- Information, Knowledge and Successful Aging
- Personal Information Management
- Search
William Jones is a Research Associate Professor Emeritus in the Information School at the University of Washington where he works on the challenges of “Keeping Found Things Found” (kftf.ischool.washington.edu, keepingfoundthingsfound.com). He has published in the areas of personal information management (PIM), human-computer interaction, information retrieval (search), and human cognition/memory. William Jones wrote the book "Keeping Found Things Found: The Study and Practice of Personal Information Management" and, more recently, the three-part series, "The Future of Personal Information: Part 1: Our Information, Always & Forever;" "Part 2: Transforming Technologies to Manage Our Information;" and "Part 3: Building a Better World With Our Information." Dr. Jones holds 5 patents relating to search and PIM (2 more pending). His current special area of research is “Information, Knowledge and Successful Aging.”
- Ph D, Cognitive Psychology, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1982
- MS, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1980
- BS, University of Kansas, 1975
- American Philosophical Association
- American Society for Information Science & Technology
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Institute for Humane Studies, George Mason University
- Social Philosophy and Policy Center, Bowling Green State University
Publications and Contributions
Conference PaperMaking It Real: Towards Practical Progress in the Management of Personal Information (2016)ACM CHI 2016 alt.chi
Book, Scholarly-NewBuilding a Better World with Our Information: The Future of Personal Information Management, Part 3 (2015)
Conference Paper(2014)Proceedings of iConference 2014
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewTransforming Technologies to Manage Our Information: The Future of Personal Information Management, Part 2 (2013)Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services, 5(4), pp. 1–179
Conference Position PaperPlaces of Our Own for Digital Information: Building Structures that Work for Individuals and Small Groups (2012)PIM 2012, Workshop in association with the Computer-Supported Collaborative Work conference (CSCW 2012)
Conference PaperRepresenting Our Information Structures for Research and for Everyday Us (2012)Proceedings of the 30th International conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems, ACM (2012)
Book, Scholarly-RevisedThe Future of Personal Information Management. Part I (2012)
Conference Paper(2011)Proceedings of the 22nd ACM conference on hypertext and hypermedia, pp. 113-122
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2011)Information Research, 16(1), pp. paper 462
Conference PaperXooML: XML in Support of Many Tools Working on a Single Organization of Personal Information (2011)iConference 2011
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2010)First Monday, 15(9)
Conference PaperPlanz to Put Our Digital Information in Its Place (2010)CHI Annual Conference
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewPersonal Information Management (2009)The Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (ELIS)
Conference PaperPlanz: Writing New Stories for the Same Old File System (2009)PIM - Personal Information Management Workshop
Conference PaperProviding for Paper, Place and People in Personal Projects (2009)PIM - Personal Information Management Workshop
Conference PaperBetter to Organize Personal Information by Folders Or by Tags?: The Devil Is in the Details (2008)ASIS&T Annual Meeting
Conference PosterI Give Up! Five Factors that Contribute to the Abandonment of Information Management Strategies (2008)ASIS&T Annual Meeting
Conference PaperThe Personal Project Planner: Planning to Organize Personal Information (2008)CHI Annual Conference
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewHuman Cognition and Personal Information Management (2007)Handbook of Applied Cognition
Book, Scholarly-NewKeeping Found Things Found: The Study and Practice of Personal Information Management (2007)
Journal Article, Academic JournalPersonal Information Management (2007)Annual Review of Information Science and Technology (ARIST), 41(Unknown Issue), pp. 453-504
Book, Scholarly-NewPersonal Information Management (2007)
Conference PaperPlanning Personal Projects and Organizing Personal Information (2006)ASIS&T Annual Meeting
Conference PaperProject Contexts to Situate Personal Information (2006)SIGIR 2006, Seattle, WA
Conference PaperDon't Take My Folders Away! Organizing Personal Information to Get Things Done (2005)CHI Annual Conference
Conference PaperThe Universal Labeler: Plan the Project and Let Your Information Follow (2005)ASIS&T Annual Meeting
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2004)Information Research, 10(1)
Conference PaperKeeping and Re-finding information on the Web: What do people do and what do they need? (2004)ISBN/ISSN: 0044-7870
Successfully Aging with Our Information and Our Information Tools
2022 ASIS&T Annual Meeting - Pittsburgh, PA
Many Modes, Many Tools... One Structure: Towards a Non-disruptive Integration of Personal Information
22nd ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia - Eindhoven, NL
Seeking an ideal solution to the management of personal information collections
Annual Conference, ISIC - Information Seeking in Context
Personal information management as a study and a practice
University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Providing for paper, place and people in personal projects
Annual Conference, PIM - Personal Information Management - Austin, TX
Putting our digital information in its place
Industry Talk, Microsoft Research - Redmond, WA
Putting our digital information in its place
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Cambridge, MA
My so-called life on the Web (a panel)
Annual Meeting, ASIS&T - American Society for Information Science & Technology
PIM 2008 workshop
Annual Conference, SIGCHI - Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM) - Florence, Italy
The World Is at My Doorstep ?And the House Is A Mess: Putting our information in its place in a digital age
SLA - Special Libraries Association - Seattle, WA
"Get Real!" What's Wrong with HCI Prototyping And How Can We Fix It?
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, SIGCHI - Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM) - San Jose, CA
Personal information for a World as We Want it to Be
Enschede, Netherlands
Personal information for a World as We Want it to Be
Annual Conference, INFORMS - Institute for Operation Research and the Management Sciences - Seattle, WA
Personal information Management and the Disappearing Desktop
Royal Institute of Technology - Stockholm, Sweden
Personal information management for a world as we want it to be
Telematica Institute - Enschede, Netherlands
Personal Information Management in Theory and Practice
Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, SIGCHI - Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM) - San Jose, CA
Now Do You Know Where Your Information Is?: Perspectives on the Present and Future of Personal Information Management
Annual Meeting, ASIS&T - American Society for Information Science & Technology - Long Beach, CA