
iSchool Capstone


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Social Dynamics Within Tabletop Roleplaying Games

Have you ever wondered whether your own experiences playing a game were mirrored by others? I have. Many months later and hours of research & cursing...here we are. This project explores the relationship between Tabletop Roleplaying Games (TRPG's) and Social Dynamics. This was done by conducting interviews and an online survey discussing gamer demographics, gameplay, and social dynamics. Analysis of this self-reported data will help to bridge the current information gap regarding the social dynamics of TRPG's. It will also be the first step in discussing the benefits of playing TRPG's on social behavior skill development.
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STAGE: Simple Technology Assisting Genuine Expression

STAGE is the modern solution to an age-old practice in the arts - producing a show. UW’s Department of Dance currently employs an entirely paper-based system to manage their productions, resulting in unnecessary miscommunications and information redundancy. Our application solves these problems by allowing users to easily manage critical aspects of a production. Every dancer creates a profile, every choreographer can easily select their cast, and directors get a comprehensive look at every show. Our goal is to reduce the stress of scheduling and communication, and let artists focus on what really matters - getting their work on STAGE.
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Starbucks Ontology

The goal of this project was the creation of a beverage and flavor taxonomy and ontology to allow the Starbucks Business Intelligence Team to successfully complete analytics and pick up trends. Terms, definitions, and structures were developed through a combination of current-state domain research, stakeholder interviews, and use case scenarios. Our ontology will enable Starbucks to better understand the relationships between their products and the metadata around them. The taxonomy and controlled vocabulary we have established will aid the analytics team by demonstrating hierarchies and relationships so that their is data more organized so it can be effectively used.
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STEM Analysis: Analyzing the Biology Collection at the Biola University Library

To demonstrate what the Biola University library can offer to strengthen faculty research in STEM, this project performed an evaluation of the Biology collection examining age, usage, faculty opinion, and a peer collection comparison. The library has a current but very under used collection that is on-par with peers, but faculty want journals, not books. I recommend finishing the STEM analysis to see if trends hold across all the sciences. If that's the case, the library may have to think beyond journals and books. This project creates a research template to use for future evaluations.
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Strategic information management consulting and systems update for King County Dispute Resolution Center

The nonprofit King County Dispute Resolution Center (KCDRC) provides affordable mediation and conflict resolution services to individuals, businesses, and families in pursuit of justice and peace. Recent loss of major funding has placed heavy pressure on KCDRC’s people, processes, and information systems, which must now function more competitively despite loss of resources. Our team spent five months researching the organization’s needs, current practices, and nonprofit best practices, then delivered two workshops, a comprehensive strategic report with recommendations, and several information system interventions to support better document, data, and project management in service of crucial fundraising activities.
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Streamlining Online Video Delivery

The online video archive at Slavic Christian Center church is neither easily browsable nor searchable. By utilizing Google Sheets and a freemium AwesomeTable tool, it is possible to transform the look and feel of the digital archive into a beautiful and easy to navigate table. This cost efficient and low maintenance method is expected to greatly increase the number of video views and user satisfaction. Anyone who visits the church’s archive will be able to easily sort and filter the content by desired categories. It solves the problem of organization of content and searching (filtering) – crucial to large collections.
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Streamlining the browsing experience at Gay City LGBT Library

Gay City's LGBT Library provides LGBT materials to Seattle's queer communities. However, with an outdated database and no Reader's Advisory in place, volunteers often had a difficult time finding what patrons needed. Liz and Rachel helped update the browsing process by transferring Gay City to a new database, taking inventory of the entire library, and creating Reader's Advisory lists on a variety of topics based on patron feedback. Available both online and in print, the lists include Gay Fiction, Lesbian Fiction, Transgender & Genderqueer Fiction, Transgender & Genderqueer Nonfiction, Young Adult Fiction, and Science Fiction.
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Student Records Retention and Digitization Project

Since 1988, DigiPen Institute of Technology has relied heavily on paper-based student records with minimal disposition and digitization taking place. The institution has a solitary filing room shared by numerous administrative departments, which has reached maximum capacity. To address this issue, I compiled 1) a detailed file retention audit based on current practices, legal requirements, and industry best-practices and 2) a proposal, including quotes from off-site storage, mobile high-density shelving, and document digitization vendors. It is my hope this information will lead to more efficient use of space and eventually improve employee workflows by making files more accessible.
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Synapse Solutions

Synapse Solutions is an online platform that provides researchers with a tool to work with and analyze electroencephalogram (EEG) data.
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Tabletop Game Nights: Co-Curricular Engagement in Academic Libraries

With this project, I have conducted a literature review of academic library outreach and how it needs to adapt to entice Millennials and the popularity of nonacademic outreach. I also looked at how libraries have readily adopted tabletop game nights and use this to actively engage with their community of users. Overall, tabletop game night nights in academic libraries is an interdisciplinary topic that draws on scholarship from a variety of fields. I brought these threads together to make the case that academic libraries should consider tabletop game nights as a positive and successful outreach opportunity.