
iSchool Capstone


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Retirement Adequacy Project

Achieving a comprehensive assessment of retirement benefits estimates and details can be a challenging task for anyone, especially for multiemployer pension plan participants. Our project, in collaboration with Rael & Letson, aims to make retirement planning more accessible and engaging for everyone, regardless of age or financial expertise. This platform allows individuals to conveniently access essential retirement planning information and pension resources, empowering them to make informed decisions about their financial future and secure retirement savings. From this, we hope to enhance awareness and accessibility of pension plans and retirement benefits for a broader audience.
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Revitalizing Multnomah County Library's Spanish Language Picture Book Collection

As an expansion of Multnomah County Library’s evaluation of Spanish early readers, our team audited the Spanish language picture books at the Gresham branch, examining language and cultural representation through text, illustration, country of publication, and author/illustrator nationality. Our goals were to determine the collection’s cultural responsiveness for MCL’s patrons and to develop an assessment tool for MCL and other libraries. Findings indicate a need for more Mexican and Central American representation in the collection, and our assessment tool should be used as an iterative, dynamic document to be tailored for each library rather than a final, static product.
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Revitalizing the UW Mitochondria and Metabolism Center’s Website

The University of Washington's Mitochondria and Metabolism Center (MMC) is at the forefront of mitochondrial research. However, their website did not reflect the innovation and advancements made within. We redesigned the site to improve navigation hierarchy and content flow, as well as accessibility through increased color contrast and alt text on images. Our redesigned website enhances the user experience through improved accessibility to content, which amplifies user engagement. The redesign transitions the MMC into an era of digital excellence that reflects their significant contributions to science, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing with other research centers.
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Seattle Emergency Awareness

The Catastrophe Awareness Team project helps students stay safe in an emergency by sharing earthquake preparedness information for the Seattle area. Seattle lies over a number of large fault lines, making it particularly susceptible to earthquakes, and is in anticipation of ‘The Big One,’ an earthquake of magnitude 6.0 or higher sometime in next 30 years. By targeting users new to the Seattle area, we provide directions to their nearest emergency shelter, a concise and downloadable preparedness guide, and a resource-filled quiz to reinforce knowledge. Ultimately, SEACAT is a one-stop shop for Seattle residents to gain baseline preparedness for earthquakes.
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Seattle Girls' School Library Redesign

The Seattle Girls’ School (SGS) is an all-girls middle school in the Central District. To support SGS’ ongoing commitment to inclusivity and cultural competency, this project designed library systems that cultivate values of diversity, advocacy, and empowerment. We designed and facilitated four participatory design sessions with students to rework the nonfiction library’s collection development and classification practices. In collaboration with Student Librarians and the SGS staff, we implemented two physical check-out zones to increase engagement with and community responsibility for library materials. As the SGS library grows, this project creates opportunities for student leadership and innovation in community sustained librarianship.
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Seattle Health Information Management Association (SHIMA) Website

Our team developed a new website, sponsored by the non-profit organization, Seattle Health Information Management Association (SHIMA). This rebrand provides SHIMA the chance to offer new services, expand community outreach, and establish credibility amongst health informatics students and professionals, something they previously struggled with due to their outdated and disorganized website. We built the website from scratch utilizing React.js and Node.js, tailoring our tech stack with consideration to our client's low budget. We utilized free APIs and low-cost software tools, discussing the best options with SHIMA along the development journey, making for a heavily client-oriented project.
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Seeing Change: Cultivating Trauma Informed Librarianship

This project addresses the scarcity of resources in trauma-informed librarianship (TIL) by drawing on literature in trauma-informed care and pedagogy to create a book structured to equip librarians with foundational knowledge and practical implementation strategies. Divided into two sections, the book begins with the fundamentals of trauma- informed practices, then moves to TIL. Introducing six principles of TIL, each chapter offers theory and practical insights. By fostering understanding and offering actionable guidance, this project seeks to revolutionize library services, ensuring they are equitable and accessible for all, acknowledging the impact of trauma on individuals' engagement with information and community resources.
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Service Stars - Helping the U-District shine by connecting volunteers and nonprofits

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, volunteering numbers have plummeted and never fully recovered, leaving nonprofits needing help. Addressing this issue, Service Stars is an online platform designed to bridge the gap between volunteers and non-profit organizations within the U-District community. Our platform offers organizations a hyperlocal and accessible platform to post volunteer opportunities while encouraging individuals to register and contribute their time and skills to causes they care about. Focusing on fostering deeper community engagement and providing accessible volunteering options, Service Stars aims to facilitate meaningful connections between volunteers and organizations in the U-District community.
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Share Your Story: A Student and Staff Podcast

I worked with teacher librarian, TuesD Chambers, at Ballard High School to create a podcast for students and staff to share their experiences. The project would use Adobe Podcast Beta to record and edit. I created a survey that was shared on the library website to promote the opportunity and gain insight into participation level. However, there wasn’t any interaction with the survey, but in the classroom, over 90 students used the software and created their own podcasts.
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SheWell - Women’s Wellness App

SheWell provides tailored nutritional plans to reduce breast cancer and other gender-based health risks. Our research, inspired by the increasing prevalence of conditions like breast nodules in young women, underscored the need for specific, age-related nutritional guidance. By offering personalized, scientifically-backed nutritional advice, SheWell empowers women to manage and prevent breast issues effectively. This project not only fills a significant knowledge gap but also enhances women’s health outcomes, making a substantial difference in their ability to lead healthier lives