- Visual culture and media studies
- Digitization and the cultural commons
- Artistic research (creative practices as/in/with technology)
Research Areas
- - Information And Social Justice
Temi Odumosu is an interdisciplinary scholar and curator at the iSchool with a teaching focus on critical and creative approaches to understanding information technologyâs role within society; in particular how unfinished colonial histories and their inequalities haunt data, uses of information and technology design. Her research and curatorial work are engaged with the visual and affective politics of slavery and colonialism, race and visual coding in popular culture, postmemorial art and performance, image ethics and politics of cultural heritage digitization. Overall, she is focused on the ways art can mediate social transformation and healing.
Odumosu is author of the award-winning book Africans in English Caricature 1769-1819: Black Jokes White Humour. She holds both a Ph.D. and a masterâs of philosophy in art history from the University of Cambridge, Kingâs College. She began her postdoctoral career with EUROTAST, a Marie SkĆodowska-Curie Actions EU research and training network on genetics of slavery, coordinated from the Centre for GeoGenetics at University of Copenhagen in Denmark. She continued on in Scandinavia with a postdoc for the Living Archives Research Project at K3, Malmö Universityâs School of Arts and Communication in Sweden. Odumosu is currently a member of the international research network The Art of Nordic Colonialism: Writing Transcultural Art Histories at University of Copenhagen; research affiliate for Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP) at the University of Bergen in Norway; and advisory board member for the Institute for the Study of Canadian Slavery at NSCAD University in Canada.
- Remembering Practices: Decolonial methodologies - Malmö University, 2018-2019
Publications and Contributions
Working Paper(2024)Digital Benin Documentation
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewEntangled Lives: Justina Antoine and other Afro-Caribbean nannies in Danish imagery (2024)The Image of the Black in Latin American and Caribbean Art, Book 1: From Colony to Nation, pp. 321-325, ISBN/ISSN: 9780674248861
Instructor's ManualHow to Deal with Distress when Working with Documents (2024)AM Research Skills: Interrogating Colonial Documents and Narratives
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New(2024)Collections Management as Critical Museum Practice
Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book-NewObject Lessons: Black presence and everyday images in the Nordic countries (2024)Nordic Utopia? African Americans in the 20th Century, pp. 25-33, ISBN/ISSN: 9798987929346
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewFeeling in the Dark: Rediscovering Black Portraiture as Speculative Metadata (2023)Rediscovering Black Portraiture, pp. 50-58
Book, Chapter in Non-Scholarly Book-New(2022)Public Memory, Public Art: Reflections on Monuments and Memorial Art Today, pp. 240 Editors: Annika Enqvist, Karolina Modig, Rebecka Katz Thor
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewShooting back/ Speaking forward: Decolonial strategies in the work of Sasha Huber (2022)Visual Activism in the 21st Century: Art, protest and resistance in an uncertain world
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewBetween the Sheets (2021)Hogarth and Europe, pp. 132-137, ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-84976-768-2
Book Entry, Almanac or EncyclopediaCaricature (2021)Oxford African American Studies Center
Study Guide(2021)Billedkunst, pp. 104-106
Journal Article, Academic JournalResponse by Odumosu to âRepresenting experiential knowledge" (2021)Translation Studies, 14.1(Unknown Issue), pp. 108-113
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewSeeing Values: Colonial image work in the German völkerschauen archive (2021)Kirchner and Nolde: Expressionism, colonialism, pp. 138-143, ISBN/ISSN: 978-9-0500-6218-3
Journal Article, Academic JournalThis is how you see her? Rachael Pringle Polgreen of Barbados by Thomas Rowlandsonâs satirical hand (2021)Atlantic Studies special issue
Journal Article, Academic JournalOne-Eyed Archive: Metadata ReïŹections on the USVI Photographic Collections at The Royal Danish Library (2020)Digital Culture & Society, 6.2(Unknown Issue), pp. 35-62
Magazine/Trade PublicationRace prooïŹng at home (2020)(Home Works) A Cooking Book: Recipes for Organising with Art and Domestic Work, pp. 78-87
Magazine/Trade Publication(2020)Kunstkritikk.com
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe Crying Child: On colonial archives, digitisation, and ethics of care in the cultural commons (2020)Current Anthropology special issue on Atlantic Slavery and the Making of the Modern World, 61.22(Unknown Issue), pp. 289-302
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewNarrow Visions: ReïŹecting on Africans imagined in European childrenâs books (2019)Zeit|Spiegel: Kinder- und Jugendliteratur der Jahre 1925 bis 1945, pp. 59 â 63
Magazine/Trade PublicationSeven Words (2019)BĂ€sta Biennial! Zine, pp. 24-25
Journal Article, Academic JournalWhat Lies Unspoken: A remedy for colonial silences in Denmark (2019)Third Text, 33(Unknown Issue), pp. 615â629
Magazine/Trade PublicationĂppna bilder eller öppna sĂ„r? (2019)Mana: Antirasistisk Tidskriv, pp. 18-21
Book, Scholarly-NewAfricans in English Caricature 1769-1819: Black Jokes, White Humour (2018)Africans in English Caricature 1769-1819: Black Jokes, White Humour
Magazine/Trade PublicationCall and Response: Paradox, connection and story in the work of Julien Creuzet (2018)Le centre ne peut tenir
Magazine/Trade PublicationDefending the Dead: Archival re-enactments and colonial reckonings in contemporary art (2018)In and Beyond Sweden: Journeys through an art scene, pp. 134-143
Magazine/Trade PublicationUnruly Images (2018)Genus & Kulturarv network for cultural heritage and interdisciplinary gender research
Magazine/Trade PublicationWhat is in the Gaze? (2018)MĂŁe Preta, pp. 13-18
Journal Article, Academic JournalLoving in the Colonial Archive: a short meditation in three parts (2017)Marronage, I(Unknown Issue), pp. 22-25
Conference PaperPostcolonial Design Interventions: Mixed Reality Design for Revealing Histories of Slavery and Their Legacies in Copenhagen (2017)Nordes 2017: DESIGN+POWER,
Magazine/Trade PublicationSpiritual Diaspora in Montage: This Particular Masquerade Unmasked (2017)BAT: Bridging Art + Text, pp. 15-20
ReportBlind Spots (A Travellerâs Tale): Notes on Cultural Citizenship, Power, Recognition and Diversity (2015)Museums â Citizens and Sustainable Solu2ons, pp. 110-119
Journal Article, Academic JournalMemorializing Contested Landscapes (2015)Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage, 4.3(Unknown Issue), pp. 189-94
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New(2015)Openness: Politics, Practices, Poetics
Journal Article, Academic JournalBurthened Bodies: The Image and Cultural Work of âWhite Negroesâ in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World (2014)American Studies in Scandinavia, 46.1(Unknown Issue), pp. 31-53
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewIn Bad Taste? Slavery and the African presence in the subversive mockery of royalty (2014)Loyal Subversion? Caricatures from the Personal Union between England and Hanover 1714-1837, pp. 122-139
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewAbolitionists, African diplomats and âthe black jokeâ in George Gruikshank's The New Union Club (2012)The Slave in European Art: From Renaissance Trophy to Aboli2onist Emblem, pp. 333-359
Journal Article, Academic JournalDefault Positions: African Icons and stereotypes from Georgian print culture (2012)The Ephemerist, 158(Unknown Issue), pp. 10-13
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New"Exhibiting DiïŹerence: A Curatorial Journey with George Alexander Gratton the âSpotted Negro Boyâ (2011)pp. 175-192
ReportTransforming Heritage Leadership: challenges and goals (2009)Heritage, Legacy and Leadership: Ideas and Interventions
Study Guide
Exhibition CatalogueThe VisitationSasha Huber: YOU NAME IT, pp. 125-129
Presence, Protest, and Possibility: AfroNordic Freedom Dreams: A Roundtable with the AfroNordic Feminisms Working Group
Society for Advancement of Scandinavian Studies Conference - Seattle, WA
On Digital Access and Ownership
Lives of Objects, Goethe Institute - Virtual
Listening, Witnessing, Feeling: Sensitive engagements with the colonial imaginary
Meta Museum course - Virtual
Scand30: 1 Object, Yakima Chief Dehydrated Potatoes by Temi Odumosu
National Nordic Museum - Seattle, WA
Thick Description: On the possibilities for vibrant anticolonial recordkeeping
African Photography: The Ethics of Looking and Collecting in the Age of Restitution (Columbia University and University of Virginia) - Virtual
Unruly Images: Some notes on colonial hauntings in the everyday ordinary
Race, Health, & Justice Benjamin Rabinowitz Symposium in Medical Ethics (UW Philosophy and School of Public Health) - Seattle, WA
Who is the Subject? On Black presence, place, & recognition
Cooper Union IDS Public Lecture Series - Virtual
Anti-racist listening
University of Antwerp - Antwerp, Belgium
Because We Must: On lifeboats, dead-ends, and planetary desires
The Future of Arts Education conference (Malmö Art Academy in collaboration with Malmö Konsthall) - Sweden
Black Out 2020! Visual rhetoric and colonial reverberations during challenging Nmes
Konstfack - Stockholm, Sweden
Close Reading DiïŹcult Images
University of Antwerp - Antwerp, Belgium
Colonial JPEGs and Haunted Code: Historical redress in the open digital commons
99 Questions (the Humboldt Forum) - Germany
Ethical Absences, or, when images have done enough
The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - Copenhagen, Denmark
Finding Alberta: On what the archive does and does not tell
University of Cambridge - Cambridge, United Kingdom
Front End / Back End: Power, Narrattives, and Naming
White Cube / Black Box: The Universal Museum and the Digital Age, MoMA - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA
In Close Contact: Sensitive engagements with the colonial imaginary
Jutland Art Academy - Arhus, Denmark
Poethics for Colonial CollecNons: On digital viewership, reckoning, and haunting
University of Cape Town - Cape Town, South Africa
Refusing Subjects: Ethical lessons from colonial image archives
Department of art history and archaeology, Columbia University - Columbia University, NY, USA
Take Flight: A love letter to colonialismâs hidden children
University of Antwerp - Antwerp, Belgium
The Future Real Conditional: On wrestling with the hungry ghosts
University of the Arts Stockholm - Stockholm, Sweden
The Future Real Conditional: On wrestling with the hungry ghosts
MA Curating programme, Aarhus University - Aarhus, Denmark
This Womanâs Work: UnïŹnished, underwritten, unseen
100 Är av Kvinnlig RöstrÀt (Moderna Museet Malmö) - Stockholm, Sweden
To Feel at Home in Childrenâs Literature? ReïŹections on an unfolding quesNon
Ă kjenne seg hjemme i barne- og ungdomslitteraturen? - Oslo, Norway
Traces of Kongo in the Nordic Colonial Archive
University of Copenhagen - Copenhagen, Denmark
What Lies Unspoken: Sounding the colonial archive in Denmark and it challenges
Biblioteken & Demokratin conference - Sweden
Who is the Subject? Wilhelm Marstrandâs portrait of Jusina Antoine and other imagesâ
Whose North? (University of Oslo, Wellesley College, Indiana University Bloomington) - Digital
Colonial JPEGS and Questions of Care in Collections
Information School Research Symposium - University of Washington, Seattle
Conversation: On Sweet Tooth with Elaine Mitchener
Borealis Experimental Music Festival - Borealis Experimental Music Festival, Bergen, Norway
In conversaNon: Elaine Mitchener, Kodwo Eshun, Temi Odumosu & Elvira Dyangani Ose
IN·FLO·RES·CENCE, The Showroom - The Showroom, London, UK
On Facing Silences: Cultural intervening during Denmarkâs 2017 commemorations
Migration Symposium - Malmö Konstmuseum, Malmö, Sweden