
iSchool Capstone


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Kids Are Not Content

Sharenting, the act of parental oversharing information about their children online, threatens children's rights to privacy, informed consent, and online safety. Kids Are Not Content is a comprehensive resource for parents navigating this digital world. Site visitors learn about the risks of sharenting, understand strategies to advocate for legislative change, and have access to expert research and guidance. Kids Are Not Content empowers parents and creates a supportive community to harness change and ultimately create a safer digital world for kids.
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Lambda News Digest

Sponsored by Amazon, Lambda News Digest transforms traditional Glamazon newsletters into a digestible, engaging, and tailored experience. Our solution tackles the lack of readability and informative content in current newsletters by introducing a live news digest with interactive visualizations. Leveraging state-of-the-art AI and ML technologies, our platform delivers a personalized and engaging news experience, enriched with a diverse selection of news sources. Our generalizable technology infrastructure offers adaptability across various information contexts and fields. This initiative transforms news consumption by making information more accessible and relevant, fostering inclusivity and awareness within and beyond the LGBTQ+ community.
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Last Mile Innovations: Leveraging Smart Solutions for Efficient Amazon Warehouse Audits

The Site Audit Tool revolutionizes the warehouse audit process for design engineers at Amazon's Last Mile team. Developed by Team Phoenix, this AWS-based web interface addresses the shortcomings of traditional spreadsheet audits by enhancing efficiency, improving the tracking of critical issues, and fostering better collaboration among auditors. As Amazon expands its network of delivery stations, engineers must ensure each site aligns with the 'Digital Twin' before launching. This tool digitizes the process, integrating features like real-time data synchronization, dynamic user interfaces, and robust backend support. It empowers engineers to swiftly identify and resolve discrepancies, ultimately boosting operational accuracy and efficiency.
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Legal Information Institute: Wex Taxonomy

Wex is an open-access legal encyclopedia and dictionary. Wex uses a tagging system adapted from a homegrown system used by LII staff in the late 1990s. Over time, terms have been added/indexed but the tagging system has remained the same. Currently, the organization and navigation for the Wex subject categories is confusing for users to navigate. Due to some constraints, the taxonomy cannot be overhauled completely and research on law taxonomy is limited. This project is the first step in improving the findability of terms for everyday users by updating the Wex taxonomy by adding, deleting and updating categories.
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Nurses spend the most amount of administrative time charting and reviewing information in health record systems (Yen et al., 2018). Based on our research, nurses confirmed that this stems from physical chart logging and data entries. LifeLens seeks to address this by providing a voice-to-text and automatic chart mapping system to allow nurses to record a voice note anywhere at any time. LifeLens’ processes the transcription and sorts the audio, saving at least 10-15% of time in our prototype testing. In doing so, nurses can redistribute this saved time toward their most important responsibility: Patient care.
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lingua-link: peer-to-peer language learning community

lingua-link goes beyond rote memorization by connecting you with fellow language learners in a secure peer-to-peer community. Unlike traditional apps that lack real-world interaction, lingua-link fosters meaningful language exchange and cultural understanding. Our focus on privacy and security ensures a safe space to practice conversation, bridge the communication gap, and accelerate your fluency.
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Longview Public Library Diversity Audit

The Longview Public Library’s adult collection required a diversity audit to assess current representational proportions and discover areas for improvement. By expanding the representation in Longview Public Library’s collection, we aimed to bolster patron engagement with the library by ensuring that everyone feels represented and welcomed there. We also hoped to encourage patrons to expand their perspectives by engaging with materials and lived experiences that differ from their own. Ultimately, we utilized the results of the audit and local/national demographic data to identify areas of focus for future purchasing and weeding efforts.
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LookingGlass - Take a look into your fridge and your food waste habits

LookingGlass addresses food waste among young adults (18-24) by offering a virtual fridge app. Core features include ingredient tracking and sharing, receipt scanning for inventory input, analytics to monitor habits, and recipe recommendations based on available ingredients. LookingGlass provides a solution to waste management and building better cooking habits by prioritizing accessibility, and giving users a full and free view of their food storage.
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lululemon AI Tutor: Reducing Onboarding Time for Newly-Hired Store Associates

As a major omnichannel apparel retailer, lululemon employs thousands of retail associates across their 700+ stores. With a large and diverse product catalog, new employees must spend significant time learning what to recommend to shoppers. To combat steep onboarding time, we leveraged OpenAI’s latest GPT-4 model to create the lululemon AI tutor. The AI tutor is a web-based, internal platform that assists with the onboarding and training processes for newly hired lululemon in-store associates. The AI tutor utilizes Socratic-style questioning to gauge associate product familiarity and fill in critical knowledge gaps, facilitating efficient and thorough employee onboarding.
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Maine Community Health Dashboard

In our capstone project, we are converting Maine community health assessment reports and other health data into dynamic visualizations on a Power BI dashboard for the general public. Our main goal is to highlight the geographic and economic disparities in public health access across Maine. Although our project centers on Maine, the findings could be relevant to anyone dealing with public health issues in similar states. This effort not only informs the community about local health challenges but also equips them with the information needed to advocate for improved health policies and practices.