Wanda Pratt and Akansha Vaswani-Bye were awarded $53,523 from the UW Garvey Institute for Brain Health Solutions for their project titled “”
Mike Teodorescu was recognized as one of the in the Science Category by Newsweek Romania/Repatriot.
Shahan Ali Memon (PhD student), and co-authors Bedoor AlShebli, James A. Evans, and Talal Rahwan’s paper titled “” was published in Nature Scientific Reports.
Helene Williams’s paper titled “” was published in .
Daniel Kryger’s (PhD Student) paper titled “Targeting the Most Vulnerable: When Economic Practice Meets Humanitarian Needs” was accepted to the at the Harvard Kennedy School.
Mike Teodorescu and co-authors Wenwen Ding, and Amber Young’s paper “AI Oversight Promoting Fairness in Microlending and Improving Outcomes for Rural Loan Seekers” was accepted to .
Chirag Shah gave an invited talk titled “Building Intelligent and Capable Systems with Responsibility” at the Defense Intelligence Agency.
Lorcan Dempsey gave an invited talk titled “Libraries, AI, and Directions: 3 Perspectives” at the .
Mike Teodorescu gave an invited talk titled “Failures of Fairness in Automation Require a Deeper Understanding of Human-ML Augmentation” for the Information Systems Journal reading Club at the University of Melbourne.
Chirag Shah was mentioned in several articles:
· “” in TechTarget.
· “” in Marketplace Business News.