“iConference 2023 North America Early Career Colloquium
iConference 2023 - Virtual
Co-designing in VR to support youth’s mental health and well-being
University of Washington, Museology 599 - Seattle
Escape from Misinformation
NEXT Library - Aarhus, Denmark
Gamifying information literacy instruction to combat misinformation
Association of College and Research Libraries - Pittsburgh, USA
Misinformation Escape Room
Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship for K-12 Teachers and Teacher-Librarians Project - Virtual
Misinformation in the Popular Culture Context
University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Online communities' strategies dealing with misinformation
The Institute for Gender and Affect Studies Center Colloquium Series: Gendersphere - Virtual
Understanding the influence of music on people's mental health through Dynamic Music Engagement Model
iConference 2023 - Barcelona, Spain
Videogame Preservation Panel
Society of American Archivists - UW Chapter - Seattle, WA
Break free from misinformation in an escape room
WebJunction - Virtual
Can you escape?: Understanding misinformation in the context of fandom through playing an escape room
BTS: The Third Global Interdisciplinary Conference - Seoul, Korea
Dilemma of Aca-fan
BTS: The Third Global Interdisciplinary Conference - Seoul, Korea
Evaluating a taxonomy for video game development artifacts: taxonomies for new and innovative domains
International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) - Glasgow, Scotland (virtual)
Loki's Loop Escape Room
Seattle, WA (virtual)
Metadata for Visual Media Arts - Manga/Comics, Game, Animation
Dublin Core and Metadata Applications - Virtual
Misinformation and Popular Culture
University of Washington iSchool Research Symposium - Seattle, Washington
Misinformation Escape Room: A Gamified Approach to Misinformation Learning
ARSL 2022 Conference, Association for Rural & Small Libraries - Online
Misinformation escape room: building misinformation literacy through an immersive learning experience
ALA LibLearnX 2022 - Virtual
Misinformation Escape Room: Designing a gamified approach to misinformation education
Connected Learning Summit - Online
Preservation of Game Development Artifacts and Implications in the Post-COVID19 era
Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference 2022 - Kyoto, Japan (Virtual)
VReality Presentation and Q&A
"Escape from Misinformation"
TASCHA Public Library Colloquium - virtual
“I need to just have a couple of White Claws and play Animal Crossing tonight”: Parents coping with video games during the COVID-19 pandemic
ICA 2021 - Virtual
Beyond & Behind [Fandom]
2021 Mushroom Insight Forum - Korea and Virtual
Co-creating concept art & stories for virtual reality: Libraries & museums as assets for juvenile rehabilitation
Connected Learning Summit 2021 - Virtual
Co-design: Principles and best practices
Caring About Teen Mental Health Project Team Workshop - Virtual
Escape from Misinformation? Designing an alternative approach to misinformation learning
Technology & Social Change Group Public Library Colloquium - Online
Mis/disinformation in the ARMY fandom
BTS: A Global Interdisciplinary Online Conference, California State University Northridge - Virtual
Reimagining the Foundations of Location-based Games
KAIST CT Game Colloquium - Virtual
The Preservation of Video Games
Replaying Japan 2021 Conference - Virtual
The Preservation of Video Games
Replaying Japan 2021 Conference - Virtual
"Investigating user perceptions underlying social music behavior using Q methodology"
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR) - Montreal, Canada (virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
How music fans shape commercial music services: a case study of BTS and ARMY
ISMIR - Montreal, Canada (virtual due to COVID-19 pandemic)
Human Versus Machine: Analyzing Video Game User Reviews for Plot and Narrative
2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
Librarian Perspectives on the Role of Virtual Reality in Public Libraries
2020 ASIS&T Virtual Annual Meeting - Virtual
Researching BTS Through Data & Information Science
Rhizome Connect - Virtual
“XR (Augmented, Virtual and Mixer Reality) Programming in Libraries: Integrating Immersive Media into Library Collections
Symposium on the Future of Libraries. American Library Association (ALA) Mid-winter - Seattle, WA
Gaming, gambling, & the new monetization of digital play
DiGRA 2019 - Kyoto, Japan
Location-based AR Research at the University of Washington (Preconference Workshop on The Future of Location-based Gaming Research
DiGRA 2019 - Kyoto, Japan
Organizing and Preserving Game Development Artifacts (Preconference Workshop on Metadata in Game Studies: What It Is, What We Can Do With It, And Why It Matters
DiGRA 2019 - Kyoto, Japan
Conceptualizing Superwork for Organizing Popular Cultural Objects
Research meeting on organization of pop-culture objects and cultural heritage, Tsukuba University - Tsukuba, Japan
Ethics in Designing and Playing Augmented Reality Games
Guest lecture in HCDE 210 "Explorations in Human Centered Design," University of Washington - Seattle, WA
Getting Real with Virtual Reality (Preconference Workshop)
Washington Library Association (WLA) Conference - Yakima, WA
Influences on the Social Practices Surrounding Commercial Music Services: A Model for Rich Interactions
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2018) - Paris, France
Preserving Augmented Reality Games
Video Game Preservation Workshop: Setting the Stage for Multi-Partner Projects, Stanford Libraries - Stanford, CA
Virtual Reality in Washington State Libraries
Connected Learning Summit 2018 - Cambridge, MA
VR in Libraries
Washington Library Association (WLA) Conference - Yakima, WA
Analyzing Anime Users' Online Forum Queries
Joint Conferences on Digital Libraries 2017 - Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Collaborative scientizing in Pokémon GO online communities
Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning - Philadelphia, PA
Metadata for Video Games and Interactive Media
Data-based approaches to local and global video game cultures - Opportunities, Challenges, Future Directions Workshop, Leipzig University Library - Leipzig, Germany
More Than Form and Function: Developing a Design Course for Graduate Library Education
ALISE 2017 - Atlanta, GA
Quests in the Ivory Tower: U. of Washington GAMER Group
Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) West - Seattle, WA
Research on Pokemon GO and Ingress at the University of Washington
Invited talk at Niantic Labs for CEO and founder, and senior management - US
A look at the cloud from both sides now: An analysis of cloud music service usage
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016) - New York, NY
Elucidating user behavior in music services through persona and gender
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016) - New York, NY
Masters of Library and Information Studies orientation
Panel at University of Washington - iSchool - Seattle, WA
Media Format Matters: Users' Perceptions of Physical versus Digital Games
Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIST 2016) - Copenhagen, Denmark
Video Game Metadata Schema
UW-SNU Seminar, Graduate School of Convergence Science & Technology, Seoul National University - Suwon, South Korea
WiMIR: An informetric study on women authors in ISMIR
International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016) - New York, NY
Video game research at the iSchool
Invited panel at University of Washington – Information School - Seattle, WA
A cross-cultural study on the mood of K-POP songs
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - Taipei, Taiwan
MIREX Grand Challenge 2014: User Experience
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - Taipei, Taiwan
Music information behaviors and system preferences of university students in Hong Kong
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - Taipei, Taiwan
Ten Years of MIREX (Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange): Reflections, Challenges and Opportunities
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - Taipei, Taiwan
Pretty as a pixel: Issues and challenges in developing a controlled vocabulary for video game visual styles
ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries - Indianapolis, IN
User-centered approach in creating a metadata schema for video games and interactive media
ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries - Indianapolis, IN
What exactly is an ?action-adventure? game, anyway?: Providing intelligent access to video games
ALA Midwinter 2013 - Seattle, WA
Generating ground truth for music mood classification using Mechanical Turk
ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries - Washington, DC
Music Information Retrieval
UW-KAIST Seminar - Daejeon, Korea
Playing with information: information work in online gaming environments
iConference - Toronto, ON, Canada
What does music mood mean for real users?
iConference - Toronto, ON, Canada
"How similar is too similar?" Exploring users' perceptions of similarity in playlist evaluation
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - Miami, FL
Thinking inside the XBox: Elements of information organization in video games
iConference - Seattle, WA
An analysis of ISMIR proceedings: Patterns of authorship, topic, and citation
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - Kobe, Japan
Analysis of information features in natural language queries for music information retrieval: Use patterns and accuracy
ALISE Annual Conference - Seattle, WA
Evalutron 6000: collecting music relevance judgments
ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries - Vancouver, BC, Canada
How incorrect information delivers correct search results: A pragmatic analysis of queries
ASIS&T - Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology - Milwaukee, WI
Preliminary analyses of information features provided by users for identifying music
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - Vienna, Austria
Factors affecting the response rates of real-life MIR queries
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - Victoria, BC, Canada
Known-item searching: Variations on a concept
ASIS&T - Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology - Austin, TX
Challenges in cross-cultural/multilingual music information seeking
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - London, England, United Kingdom
Survey of music information needs, uses, and seeking behaviours: Preliminary finding
ISMIR - International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference - Barcelona, Spain
Music representation systems
Extreme Markup Languages 2003 - Montreal, QC, Canada
Armed in ARMY: A case study of how BTS fans successfully collaborated to #MatchAMillion for Black Lives Matter
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2021) - Virtual