
Publications and Contributions

  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Battling Bias in Primary Care Encounters: Informatics Designs to Support Clinicians. (2022)
    Extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems. CHI Conference, 2022(Unknown Issue) Authors: Lisa G. Dirks, Erin Beneteau, J Sabin, Wanda Pratt, C Lane, E Bascom, R Casanova-Perez, N Rizvi, N Weibel, A L Hartzler
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 34(100540) Authors: Min Kyong Kim, Stefania Druga, Shaghayegh Esmaeili, Julia Woodward, Alex Shaw , Ayushi Jain , Jaida Langham, Kristy Hollingshead, Silvia B. Lovato, Erin Beneteau, Jaime Ruiz, Lisa Anthony, Alexis Hiniker
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Telehealth experiences of providers and patients who use augmentative and alternative communication (2021)
    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association Authors: Erin Beneteau, Ann Paradiso, Wanda Pratt
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., 4(1) Authors: Erin Beneteau, Yini Guan, Olivia K. Richards, Mingrui Zhang, Julie A. Kientz, Jason Yip, Alexis Hiniker
  • Conference Workshop Paper
    Cognitive Bias In Patient-Provider Communication: Sensing And Design To Reduce Health Disparities (2020)
    CHI 2020 Workshop on Detection And Design For Cognitive Biases In People And Computing Systems Authors: Steven Rick, Erin Beneteau, Reggie Casanova-Perez, Cezanne Lane, Colleen Emmenegger, Janice Sabin, Wanda Pratt, Andrea Hartzler, Weibel
  • Conference Paper
    Designing Inpatient Portals to Support Patient Agency and Dynamic Hospital Experiences (2020)
    AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings Authors: Shefali Haldar, Sonali R. Mishra, Maher Khelifi, Sonali Mishra, Calvin Apodaca, Erin Beneteau, Ari Pollack, Wanda Pratt
  • Journal Article, Academic Journal
    Eavesdropping': An Information Source for Inpatients (2020)
    CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 38(12), pp. 607-612 Authors: Erin Beneteau, Shefali Haldar, Sonali Mishra, Wanda Pratt
  • Conference Workshop Paper
    How Patients Who Use Eye Control for Computer Access Manage Patient Portals (2020)
    Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 2020 Authors: Erin Beneteau, Ann Paradiso, Wanda Pratt
  • Conference Paper
    Parenting with Alexa: Exploring the Introducation of Smart Speakers on Family Dynamics (2020)
    Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI '20), pp. 1-13 Authors: Erin Beneteau, Ashley Boone, Yuxing Wu, Julie A. Kientz, Jason Yip, Alexis Hiniker
  • Conference Workshop Paper
    Patients' perspectives on implicit bias in clinical interactions with healthcare providers (2020)
    Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 2020 Authors: Reggie Casanova-Perez, Apodaca, Cezanne Lane, Drishti Vidyarthi, Erin Beneteau, Steven R. Rick, Colleen Emmenegger, Cindy Schairer, Janice Sabin, Wanda Pratt, Nadir Weibel, Andrea L. Hartzler
  • Conference Workshop Paper
    Seeing Beyond Patient-Centeredness: Searching for a Signal of Bias and Empathy in Patient-Provider Interaction (2020)
    Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH) 2020 Authors: Steven R. Rick, Colleen Emmenegger, Cynthia E. Schairer, Alex Andreiu, Sam Fleet, Kimberly Sladek, James Ricketts, Calvin Apodaca, Reggie Casanova-Perez, Cezanne Lane, Erin Beneteau, Drishti Vidyarthi, Janice Sabin, Wanda Pratt, Andrea Hartzler, Nadir Weibel
  • Conference Workshop Paper
    UnBIASED: Understanding Biased patient-provider Interaction and Supporting Enhanced Discourse (2020)
    American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Conference 2020 Authors: Reggie Casanova-Perez, Cezanne Lane, Erin Beneteau, Steven Rick, Wanda Pratt, Janice Sabin, Nadir Weibel, Andrea L. Hartzler
  • Conference Extended Abstract
    Where Are My Parents?: Information Needs of Hospitalized Children (2020)
    CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020) Authors: Erin Beneteau, Sonali Mishra, Shefali Haldar, Calvin Apodaca, Ari Pollack, Wanda Pratt
  • Conference Paper
    A Critical Analysis on the Effects of Negative IS Stereotypes on Underserved Populations (2019)
    Proceedings of the 25th Americas Conference on Information Systems Authors: Mina Tari, Hala Annabi, Yvette Iribe Ramirez, Erin Beneteau, Stephanie Ballard
  • Conference Paper
    Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI '19), 8(Unknown Issue), pp. 1-13 Authors: Alexis Hiniker, J. Froehlich, Mingrui Zhang, Erin Beneteau
  • Conference Paper
    Communication Breakdowns Between Families and Alexa (2019)
    Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 243(Unknown Issue), pp. 1-13 Authors: Erin Beneteau, Olivia Richards, Mingrui Zhang, Julie A. Kientz, Jason Yip, Alexis Hiniker
  • Workshop Paper
    2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: Symposium for the Workgroup on Interactive Systems in Healthcare (WISH@CHI 2019) Authors: Erin Beneteau, Shefali Haldar, Sonali Mishra, Wanda Pratt
  • Conference Paper
    Broken down by bias: Healthcare biases experienced by BIPOC and LGBTQ+ patients
    AMIA Annual Symposium Authors: Wanda Pratt, Reggie Casanova-Perez, Calvin Apodaca, Emily Bascom, Deepthi Mohanraj, Cezanne Lane, Drishti Vidyarthi, Erin Beneteau, Janice Sabin, Nadir Weibel, Andrea Hartzler
  • Conference Poster
    Designs to Support Informed Hospitalized Patients
    AMIA 2018 Annual Symposium Authors: Maher Khelifi, Shefali Haidar, Sonali Mishra, Calvin Apodaca, Erin Beneteau, Ari Pollack, Wanda Pratt
  • Conference Extended Abstract
    Where Are My Parents?: Information Needs of Hospitalized Children
    CHI '20 Authors: Erin Beneteau, Sonali Mishra, Shefali Haldar, Calvin Apodaca, Ari Pollack, Wanda Pratt
  • Conference Paper
    Who Are You Asking? Qualitative Methods for Involving AAC Users as Primary Research Participants
    Proceedings of the 38th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI '20) Author: Erin Beneteau


  • Topics and Methods Underrepresented in the AAC Research Field of Today: AAC Qualitative Research Methods Across Disciplines (2024)
    International Society of Augmentative and Alternative Communications (ISAAC) - Virtual
  • Benefits and Barriers to Telehealth Video Conferencing for Adults who use AAC (2020)
    International ALS/MND Associations Allied Professionals Conference - Virtual