Affiliate Position
- Adjunct Associate Professor, College of Education, University of Washington
- Child-Computer Interaction
- Learning Sciences
- Digital Youth
Research Areas
- - Youth Development And Information Behavior In A Digital Age
Katie Davis is Associate Professor at the University of Washington (UW) Information School, Adjunct Associate Professor in the UW College of Education, and a founding member and Co-Director of the UW Digital Youth Lab. Davis investigates the impact of digital technologies on young people’s learning, development, and well-being, and co-designs positive technology experiences for youth and their families. Her work bridges the fields of human development, human-computer interaction, and the learning sciences. In addition to her academic papers, Davis is the author of three books exploring technology’s role in young people’s lives, including Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up (MIT Press, 2023). She holds two master’s degrees and a doctorate in Human Development and Education from Harvard Graduate School of Education. Davis is actively recruiting PhD students to join the Digital Youth Lab in Autumn 2025.
- EDD, Human Development and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2011
- EdM, Risk and Prevention, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2009
- EdM, Mind, Brain, and Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, 2002
- BA, English, Williams College, 2000
- GOLD Winner for Science & Technology – Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards, 2023 - INDIES, 2023
- Mid-Career Scholars Award - Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA), 2021
- Best Paper Nomination - CSEDU 2020 (Computer Supported Education), 2020
- CoMotion-Population Health Innovation Fund Award - University of Washington, 2018
- Early Career Development Award - National Science Foundation, 2015
- Nominated for UW Distinguished Teaching Award - UW Center for Teaching and Learning, 2015
- Rising Star recognition - Association for Psychological Science, 2015
- Academic Career Enhancement (ACE) Award - Yahoo!, 2013
- Association for Psychological Science
- Association for Computing Machinery
- International Society of the Learning Sciences
- American Educational Research Association
- Society for Research in Child Development
- Association of Internet Researchers
- Society for Research on Identity Formation
- Society for Research on Adolescence
Publications and Contributions
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewSocial media use (2024)Encyclopedia of Adolescence,
Blog post(2023)Connected Learning Alliance
Book, Scholarly-New(2023)
Magazine/Trade Publication(2023)The Next Big Idea Club
Blog post(2023)Connected Learning Alliance
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2022)Information and Learning Sciences, 123(7/8), pp. 317-329 Editors: Katharine Davis, Mega Subramaniam
Research Report(2022)Connected Learning Alliance
Conference PaperExploring situated and embodied support for youth’s mental health: Design opportunities for interactive tangible devices (2022)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '22)
Conference Paper(2022)Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Learning@Scale, pp. III-V
Conference PaperConnected learning, collapsed contexts: Examining teens’ sociotechnical ecosystems through the lens of digital badges (2021)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21)
Journal Article, Academic JournalDesigning a connected learning toolkit for public library staff serving youth through the design-based implementation research method (2021)Library & Information Science Research, 43(1), pp. 101074
Magazine/Trade PublicationShould lecturers be trained to deal with shortening attention spans? (2021)The Campus Times Higher Education
Conference PaperThe kids are / not / sort of all right: Technology’s complex role in teen wellbeing during COVID-19 (2021)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21)
Journal Article, Academic JournalUsing the design-based implementation research method to designa connected learning toolkit for youth-serving public library staff (2021)Library & Information Science Research, 43(1)
Conference PaperWhen screen time isn’t screen time: Tensions and needs between tweens and their parents during nature-based exploration (2021)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21)
Journal Article, Academic JournalIntroduction to special issue: Adolescent and emerging adult development in an age of social media (2020)Journal of Adolescent Research, 35(1)
Conference PaperNatureCollections: Can a mobile application trigger children’s interest in nature? (2020)Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU ’20)
Conference PaperOtter this World: Can a Mobile Application Promote Children’s Connectedness to Nature? (2020)Interaction Design and Children (IDC 2020), pp. 444-457
Op-ed(2020)Seattle Times
Conference Paper(2019)Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 227(Unknown Issue), pp. 1-14
Conference PaperA Badge, Not a Barrier: Designing for–and Throughout–Digital Badge Implementation (2019)CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), pp. 14
Conference PaperAdaptive support for collaboration on tabletop computers (2019)Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL '19), 1(Unknown Issue), pp. 176-183
Blog Post(2019)Connected Learning Alliance
Report(2019)Pacific Standard
Conference PaperModeling the Engagement-Disengagement Cycle of Compulsive Phone Use (2019)Proceedings of the 37th annual ACM conference on human factors in computing systems (CHI ’19), 312(Unknown Issue), pp. 1-14
Blog Post(2019)Confessions of an Aca-Fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2019)International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2019)Information and Learning Science, 120(1/2), pp. 87-107
Book, Scholarly-NewWriters in the secret garden: Fanfiction, youth, and new forms of mentoring (2019)
Conference PaperInformal computing mentoring of low-income adolescents: Relationships, roles, qualities, and impact (2018)Proceedings of SIGCSE 2018
Journal Article, Public or Trade JournalLearning and engagement in a gamified course: Investigating the effects of student characteristics (2018)Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 34(5), pp. 492-503
Journal Article, Academic JournalPlaying in the virtual sandbox: Students’ collaborative practices in Minecraft (2018)International Journal of Game-Based Learning, 8(3), pp. 56-76
Journal Article, Academic JournalSongwriting to learn: How high school science fair participants use music to communicate personally relevant scientific concepts (2018)International Journal of Science Education, 8(4), pp. 307-324
Conference PaperTechnology use in rural and urban public libraries: Implications for connected learning in youth programming (2018)
Conference PaperUsing digital badges to promote student agency and identity in science learning (2018)Proceedings of the Connected Learning Summit (CLS '18)
Conference PaperUsing digital badges to promote student agency and identity in science learning (2018)Proceedings of the Connected Learning Summit (CLS’18)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2018)Library Quarterly, 88(4), pp. 315-331
Conference PaperComputing mentorship in a software boomtown: relationships to adolescent interest and beliefs (2017)ACM International Computing Education Research Conference (ICER)
Conference PaperDesigning together?: Group dynamics in participatory digital badge design with teens (2017)Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’17), pp. 322-327
Journal Article, Academic JournalDigital life and youth well-being, social-connectedness, empathy, and narcissism (2017)Pediatrics, 140(S2), pp. S71-S75
Conference PaperGroup Touch: Distinguishing tabletop users in group settings via statistical modeling of touch pairs (2017)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '17)
Journal Article, Academic JournalIdentity and agency in school and afterschool settings: Investigating digital media's supporting role (2017)Digital Culture & Education, 9(1), pp. 31-47
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewIdentity development in the digital age: An Eriksonian perspective (2017)Identity, sexuality, and relationships among emerging adults in the digital age, pp. 1-17
Conference PaperMore than peer production. Fanfiction communities as sites of distributed mentoring. (2017)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’17), pp. 259-272
Journal Article, Academic JournalTweens' perspectives on their parents' media-related attitudes and rules: An exploratory study in the US (2017)Journal of Children and Media, 11(3), pp. 358-366
Conference PaperWhere no one has gone before: A meta-dataset of the world’s largest fanfiction repository (2017)Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’17), pp. 6106-6110
Conference Paper(2016)ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’16), pp. 860-871
White Paper(2016)The Connected Lib Project
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2016)The Information Society, 32(2), pp. 98-116
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewDesigning digital badges for an informal STEM learning environment (2016)Digital badges in education: Trends, issues, and cases, pp. 145-155
White Paper(2016)
Journal Article, Public or Trade Journal(2016)School Library Journal
Conference PaperLearning through participatory design: Designing digital badges for and with teens (2016)Proceedings of the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Interaction Design and Children (IDC ’16), pp. 218-229
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2016)International Journal of Science Education, 38(1), pp. 73-95
Conference Paper(2016)ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW ’16), pp. 691-704
Journal Article, Academic Journal"I was bullied too": Stories of bullying and coping in an online community (2015)Information, Communication and Society, 18(4), pp. 357-375
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewConnecting 'round the clock: Mobile phones and adolescents' experiences of intimacy (2015)Encyclopedia of Mobile Phone Behavior, 2(Unknown Issue), pp. 937-946
Journal Article, Academic JournalDigital badges in afterschool learning: Documenting the perspectives and experiences of students and educators (2015)Computers & Education, 88(Unknown Issue), pp. 72-83
Conference Short PaperDistributed mentoring in online fan fiction communities: Promoting equity, access, and openness in learning (2015)Panel presentation, Digital Media and Learning Conference
Journal Article, Academic JournalIntegration of math jingles into physiology courses (2015)Journal of Mathematics Education, 8(2), pp. 56-73
Conference PaperWriting within community: How mentoring works in online fan fiction (2015)Young Adult Library Services Association Symposium
Conference Workshop PaperYouth perspectives on equity, access and information exchange in educational technology: Implications for research, practice, and policy (2015)Workshop, Digital Media & Learning Conference
Journal Article, Academic JournalA decline in creativity? It depends on the domain (2014)Creativity Research Journal, 26(1)
Op-Ed(2014)The Seattle Times
Book PrefacePreface to the paperback edition of The App Generation (2014)The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Journal Article, Academic JournalThe changing landscape of peer aggression: A literature review on cyberbullying and interventions (2014)Journal of Youth Development, 9(1), pp. 130-142
Magazine/Trade PublicationThe value of getting lost in an app-suffused world (2014)School Administrator, pp. pg. 21-22
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewYouth identities in a digital age: The anchoring role of friends in youth’s approaches to online identity expression (2014)Mediated youth cultures: The internet, belonging, and new cultural configurations, pp. 11-25
Book Introduction(2014)AM:STARs: Social Networking & New Technologies, 25(3), pp. xvii-xxi
Journal Article, Academic Journal"Amino Acid Jazz": Amplifying biochemistry concepts with content-rich music (2013)Journal of Chemical Education, 90(Unknown Issue), pp. 1479-1483
Research Report(2013)Good Work Project Report Series,
Book, Scholarly-New(2013)pp. 256, ISBN/ISSN: 978-0300196214
Journal Article, Academic JournalTweens’ conceptions of privacy online: Implications for educators (2013)Learning, Media and Technology, 38(1), pp. 4-25
Journal Article, Academic JournalYoung people's digital lives: The impact of interpersonal relationships and digital media use on adolescents' sense of identity (2013)Computers in Human Behavior, 29(Unknown Issue), pp. 2281-2293
Book Entry, Almanac or EncyclopediaAdolescent learners' characteristics (2012)Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, pp. 134-136
Book Entry, Almanac or EncyclopediaAdult learners' characteristics (2012)Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning, pp. 136-138
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2012)Journal of Educational Controversy, 6(1)
Journal Article, Academic JournalFriendship 2.0: Adolescents’ experiences of belonging and self-disclosure online (2012)Journal of Adolescence, 35(6), pp. 1527-1536
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewI’ll pay attention when I’m older: Generational differences in trust (2012)Restoring Trust, pp. 47-67
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewMy trust needs to be earned, or I don’t give it: Youth’s mental models of trust (2012)Restoring Trust, pp. 25-45
Journal Article, Academic JournalTensions of identity in a networked era: Young people’s perspectives on the risks and rewards of online self-expression. (2012)New Media & Society, 14(4), pp. 634-651
Journal Article, Academic JournalA life in bits and bytes: A portrait of a college student and her life with digital media. (2011)Teachers College Record, 113(9), pp. 1960-1982
Book Entry, Almanac or EncyclopediaThe theory of multiple intelligences (2011)Cambridge Handbook of Intelligence, pp. 485-503
Journal Article, Academic JournalComing of age online: The developmental underpinnings of girls’ blogs (2010)Journal of Adolescent Research, 25(1), pp. 145-171
Journal Article, Academic JournalFostering cross-generational dialogues about the ethics of online life (2010)Journal of Media Literacy Education, 2(2), pp. 124-150
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewThe pedagogy of GoodWork: Strategies of engagement (2010)GoodWork: Theory and practice, pp. 257-269
Book Entry, Almanac or EncyclopediaTrust: Its conceptualization by scholars, its status with young persons (2010)Political and civic leadership: A reference handbook, volume 2
Journal Article, Academic JournalAdolescent friendships on LiveJournal (2009)Rocky Mountain Communication Review, 6(1), pp. 47-50
Research Report(2009)
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewMorality, ethics and good work: Young people’s respectful and ethical minds (2009)Morality, ethics and gifted minds
Research ReportNew digital media, social institutions and the changing roles of youth (2009)Good Work Project Report Series, 61(Unknown Issue)
Research ReportRethinking girls’ development in a digital era (2009)FIfF-Kommunikation, 26(3), pp. 48-51
Research ReportSocial development in the era of new digital media (2009)Good Work Project Report Series,
Research ReportYoung people, ethics, and the new digital media: A synthesis from the GoodPlay Project. (2009)The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Reports on Digital Media and Learning
Research ReportTrust in the lives of young people: A conceptual framework to explore how youth make trust judgments (2008)Good Work Project Report Series, 52(Unknown Issue)
Journal Article, Academic JournalWhen false representations ring true (and when they don’t) (2008)Social Research, 75(4), pp. 1085-1108
Journal Article, Professional JournalGood work in psychology (2007)The Psychologist, 20(11), pp. 672-676
Research ReportIs trust on the wane? It may depend on where you live (2006)Good Work Project Report Series,
Generative AI and the Future of Learning: Preserving Agency, Promoting Equity
Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Pacific Regional Conference - Seattle, WA
Supporting teens' intentional social media use through an in-the-moment intervention
Digital Media and Developing Minds International Scientific Congress, - Washington, D.C.
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
The Whole U, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
Pennsylvania Family Support Alliance’s Annual PA Child Abuse Prevention Symposium - Virtual
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
MIT Teaching Systems Lab - Cambridge, MA
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
Town Hall Seattle - Seattle, WA
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
Bermuda National Gallery - Hamilton, Bermuda
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL), University of Maryland - College Park, MD
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
University of Michigan Interactive and Social Computing (MISC) speaker series - Ann Arbor, MI
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
Learning & the Brain Conference: The Science of Teaching and Learning - Boston, MA
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
Gutman Library Talks, Harvard Graduate School of Education - Cambridge, MA
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
HCI Institute’s Seminar Series, Carnegie Mellon University - Pittsburgh, PA
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
Parent Education Series, Eton School - Bellevue, WA
Technology’s Child: Digital Media’s Role in the Ages and Stages of Growing Up
Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA
A parent’s guide to screens and kids
Saltus Speaks Parent Speaker Series - Pembroke Parish, Bermuda (virtual)
Connected learning: The essential mindset to serve rural youth in America
Connected Learning Summit - Virtual
Promoting public libraries as centers of youth civic engagement
Connected Learning Summit - Virtual
Taking on Goliath: Can researchers make social media better for teens?
HX Dialogue Speaker Series - University of California, Irvine, California (virtual)
All in the Family: A Conversation about Media Rules, Parental Controls, and Family Media Plans
Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development - Remote Webinar
What kind of screen time is best for your child (and you)?
All in the Family: A Conversation about Media Rules, Parental Controls, and Family Media Plans -- 28th webinar of the Ask the Experts series hosted by Children and Screens - Virtual
Coping through COVID: Understanding Technology’s Role in Teen Resilience and Wellbeing
Oregon Psychiatric Physicians Association Fall Conference - Virtual
Digital badges and soft skill development: Teen self-assessment beyond STEM contexts
Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) - San Francisco, CA
Human development in a digital world
he Future of Education Series: Human Development and Psychology: The Long View. Harvard Graduate School of Education - Cambridge, MA
Large-scale learning environments: Writers in the secret garden
Episode 12, Silver Lining for Learning series - Virtual
Raising Good Gamers Research roundtable
Games for Change Virtual Festival - Virtual
So you’ve earned a badge, now what? Supporting students’ digital badge literacy.
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) - San Francisco, CA
Teen Health
CRA Virtual Conference 2020 - Virtual
What My Little Pony Can Teach Us About Interest-Driven Learning
2020 Learning at Scale Conference - Virtual
Youth agency in a digital age
Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) - San Francisco, CA
Agency and Identity in Networked Environments: Insights from Researching and Designing for Today's Digital Youth
Universität Wien’s #YouthMediaLife Lectures series - Wien, Austria
Designing for youth agency in a digital age
Conference on Digital Youth – Growing Up in a Novel Social Space, Leibnitz University - Hannover, Germany
Insights from studying and designing for today’s digital youth
Leuven School for Mass Communication Research, KU Leuven - Leuven, Belgium
Supporting and transforming learning with networked technologies
Department of Library and Information Science, Humboldt University - Berlin, Germany
The tech effect: Understanding and supporting today’s digital youth
100 Women in Finance (100WF) - Hamilton, Bermuda
Empowering youth co-designers to promote student adoption of a digital badge system
American Educational Research Association (AERA) - New York, NY
Informal computing mentoring of low-income adolescents: Relationships, roles, qualities, and impact
SIGCSE 2018 - Baltimore, MD
The tech effect: Understanding and supporting today's digital youth
Facebook Headquarters - Menlo Park, CA
The Tech Effect: Understanding and Supporting Today's Digital Youth
Entel - Santiago, Chile
The tech effect: Understanding and supporting today's digital youth
University Child Development School - Seattle, WA
The Tech Effect: Understanding and Supporting Today's Digital Youth
“Seminar with Howard Gardner” event - Santiago, Chile
Promoting equity and access in public libraries’ computer-supported youth programming
12th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) - Philadelphia, PA
Co-designing a digital badge system: Supporting learners’ science identities through participatory design.
In P. Bell (Ed.) Researchers and practitioners co-designing for expansive science learning and educational equity. Paper symposium conducted at the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) - Singapore
Connected learning in public libraries: What's it going to take to turn every library into a connected learning library
Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Digital Media and Learning (DML) Conference, University of California - Irvine, CA
Designing digital badges with and for users: A collaborative design approach
In T. Horstman, C. Gamrat & K. Davis (Chairs) (Ed.) Democratizing learning through digital badges: Theoretical and analytical frameworks to advance design and research. Structured poster session conducted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). - Washington, DC
Documenting distributed learning in online fanfiction communities.
In E.C. Weinstein & D. Patton (Ed.) Digital posts as data: Opportunities, puzzles, and methodological considerations of studying youth’s digital communications, 2016 Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) Special Topic Meeting – Technology and Media in Children’s Development - Irvine, CA
From cyber safety to digital citizenship: Changing our conversations with kids
University Child Development School - Seattle, Washington
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Keynote speech at Healthy Youth Partnership Conference - Austin, Texas
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Keynote speech at Washington State Higher Education Building Bridges Technology Conference - Spokane, Washington
Digital youth: The state of affairs (invited panelist)
Digital Media and Learning - Los Angeles, CA
Exploring the role of networked technologies in learners’ developing identities
Cyberlearning 2015, National Science Foundation - Arlington, VA
Seattle Digital Youth Think Tank 2014: Inaugural Reporting Out.
Annual Meeting of the American Library Association - San Francisco, CA
Sexting in the context of growing up online
Facebook Sexting Roundtable - Menlo Park, CA
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Mercer Island Parent Edge Speaker Series - Mercer Island, WA
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
CHI 2015 - Seoul, Korea
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
2015 Heads and Board Chairs Conference, Canadian Accredited Independent Schools (CAIS) - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Atlantic Conference of Independent Schools (ACIS) annual meeting - Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Society for Women Engineers - Seattle, WA
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
STEAM Power 2015, sponsored by the Gates Foundation Visitor Center, Pacific Science Center, and the EMP Museum - Seattle, WA
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Lakeside School - Seattle, WA
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
St. Paul's School - Concord, New Hampshire
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Sungkyunkwan University Distinguished Lecture Series - Seoul, Korea
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
University Prep - Seattle, WA
The App Generation: How today’s youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world.
Seattle Academy of Arts and Sciences - Seattle, WA
Assessing change in adolescents' art-making over time: A methodology
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association - Philadelphia, PA
Connecting learning with digital badges: Exploring the formal and informal learning experiences of youth from non-dominant backgrounds
Presentation given at the Annual Meeting of the Digital Media and Learning Conference, MacArthur Foundation - Boston, MA
Cultivating digital citizenship: Strategies for approaching dilemmas of privacy and identity online
Interactive course conducted at the 7th Annual 21st Century Learning Conference - Hong Kong, China
Cultivating digital citizenship: Strategies for approaching dilemmas of privacy and identity online
Interactive courses conducted at the Future of Learning Institute and the Project Zero Classroom, Harvard Graduate School of Education - Cambridge, MA
Digital Youth - The State of Affairs
Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) 2014 - Seattle, WA
Digital Youth: Towards a new multidisciplinary research network
Workshop conducted at the annual iConference 2014 - Berlin, Germany
Innovating education practice through digitial badges: Recent research, current practices, and future directions
(Chair and Session Organizer), Symposium conducted at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association - Philadelphia, PA
Literacy, expertise, and experience in gaming
Paper symposium conducted at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association - Philadelphia, PA
Sing about science: Leveraging the power of music to improve science education
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association - Philadelphia, PA
Stakeholders' perceptions of the opportunities, challenges, and value of digital badges in education
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association - Philadelphia, PA
The App Generation
Invited plenary talk at the Project Zero Classroom, Harvard Graduate School of Education - Cambridge, MA
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Keynote speaker at the 7th Annual 21st Century Learning Conference - Hong Kong, China
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Guest speaker at Glenbard School District's Parent Series: Navigating Healthy Families - Glen Ellyn, IL
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Invited speaker at Microsoft Research's Visiting Speaker Series - Redmond, WA
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Invited speaker at the Annenberg Public Policy Center?s Speaker Series 2013-2014, University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Keynote speaker at the 2014 Early Learning STEM Institute, Thrive Washington - Seattle, WA
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Featured speaker at TEDSalon Berlin: Bits of Knowledge, TED Salon Berlin - Berlin, Germany
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Invited speaker at Town Hall Seattle - Seattle, WA
The App Generation: How today's youth navigate identity, intimacy, and imagination in a digital world
Featured speaker at the Learning & the Brain Conference - San Francisco, CA
The human brain and social media: How are individuals changing?
Invited speaker at Cattolica de Sacro Cuore University - Milan, Italy
Askwith Forum: The App Generation
Public lecture series, Harvard Graduate School of Education - Cambridge, MA
Badges for lifelong learning
iAffiliates Day, The Information School - Seattle, WA
Bullying: How does it start and how do we stop it?
Issues that Matter public forum, Sno-Isle Libraries - Lake Stevens, WA
Charting a research trajectory from conceptual development to construct measurement
Guest Lecture in INSC 570-Research Design, University of Washington Information School - Seattle, WA
Digital youth workshop: Calling all designers, researchers, and policy makers. Scholarship in action: data, innovation, wisdom
iConference 2013 - Fort Worth, TX
GoodPlay online: Exploring digital ethics and new media literacies
Roots of Empathy Research Symposium, GoodPlay - Toronto, ON, Canada
Identity development in the digital age: Identity work on social networking sites
Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Identity Formation - Saint Paul, MN
Leveraging new media technologies to make learning more engaging
5th Annual DUB Retreat, UW's inter-department Human-Computer Interaction and Design Research Group - Seattle, WA
Overview of the Digital Youth Summit 2014
Presentation to the MLIS Advisory Board, University of Washington Information School - Seattle, WA
Round table I: Research to practice
School Library and Technology Exploratory Workshop, ALA - Seattle, WA
School Library and Technology Exploratory Workshop
American Library Association Midwinter Meeting - Seattle, WA
Studying the 'App Generation': New media's role in youth identity, intimacy, and imagination
Guest Lecture in LIS 566-Young Adult Materials, University of Washington Information School - Seattle, WA
Teen design days: Promoting youth civic engagement through design thinking
McArthur Digital Media & Learning Conference - Chicago, IL
The App Generation
Public lecture series, Cambridge Forum - Cambridge, MA
The App Generation
Lectures & Readings series, 92nd Street Y - New York, NY
The GoodPlay Project: Exploring ethics and new media literacies
Interactive courses conducted at 'Developing Responsible, Caring & Balanced Youth: A GoodWork Conference', Project Zero - Dedham, MA
The GoodPlay Project: Exploring ethics and new media literacies
Interactive courses conducted at the Future of Learning Institute and the Project Zero Classroom, Harvard Graduate School of Education - Cambridge, MA
The identites of today's digital youth: Coherent or fragmented?
Annual Meeting of the Society for Research on Identity Formation - Saint Paul, MN
Theory with practice: Teachers' perspective on and experiences with digital media and media literacy education
Annual Meeting, National Association for Media Literacy Education - Torance, CA
Today's digital youth: Growing up in a hyper-connected, multi-tasking, media-rich world
Upward Bound Summer Program Orientation, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Understanding inequalities in digital media and learning
Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association - San Francisco, CA
Understanding inequalities in digital media and learning
American Educational Research Association - San Francisco, CA
Building community online: Opportunities, challenges, and the role of schools
Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Researching digital youth: Developing and validating survey instruments
Guest lecture in INSC 570, Research Design, Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Researching digital youth: Theoretical foundations
Guest lecture in INSC 570, Research Design, The Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
The GoodPlay Project: Exploring ethics and digital life
Interactive courses conducted at the Future of Learning Institute and the Project Zero Classroom, Harvard Graduate School of Education - Cambridge, MA
The GoodPlay Project: Exploring ethics and digital life
Professional development course, Association of Independent Schools of New England (AISNE) - Milton, MA
The space between generations: What's different about today's digital youth?
TEDx South Lake Union Women, Microsoft Women of Research, UW Women in Informatics, and Women in Bio Seattle Metro - Seattle, WA
Young people's digital lives: The impact of digital media use and interpersonal relationships on adolescents' sense of identity
Society for Research on Adolescence - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Young people's digital lives: The role of new media in youth identity and relationships
Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Young people's digital lives: The role of new media in youth identity and relationships
Information School, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
Young people's digital lives: The role of new media in youth identity and relationships
School of Education and Social Policy, Northwestern University - Evanston, IL