducing microproductivity into Office. Her research has earned her the Technology Review TR35 Young Innovator, Borg Early Career, Karen Sparck Jones, and SIGIR Test of Time awards. She holds a Ph.D. from MIT and a B.S. from Yale, and is an affiliate professor at the University of Washington.


  • Ph D, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007
  • BS, Computer Science, Yale University, 1998