- Public Libraries
- Open Data
Research Areas
Chris is a senior research scientist at the University of Washington’s Information School’s Technology & Social Change Group. Previously, Chris was a Senior Program Officer for the Global Libraries program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Prior roles include grants management at the Texas State Library & Archives Commission and technology management at the Texas Library Association. Chris also served in multiple roles from 1997 – 2006 in the US Library Program at the Gates Foundation. His research interests include how public libraries support cultivating, producing, and sustaining local knowledge; how public libraries participate in and leverage open data ecosystems for the benefit of their communities; and how serendipity happens in the intersections of physical and digital spaces in which public libraries operate. He also still regales his 3 children with dreams of packing up the library gig and taking over the hot corner for the Cincinnati Reds. Chris holds an MLIS from University of Michigan and BA from University of Oklahoma.
- MLIS, University of Michigan, 1995
- Public Library Association
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2023)Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), pp. 895-898, ISBN/ISSN: 2373-9231
Conference Poster(2023)Proceedings of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 60(1), pp. 895-898
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2023)Third World Quarterly, 44(5), pp. 911-929, ISBN/ISSN: 0143-6597
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2022)Applied Linguistics, 43(5), pp. 958-977, ISBN/ISSN: 0142-6001
Journal Article, Academic JournalWhat makes an ideal partner? African libraries and neoliberal discourses in international development (2022)Applied Linguistics
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2021)IFLA Journal, 47(2), pp. 168-181, ISBN/ISSN: 0340-0352
Conference Paper(2021)TPRC49 (Policy Research Conference on Communications, Information and the Internet)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2021)Information Development, 37(2), pp. 292-306, ISBN/ISSN: 0266-6669
Journal Article, Academic JournalData challenges for public libraries: African perspectives and the social context of knowledge. (2021)Volume 37(2), pp. 292-306
Conference Poster(2021)
Journal Article, Academic JournalPublic Libraries and Development Across Sub-Saharan Africa: Overcoming a Problem of Perception (2021)Libri
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2021)Libri, 71(4), pp. 419-429, ISBN/ISSN: 0024-2667
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2021)GeoJournal, 86(5), pp. 2227-2243, ISBN/ISSN: 0343-2521
Data visualization tool(2020)
Journal Article, Academic JournalAfrican Libraries in Development: Perceptions and Possibilities (2020)International Information & Library Review
Journal Article, Academic JournalBenefits of Crowdsourcing for Libraries in the Global South: A Case Study from Africa (2020)IFLA Journal
Journal Article, Academic JournalBenefits of Crowdsourcing for Libraries in the Global South: A Case Study from Africa (2020)The IFLA Journal
Journal Article, Academic JournalVolunteer geographic information in the Global South: barriers to local implementation of mapping projects across Africa (2020)GEOJOURNAL, ISBN/ISSN: 0343-2521
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Create a Community Archive at Your Public Library
BiblioCommons - Online
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Design a Community Archive at Your Public Library
BiblioCommons Webinar - Virtual
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Design a Community Archive at Your Public Library
Washington Library Association Annual Conference - Wenatchee, WA, USA
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Design a Community Archive at Your Public Library
American Library Association Annual Conference - Wenatchee, WA, USA
Collecting Stories from Underrepresented Communities: How to Co-Design a Community Archive at Your Public Library
American Library Association - Chicago, Illinois
Countering Misinformation, Strengthening Democracy
NEXT Library Festival - Aarhus, DK
Making Ends Meet in a Pandemic: African Library Initiatives During COVID-19
86th Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology - London, United Kingdom
Creating a Digital Bridge: Lessons and Policy Implications from a Technology Access and Distribution Program for Low-income Job Seekers
TPRC2021: The Research Conference on Communications, Information, and Internet Policy. - Virtual
E-rate Funding and Libraries: Preliminary Analysis of Trends Post-Modernization
iConference 2021 - Beijing, China
Advancing Library Visibility in Africa
3rd African Library & Information Associations & Institutions (AfLIA) Conference & 5th African Library Summit - Nairobi
Ensuring the Future of Libraries: Connecting the Academy and the Profession
Public Library Association Conference - Philadelphia, PA