iSchool Capstone


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Voyager 2 - Jupyter Extension

JupyterLab is one of the most popular tools for coding and sharing Data Science work. However, as with any coding-based tool, creating and exploring data visualizations within a Jupyter Notebook is tedious and inefficient. Our extension integrates Voyager 2 with JupyterLab to help data scientists seamlessly iterate between modeling and visualization within one of the most popular Data Science computing environments today. Most importantly, it will let people focus on exploration over specification, which ultimately leads to better analysis and decision making.
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Waldo - A smart way to find smart people

Machine Learning and AI are increasingly powering the products in the world. With a small talent pool scattered around the country, how can companies find leaders to help build the next big thing? In partnership with Amazon’s Strategic Recruiting Team, the project provides a revolutionary tool to enable recruiters find the right talent in niche areas of applied sciences. The tool gathers information about prospective candidates, explores their social connections and understands the spread of talent communities in the United States. The insights help recruiters engage with the right candidates and match them to the right roles within the organization.
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Washington Library Association History Project

The Washington Library Association (WLA) has a rich past, but the archival material documenting its history were confined to over a dozen boxes, stacked away, collecting dust. Although there was interest in the WLA in examining its history, they couldn’t spare the resources to thoroughly examine the material. Our capstone team, aided by WLA historians, went through the boxes, organizing the material, discarding surplus documents, and selecting items of particular interest. We also created fact sheets covering a decade of WLA history, as well as creating finding aids to help anyone wanting to use the material in the future.
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WasteLess is a mobile application that helps you reduce the amount of waste you are generating on a daily basis and embeds you in the Zero Waste movement. We curate resources from leaders in the community to help you ease into a Zero Waste lifestyle. You do not have to feel alone in your journey either; our application encourages members to share progress and even lets you set up friendly challenges to keep each other on track. WasteLess is a one-stop solution for anyone who wants to leave a smaller waste-footprint in a well-trodden world.
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WattWatch gives home business owners a streamlined and automatic service to track and segment their home and business energy costs to maximize tax reductions based on accurate reporting of business expenses. Tracking and planning business energy usage also encourages an awareness in sustainable business practices, helping business owners conserve the environment and cash.
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Thousands of students in need. Five states with shortages of primary care physicians. One medical school trying to turn the tide. Since the 1970’s the UW School of Medicine has been at the center of an initiative bringing access to health sciences education to the underserved communities of the Greater Pacific Northwest region. WAYPOINT maps the healthcare education pipeline, so that programs can coordinate their outreach, and students can find the services they need to succeed as healthcare professionals.
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Web Wizards

Web Wizards is a web application that allows children to learn web development through the use of a simple drag-and-drop interface without the current challenges of typing, navigating a computer, and remembering syntax. Users are able to drag customizable blocks to build their websites with their own personalized design. By creating new websites and interacting with the application, users can earn points to unlock new avatars.
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Western Waters Digital Library Metadata Assessment and Cleanup

Oregon Digital is an open access archive of historical documents jointly maintained by the University of Oregon and Oregon State University Libraries. Our project focused on Western Waters, a single collection within the archive that, following a recent system migration, consisted of duplicated, inconsistent, and fragmented records. To improve accessibility and recall, we developed a three-phase plan to remove duplicate records, create accurate parent and child records, and add standardized metadata such as Library of Congress Subject Headings and Name Authority Files. The completed collection will be submitted to the Digital Public Library of America.
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Where Are All the Teens? Engaging Young Adult Involvement Through Focalized Programming and Outreach

The Shorewood-Troy Public Library serves a young adult population of approximately 7,762. The library has created a dedicated teen space, Studio 650, and offers a small number of young adult programs, but there is an evident lack of teens regularly visiting the library. This project identifies ways to increase Studio 650 usage and program attendance during outreach visits. Based on results, several focalized factors have been brought to the attention of the sponsor to help them hire a new teen librarian, redesign Studio 650, and plan programs revolving around the needs and wants of young adults in Shorewood, IL.
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Where Does This Go?: Cataloging Protocols for Comics

Comics are a unique medium and cataloging them consistently is challenging. Our project conducted original research to create cataloging recommendations for comics. We created two online surveys, one for librarians and one for users. We also conducted 25 librarian interviews. After cleaning and analyzing the data, we created a “how to” document. Users are frustrated by inconsistent cataloging and shelving practices. The number of responses our surveys received demonstrates the salience and timeliness of our research. Our project will make a difference by establishing basic standards in cataloging, making comics easier for librarians to catalog and for users to access.