Affiliate Positions
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Department of Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies
- Affiliate Faculty, University of Washington, Department of Communication, Center for Communication, Difference & Equity
- Refugee Education and Technology
- Digital Media and Learning
- Gender Studies
Negin Dahya is Associate Professor at the Institute of Communication, Culture, Information & Technology, University of Toronto. Professor Dahya also teaches graduate classes and supervises graduate students at Faculty of Information. She currently holds the appointment of Special Advisor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Office of the Vice-Principal, University of Toronto Mississauga.
Dahya’s research explores the social and cultural context of digital media and technology use with a focus on girls and women of colour, migrants and refugees, and other non-dominant groups. Her current work focuses on refugees living in refugee camps in sub-Saharan Africa, exploring the socio-technical context of media and technology in learning settings and in everyday life. Dahya also conducts community-based research locally. She works with migrants in Canada to understand memory and culture practices using technology and the broader significance individuals have to media and technology in resettlement and diaspora. Dahya’s past research projects have involved studying VR play programs with incarcerated young people, and, conducting research on digital media production workshops for girls of colour in schools and after-school media programs.
Dahya’s work is situated at the intersection of digital media and cultural studies, socio-technical studies, and learning, with a focus on postcolonial and feminist theories. Methodologically, she primarily adopts interview methods and visual research methods, engaging in qualitative and community-based research practices.
Dahya completed her undergraduate degree in English Literature and Psychology at the University of British Columbia, and her M.Ed. and PhD at York University’s Faculty of Education, with a focus on digital media production, learning, and representation among young people of colour. Dahya’s resume includes 7 years of work at the National Film Board of Toronto in the media education department and 5 years as an Assistant Professor at the University of Washington iSchool before returning to Toronto to work at UofT.
- Ph D, Education, York University, 2014
- M.Ed., York University, 2008
- BA, English Literature/Psychology, University of British Columbia, 2005
- Palmer O. Johnson Award - American Educational Research Association, 2018
Consulting and Other Projects
- Na'ah Illahee Fund, 2016
- GIZ Germany, USAID, World Vision International, & INEE, 2015
Publications and Contributions
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2023)Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Conference PaperLibrarian perspectives on the role of virtual reality in public libraries (2020)83rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T '20)
Journal Article, Academic JournalPerceptions and experiences of Virtual Reality in public libraries (2020)Journal of Documentation
Journal Article, Academic JournalPolitics of Race, Gender, and Visual Representation in Feminist Media Education (2020)Discourse, Special issue on Child and Youth Engagement: Civic Literacies and Digital Ecologies, 41(5), pp. 673–690
Conference PosterVirtual Reality in Washington State Libraries (2018)Connected Learning Summit 2018
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2017)Review of Education, Pedagogy & Culture, 39(4), pp. 367-390
Blog Post(2017)Promising Practices in Refugee Education
Magazine/Trade Publication(2017)TELEVIZION
Conference PaperFeminist Politics of Belonging: Participatory Culture and Youth Digital Video Production (2017)Annual Meeting of 4S (Society for Social Studies of Science)
Blog post (Brookings Institute - Education Plus Development)(2017)
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2017)American Educational Research Journal
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2017)Comparative Education, 53(2), pp. 284-301, ISBN/ISSN: 1360-0486
Journal Article, Academic Journal(2016)Learning, Media & Technology - Special Issue on Voice and Representation in Youth Media Production in Educational Settings: Transnational dialogues
White Paper(2016)
Report(2016)Commissioned report for GIZ Germany, USAID, World Vision International.
Conference PaperHCI, forced migration and refugees: Collaborations across borders and fields (2016)CHI 2016 Development Consortium 2016: HCI Across Borders
Guest Editor for Special Issue of JournalLearning, Media & Technology Special Issue: Voice and Representation in Youth Media Production in Educational Settings: Transnational Dialogues (2016)Learning, Media & Technology Editors: Ines Dussel, Negin Dahya
Conference Paper(En)Gendering Videogame Design: A Feminist Intervention in Pedagogy and Practice (2015)Console-ing Passions: International Conference on Television, Video, Audio, New Media & Feminism
Conference Paper(Re)making digital imaginaries with videogame development: Do-it-Yourself (DIY) disruptions to social inequity (2015)
Journal Article, Academic JournalMis/Representations in School-Based Digital Media Production: An Ethnographic Exploration with Muslim Girls (2015)Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education, 9(2), pp. 108-123
Conference PaperSociotechnical frameworks of digital video production: a postcolonial feminist analysis of visual media (2015)The Gendered Politics of Production
Conference PaperSociotechnical pedagogy: an intervention to inequality with videogame production (2015)Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
Journal Article, Academic JournalTeachers’ Conceptions of Student Engagement in Learning: The case of four urban schools (2015)Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 61(1), pp. 1-20
Conference Workshop PaperYouth perspectives on equity, access and information exchange in educational technology: Implications for research, practice, and policy (2015)Workshop, Digital Media & Learning Conference
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewPower Struggles: Knowledge production in a DIY news club (2014)DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media, pp. 168-178
Online publicationEducation: A Challenge to Terror (2013)The Globe and Mail; The Huffington Post
NewspaperEducation: A Challenge to Terror (2013)The Globe and Mail
Journal Article, Academic JournalExploring the challenges of conducting respectful research: The seen and unforeseen methodological factors within urban school research (2013)Canadian Journal of Education, 36(3), pp. 438-457
Conference PaperPostcolonial Feminist Theory, Digital Media and Learning: Exploring the lives of Muslim girls in one Toronto school. (2013)American Educational Research Association
Conference PaperTransnational Mentoring for Success in Post-Primary Education: A conceptual framework and mapping of practice (2013)Comparative International Education Society
Journal Article, Academic JournalValuing Production Values: A 'Do It Yourself' Media Production Club. (2013)Learning, Media & Technology, 39(2), pp. 215-228
Conference PaperLooking through Student Experiences: Unveiling the School-Community Divide. (2012)Proceedings of the American Educational Researcher Association 2012 Annual Conference Roundtable Discussion
Conference PaperBorderless Higher Education for Refugees. (2012)Canadian Association for Refugees and Forced Migration Studies
Book Entry, Almanac or EncyclopediaLearning at Play (2012)Encyclopedia of the Sciences of Learning
Conference PaperLooking through Students’ Experiences: Using digital media to unveil complexities in the school-community divide for Muslim girls. (2012)Digital Media and Learning Conference
Conference PaperSocial Age and Education: A focus group discussion with WUSC students from Dadaab (2012)Canadian Association for Refugees and Forced Migration Studies
Conference PaperEducation for All: Provision of portable higher education for long-term refugees. (2011)UNHCR Annual Consultation with NGOs
Conference PaperExploring the implications of respectful research: The seen and unforeseen methodological factors within urban school research. (2011)55th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society
Conference PaperFuture Boundaries: Actor Network Theory, posthumanism and transnational diasporas. (2011)Graduate Student Conference of the Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies
Conference PaperPlanning for Production: Scaffolding institutional structures and their impact on youth empowerment. (2011)Digital Media and Learning Conference
Conference PaperDigital Naifs: Researchers’ experiences scaffolding student productions. (2010)ED-MEDIA World Conference on Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications
Conference PaperImplications of (De)colonizing Research Methodologies: The seen and unforeseen methodological factors within urban school research. (2010)Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference
Conference PaperTeachers’ Conceptions of Student Engagement in Learning: The case of four urban schools. (2010)Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference
Conference PaperGameplay Dynamics: Pleasure and skill through repetition. (2009)Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE) Annual Conference
Conference PaperLearning Through Gameplay: An examination of four serious online videogames. (2009)8th Annual Graduate Conference in Education, New Directions: People, Passion and Pedagogy
Journal Article, Academic JournalSerious Learning in Playful Roles: Socio-political games for education. (2009)Loading, 3(4)
Conference PaperRemediating Education for Social Change in Ayiti: The cost of life. (2008)Canadian Game Studies Association Conference
Conference Paper"Darfur is Dying": Have you played the game yet? (2007)Centre for Refugee Studies Student Conference Redefining Borders
Conference PaperSerious games and political representation: Learning, ideology, and gameplay. (2007)Interacting with Immersive Worlds
Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-NewFeminist perspectives and mobile culture(s): power and participation in girls' digital video making communitiesFeminist Interventions in Participatory Media: Pedagogy, Publics, Practice
A Socio-Technical Approach to Refugee Education: Connected Networks and ICTs in Kenyan Refugee Camps
University of Califronia Irvine Seminar Series, Department of Informatics - Irvine, CA
Exploring the Role of ICTs in Refugee Education: Teaching and Learning Networks in Kenyan Refugee Camps
University of Washington Computer Science and Engineering Change Seminar - Seattle, WA
In/text conversation: transnational teacher training in refugee camps and mobile phones
Comparative International Education Society Annual Conference - Mexico City, Mexico
Action for Teachers of Refugees
Carey Institute for Global Good - Web
Feminist perspectives on participatory culture: tools and tales in girls’ digital media production
Child and Youth Engagement, Civic Literacies and Digital Ecologies Symposium, Brock University - St. Catharines, ON, Canada
The Right to Education
Committee on Human Rights of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Symposium on Protecting the Rights of Individuals Fleeing Conflict: The Role of Scientists, Engineers, and Health Professionals - Washington, DC
Context, pedagogy and learning pathways: key concerns in ICT for education in conflict and crisis.
Comparative International Education Society Annual Conference - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Education in Conflict and Crisis – How Can Technology Make a Difference?
Education and forced displacement – How can technology make a difference?; Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE) webinar - online
Mobile Technologies & Community Networks in Refugee Education: Case Studies from Kenyan Refugee Camps
UBC Faculty of Education, Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy Seminar - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Postcolonial Perspectives on YouTube Communities & Girls' Video Production: Changing Landscapes with Mobile Phones
National Women’s Society Association Annual Conference - Montreal, QC, Canada
Social media and social networks in refugee education: tracing digital pathways to higher education
Comparative International Education Society Annual Conference - Vancouver, BC, Canada
Context, Pedagogy and Learning Pathways: ICT for Education in Conflict and Crisis
mEducation Alliance Symposium - Washington, D.C.
Digital youth: The state of affairs (invited panelist)
Digital Media and Learning - Los Angeles, CA
Inequities of Digital Media Production
Equity Connection - The Center for Communication, Difference & Equity, Department of Communications, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Refugee education from the outside: influences and opportunities with/in digital media
Refugee School Impact Grant - School's Out Washington - Seattle, WA
Seattle Digital Youth Think Tank 2014: Inaugural Reporting Out.
Annual Meeting of the American Library Association - San Francisco, CA
Seattle Digital Youth Think Tank 2014: Overview and White Paper Directions
Digital Youth Workshop, iConference 2015 - Newport Beach, CA
Digital Youth - The State of Affairs
Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T) 2014 - Seattle, WA
Inventing Equity: Fostering media production and participation in local and global contexts
Information School, University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Mediating Postcoloniality: Addressing the impact of social structures on the media production of Muslim girls
Digital Media and Learning Conference - Boston, MA
Transnational Mentoring: Exploring online educational support networks for refugees
Comparative International Education Society 2014 - Toronto, ON, Canada
Interrupting Postcoloniality in Education: Exploring Mobile Technology and Media Literacy for Global Equity in Teaching and Learning
Faculty of Education, University of Ontario Institute of Technology - Oshawa, ON, Canada
Postcolonial Feminist Theory, Digital Media and Learning: Exploring the Lives of Muslim Girls Using Technology
Media Education Research Workshop, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto - Toronto, ON, Canada
Procedures and Constraints in Serious and Persuasive Online Games: Examining the existing and future development of serious videogames
Canadian Game Studies Association Invitational Workshop - Vancouver, BC, Canada